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Everything posted by Bellsandbabies

  1. I love how it can fold up easily and has a carry/storage bag with it! We love having lots of space to play so it will be nice to have something that can be packed up and stored easily! :)
  2. Ours had a ton of pirates ones and 2 priness ones so I picked those up today for my nieces.
  3. They were still $339 at ours. I think markdowns on Housewares is on Thursday so get there early if you want to check! :)
  4. Hit the jackpot today at Target. I went to get one of those $5 easles and found one 10X better for $10. It was mis-placed on the top shelf in sporting goods! Retails for $40!!! http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/602-2241366-8092609?ASIN=B000Q41VLM&AFID=Froogle&LNM=B000Q41VLM|RoseArt_Smart_Easel&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B000Q41VLM&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001 There was one of those Def Leopard guitars for $50 mis-placed and a spiderman ride-on also misplaced. Left them there....
  5. Does anyone know if the sportswear went 75%? When I was there Sunday it was still at 30%. I am in desperate need of some warm tennis clothes. TIA!
  6. We are pretty far behind so it has not caught on here. I was surprised when I did see them at Wal-greens. My only issue is that I shop with a toddler and my diaper bag is always filled to the brim so do I just fill the bag as I shop and give them the filled bag? Also, how many bags would I need for a typical grocery trip? Our family has always been pretty concious about the environment and do our best to eat organics and conserve energy but where we are from, most people dont know what organic is! You would not believe how many grossed out looks I get when we say we eat organics. They have no clue what they are missing out on! I have even noticed that the produce and milk stay good far longer than the regular stuff and tastes better! Anyway, sorry for the rant!!!
  7. Actually, there was one King size in stock yesterday and that is why I posted it. So it was not out of stock until today. Thanks
  8. Thanks!!!! I love it! It seems like he will never wean himself. Looks like I am in it for the long haul. I completely forgot to check Ebay. I am going there now!
  9. I love that idea! I saw that Walgreens had some over the holidays for $0.99.
  10. I am in desperate need of some nursing bras. Unfortunately, I wear through mine pretty quickly. Motherhood is the only place that I can get a good nursing bra so I end up paying full price every time! I have been nursing for almost 2 years now!!! So any coupon or code will help! TIA! Keri
  11. Is that the number on the orange tag? If so it is 204 09 0228 - Got mine yesterday 75% off
  12. I feel the same way! I have a "Gift closet" that is dedicated only to gifts and I usually have it 25% full of actual gifts. Well, last night, I had to figure out ways to place things to get more in like a big closet puzzle! It is packed FULL and still more left over that may end up in the attic! I have never been this stocked this early! And it feels great to know that I saved a TON of money! My husband does not understand. He is like "I can't believe you spent $100 at Target on gifts for next Christmas!". He will understand when Brithdays and Christmas rolls around and we dont have to spend any more money! Thanks GottaDeal.com!!!!!
  13. Please, if someone can get the Fisher Price Easy Link system at 75% please message me! Thanks!!!
  14. I saw one yesterday and scanned the code in and it was still 30%. I would LOVE one of those too for my son. We have nothing in our back yard!!!
  15. Oh wow, I checked on Sunday and they were still $139 at our Target. I hope they went down!!! I am going back today!
  16. Dockers Bed Set for King $26.99 reg $269.99 - Found this online: http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/clearance/homestore1/bedroom/PRD~c5216/Dockers+Mackenzie+Bedding+Coordinates.jsp
  17. Well, just got back from my trip and have a car load! I got soooo lucky and found a Little Tykes Tool Bench that had not been marked down. Did a quick scan and guess what? $25!!! It was originally $100! I also got a couple Ticke Me Elmo TMX dolls for $8, some really neat National Geographic toys for $7, a rockin F150 for $7, a twister dance DVD game for $7, Americal Idol game for $12 orginally $50!! I also got a bunch of other great things including some Bratz, Thomas The Train and some Target Brand toys for $2 and up to $7!!! On a side note, I went to Hobby Lobby too and shopped the 90% off isle and found lots of great Christmas crafts and scrapbooking stuff! Boy, what a busy day!!! :)
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