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Everything posted by susiejwp

  1. ...inour BB I was shoved into a set of shelves y a woman who growled "get otta my way!"...when I told her she had hut me....(my hand was bleeding) she replied "you should know enough not to get in MY way!"....what a lovely time
  2. ...I live in the midwest and there was a fist fight in our WM...it seems a man took umbrage about a woman having a computer and he didn't....thus he got angry and punched her in the face......the cops were called etc....interesting huh!?!!
  3. HEY!...wait a minute! I was the one that started this thread...don't I get FIRST dibs!?!......Beau, you can have seconds! :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl
  4. you know guys, if you think about it, WE are actually signing their paychecks each week so they should show some sort of respect...it never ceases to amaze me that we concentrate so much on "character education" in our schools yet our kids witness BAD character nearly every time they go shopping with us....its enough to make me want to shop all online!
  5. ....don't ya' hate when that happens!?! Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Prospero año y Felicidad I want to wish you a Merry Christmas I want to wish you a Merry Christmas I want to wish you a Merry Christmas From th e bottom of my heart
  6. yep!....but it's going up all the same...I have one project I MUST get done BEFORE I put up the tree so I'd best be off and get it done!
  7. ...are you kidding? Hubby is as surprised as the kids when they open their gifts on Christmas morning!
  8. you guys are the best!!!! Thanks!!
  9. ya don't have to spell it to sing it!
  10. -if you're willing, i think we should double-team them...now, do you want to be Lucy or Ethyl!?!
  11. ...thanks! At this rate I', gonna be a pro at downloading:g_dance: :g_dance: :g_dance:
  12. My favorite is I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and in another post Marcster was good enough to post the folling link: [if you don't already have an MP3 of "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" by Gayla Peevey, you can get it here: http://soe.hyperchat.com/newchat/u/y...e/hippoFAQ.htm (right click and choose "save as" on the MP3 link) It's not her site, per say, it looks like she condones the download... And my favorite Christmas song isn't a "true" Christmas song at all, but that's when it gets airtime. It's "Same Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg.] In the spirit of the holidays I invite all of you to post your free download links here so that we mighta ll enjoy them!
  13. i'D LOVE TO ...anyone have anymore links for free downloads of Christmas songs?....maybe we could post them here when we find them!!?! :gd_not_ri
  14. how about my "hubby going through a serious midl life crisis"...if that isn't a character I don't know what is!
  15. I JUST saw a figure of the "Bumble" at Walgreens today...check your local store in the buy 2 get one free section! :)
  16. ....OMG I can so relate...my youngest HATED the man in the red suit so much that he wonce climbed me like a monkey up a tree right in the middle of this huge mega mall because he saw Santa walking down the mall towards us....he was so heavy I staggered but looking back on it it cracks me up....this chunkly toddle and his "vertically challenged" Mom trying to get it together enough to leave the mall......oh, what we do for our kids! :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol:
  17. YEP....and believe me you don't miss $15-$20 a month all year long and it ocmes in really handy late in December when you want to get that "last minute gift!" try it nextyear...I think you'll be surprised...oh yea, I forget to tell you guys... I also buy fast food gift cards...they are great for people who are "on the road" a lot and are really appreciated....and again 1 $5 card a month is easy and so much fun when someone special opens the assortment on Christmas! :gd_dollar
  18. TARGET'S don't expire and they say Best Buy's don't either so no matter what I'm OK with them.......I ask when I purchase them if there's an experation date and don't buy if there is one!
  19. Marcster........thanks for the heads up about my email.....I forget sometimes about the "spammers"....Lord knows they hit that email addie hard enough as it is! I'm not sure what I use for music software...I'll try to figure it out and then post....thankis again for the heads up I appreciate it! :) I DID IT! IDID IT! IDID IT!....I don't know HOW it did it....but I DID IT!
  20. ....glad you guys iked it....sorry about the previous bad link...sometimes this computer is FAR from helpful when it comes to posting!
  21. hey! I've got an idea ! :idea: ...how about "gotta deal" sponsoring a "shopping spree?!?"....sound good?....maybe we could do it with points instead of merchandise....just and idea!
  22. hey, wantta go shopping with me? I'm 5'0" and under 120 lbs soaking wet....I get NO respect! I could sure use some "muscle" this holiday season....:)
  23. yep, I sure do on my laptop but ther is still alot I don't know what to do on it...and copying music is one of those things! Is it too difficult to try to explain here or would ou rather email me at ] help would (and is) appreciated! :)
  24. OK...now it's my turn...what's "flying J"???????
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