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Posts posted by thewilfords

  1. Mega Bloks 100-Piece Construction Block Set - $10.00 *


    Also it was not on the ad last year, but they had a case with car charger on sale for the 8" portable dvd player and I got one and would like to get one of each this year too.

    Actually is does say it on the ad this year. Underneath it says "Case Logis portable dvd player bag with charger $10 while supplies last."


    I'm thinking of going and getting 2- one for each of my boys. I'm still debating between that and the dual screen at target. I can't seem to make up my mind....:confused:

  2. OK, new question for you... I swear that there was talk about the Simply Shabby Super Soft Blanket at Target on BF but I don't see it in the ad and I can't find where it was discussed now...

    page 23 of the ad scan. Middle right side. HTH!

  3. I can't wait- this is one of my top spots for BF this year. I'm getting both of my SIL's a softest robe and I saw some $10 bags with had japanese cherry blossom body wash and lotion and a loofah (mid size bottles). I have a coupon I can't wait to use, and I plan to use the gift bag items as small gift additions.
  4. Check with the manager. I checked and mine does price adjust. Corporate says they do but I know occasionally people have trouble on BF/Sat. I like the dual screen, but then now i am debating the $50 ones at walmart. With 2 of those each of the boys can watch their own movie with headphones, no arguing. LOL. But, I do not want to do the walmart rush on Fri. AM.
  5. I've done a ton of my toy shopping already. My plans are for Disney Store, Old Navy, Gymboree, Bath and Body Works, and then I'll swing by Walmart to see what's left. Walmart has a great ad, but the only real thing I was thinking of getting was the pjs and slippers for the kids, and the pjs have bad reviews on one of the boards, so I might not make them a priority.
  6. Ok, here is some more :-)


    WWE Elimination Chamber 30

    Little People School Bus 13

    Little Mommy Twins Set 40

    Circo 70 pc train set 20

    Cars or Speed Racer 6 pack mini vehicles 10

    Littlest Pet Shop Pet Store 25

    Fancy Nancy Doll 35

    Parents Bee Bop Band 19

    Barbie Hot Tub Party Bus 30

    Barbie Shopping Register 25

    Guitar Hero for DS 74

    Apple 2GB Ipos 65

    DS games $25

    Mario Party, Mario Kart, Club Penguin, Sonic Chronicles, My Sims Kingdom, Drawn to Life Spongebob

  7. Just checked the ad that starts this Sunday:


    $4 games

    Cranium Polar Bear ABC

    Chutes and Ladders

    Mickey Mouse Memory

    Candy Land

    Ladybug Game

    Let's go fishing



    $12 games

    Guess Who?

    Madagascar 2

    Hannah Montana DVD

    Guess What I am

    A Cars game

    High School Musical game


    $20 games

    Trivial Pursuit

    TP Family

    Monopoly here and now

    Cranium WOW

    Wits and Wagers

    Uno Flash



    $10 items

    My 1st lego Set

    Pink Brick Box

    Pixos Portable Pack

    Hannah Montana and Camp Rock dolls


    Vsmile software $13

    Eyeclops Night Vision $50

    National Geographic RC tarantula $15


    Tag 4 piece dr. suess set $59

    Easy Bake Oven $17

    Geo Trax High Flyin Airport $35

    Imaginext Jungle Set $35


    Aqua Doodle dora and diego $17

    Martian Matter Alier maker $9



    OK, my fingers are tired. I'll type up more later if you guys want it.

  8. I noticed at my Target they have board games like CandyLand, Memory, Chutes and Ladders, etc piled sky high but they aren't listed in the ad for BF. They are usually on sale for $3.99 on BF so I'm curious if this is going to be an unannounced sale?

    Lots of games are on sale starting this sunday, some are for $4.

  9. I'm not sure about Black Friday. I went today and bought the Home Depot workshop that is on sale tommorrow. I asked about price adjustments and was told yes that I could. I asked about a time period and was told 3 weeks. I wanted to try it, as they only had 4 and it was a good deal, saving $50, so I plan to walk in tommorrow and get my $50 back. I'll let you know how it goes.
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