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Everything posted by shoppinnut

  1. I have this purse and absolutely love it! It has so much room, and so many pockets that it's easy to find things! Highly recommend
  2. Best Buy and Toys R' Us because it's totally insane there, and Kmart because they NEVER have advertised items in stock
  3. LOL....that's so true!! I usually always head to Walmart first, but this year I really don't think I will. Not sure where I'll head first
  4. I was thinking the same thing, but looks like it's not good on coats
  5. The Free Ship USHIP50 worked for me. You have to have at least $50 after all discount codes are applied for it to work.
  6. On Wednesday of last week, our Walmart had all Easter for 1.00 in the morning, and by noon, it was ALL .50 !! Even Reese Peanut Butter Eggs!! I got a Nordic Ware pan that looks like a giant cupcake (2 separate *holes*) for .50/normally 18.00!
  7. I have this purse and absolutely love it! It is so roomy and I don't feel like I'm carrying a duffel bag...lol I like the outside pockets for my cell phone, keys, etc.
  8. It's showing 67.49 for me. Maybe it's different by zip code/area??
  9. No, sorry. I had Kohl's cash after Christmas and was hoping to use it online, but then realized you couldn't. Bummer
  10. I got my order last week, and it was perfect. I was a little nervous after reading all of the horror stories on here about some of your bad experiences, but I lucked out, thank goodness! I would definately order from crocs.com again based on this experience.
  11. WEDNESDAY DEAL! Men's Levi's® SilverTab® Slim-Fit Jeans only 9.99 @ JC Penney. http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?DeptID=62371&CatID=62954&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=17a4dbe&attrtype=&attrvalue=&CMID=EXTERNAL%7cgetjcpheaderc&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=2&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=62371|62954 http://zoom.jcpenney.com/is/image/0900631b8162d0baM.TIF? Free Shipping with a $49.00 purchase with code: 4YOURLUV
  12. Yeah, I don't think $50 is a huge deal either. I've seen them do better. I do like the Raspberry Fizz pattern though, it's one of my favorites :)
  13. I used to never be a fan, but they are growing on me. I have 2 Vera's now and most recently, the Raspberry Fizz and I love it! . Can't wait for the outlet sale this year!!
  14. I used to never be a fan, but they are growing on me. I have 2 Vera's now and I most recently, the Raspberry Fizz and I love it! . Can't wait for the outlet sale this year!!
  15. Just got a pair of Athens for myself and a pair of Georgies for DD for 13.49 shipped! Awesome deal, thanks!!
  16. I just tried this code, and it does work! Thanks!!
  17. Thanks for the tips. I didn't even check to see what the actual shipping charges were. I'm just spoled by free shipping everywhere....lol. Headed to the mall today, so I'll check out the stand there. Thx!
  18. Thank you so much for posting this!! Our weather station hasn't worked forever, so I'm in need of a new one. This is a terrific deal!!
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