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Everything posted by sewblessed7

  1. Thank you. I just got the Nuwave 6 qt fryer for $91.99 before tax, plus free shipping with the codes. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fclick.t.kohls.com%2F%3Fqs%3D6f23042e5de8d1352d2740c274dfff8fd90385b9d2df7ff78ec5641caf7ace1e59f5f7b5724d40a45fd75b04f809deb97c5bad157e7fa1d8ef22a8a8bf4d6c09&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cff9ef09534054c8f179d08d53fcf5d8f%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636485082214434959&sdata=zBrtu40lShbPbxZE1zOJc1VWU2aGa2S9A%2B8qT6pkZ8o%3D&reserved=0
  2. THANK YOU!! Was just going to order on Kohl's and decided to check here first. SO GLAD I DID! I got 6 plush blankets for a total of $77! (using Target card too) And here I thought I might have to find them on BF.... pshhh LOL
  3. I wanted to order two of the flashlights. This is what it shows at the bottom: Sales tax $ 0.00 Shipping cost $ 4.99 TOTAL $ 14.97
  4. How do you get free shipping? It's trying to charge me $4.99
  5. It says free shipping, but when I go to check out it won't ship.
  6. Shoot, I missed the play doh. It's back up to 18.75
  7. Play-Doh Diggin' Rigs Tonka Chuck 'N Friends Grinding Gravel Yard Set by Play-Doh 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (3 customer reviews) | Like (0) List Price: $11.99 Price: $5.99 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51DK-4OsmAL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Play-Doh-Diggin-Friends-Grinding-Gravel/dp/B008HCZMCY/ref=pd_sim_t_1
  8. Batman The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters Collector Batman Figure by Mattel 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (26 customer reviews) | Like (46) List Price: $16.99 Price: $7.44 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41vxy9AjBjL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Batman-Knight-Masters-Collector-Figure/dp/B006O6F1NK/ref=pd_sim_t_64
  9. My thoughts exactly. I've never seen such a dull BF ad.
  10. Ppr01 for 20% off http://www.dickies.com/media/images/backgrounds/invalid_code.png
  11. I've never had shipping from over seas take as long as it did with this company (7 weeks for me) and I've ordered from over seas many times. I will not order from this place again though.
  12. I got a shipping notice a couple of days ago on a skirt I ordered that was backordered. Now I'm kinda scared I might not like it if their clothing is crappy LOL
  13. I have no clue about the price matching, but I do know that if I don't check my order at our local McDonald's EVERY TIME, they will screw something up. Every time.
  14. Fisher-Price Handy Manny Flicker the Flashlight List Price: $16.99 Price: $4.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31c-Jccz9wL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Handy-Manny-Flicker-Flashlight/dp/B001W1PSS0/ref=pd_sim_t_2 Is anyone besides me ticked at the way lower price now than it was for a Lightning Deal??? I paid 9.99 for the chainsaw on a deal and now it's 4.99.
  15. Wow, only 244 members? That just seems kinda small to me LOL I just figured there'd be way more. But thanks to all of you who posted all of these great deals I love so much! LOL!
  16. Boo. I called and the 4relves expired on the 7th. She couldn't give me any other code since I was trying to buy a toy (the small Breyer horses). Bummer! Thanks to GottaDeal, I can't in good conscience order anything anymore without a coupon code!!!
  17. I can not seem to get any code to work for me!!
  18. Thank you soooo much!! This is just what I needed! I got mascara, tweezers, foundation, powder, eye pencils, and eye shadow for $13.08! Woo hoo!
  19. Yep, I signed up when I posted that and I also referred my sister (she wanted to make an order too) in order to get the $20 off coupon for referring a friend to order. She never got her coupon and I'm still waiting on my free shipping code. lol
  20. I got the $1 lotions and the code worked fine. Went back to see about getting some other stuff and code wouldn't work again.
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