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Everything posted by dgmommie

  1. I signed up with the free trial of Amazon Prime in December. I set my account to NOT auto-renew or whatever it was called. My free trial is up in 2 days. Do I need to do anything to cancel it, or will it cancel automatically for me because I didn't select auto-renew? Thanks!
  2. Favorites here: DD (6) loves her Barbie My House sets and the two Imagine DS games (Fashion Designer and Ballet Star). DS (12) loves his stuffed pillow that he got - it's an animal that spreads out to be a really soft pillow, as well as the iTouch that he bought with Christmas money combined with money he'd been saving. DS (14) loves his iTouch that he wanted desperately but knew he wasn't getting, until I brought it out of hiding at the very last moment.
  3. Raffia. I love to use that instead of ribbon on presents.
  4. Thanks! I got the shoes my daughter has been wanting for months for only $15 with free shipping.
  5. Anyone can go to the warehouse sales. They are not allowed to advertise them, but anyone who knows about them can get in. Ours is going on right now. They keep having Clifford go out to the street to hopefully get drive-by traffic to stop and come in.
  6. No accessories needed - it comes with everything you need to make it work, except for maybe batteries (can't remember).
  7. BTW, much thanks to the OP on the heads-up on this. I was able to get one for my coworker who has been looking all over locally and me all over the internet for one for a couple of weeks. THANKS!
  8. Still in stock after 15 minutes - what's going on? LOL
  9. Posting the link for quick clicking :) http://amazon.com/fit
  10. May I ask? If you don't do the gifts, then why put out food and drink? Why leave food and drink for Santa to come yet leave no presents? Really curious...
  11. Wow, great deal! My dd (age 6) asked Santa for the Imagine Fashion Designer and was going to go back and ask for the Imagine Ballet Star as well. I was actually headed out today to finish up shopping and was planning to buy both. Thanks for saving me $30 plus tax!
  12. I just did a search on google, and while it didn't come up with anything current, it did come up with some stuff from March that Rock Band and Guitar Hero makers were being sued by a company named Gibson. Maybe something from the lawsuit came through? http://news.cnet.com/newsblog/?keyword=%22Guitar+Hero%22 http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/21/gibson-fires-guitar-hero-lawsuit-at-wal-mart-other-retailers/2
  13. I agree. I ordered on Tuesday late evening. It should not have taken until Friday afternoon to figure out they didn't have enough in stock.
  14. I called customer service regarding my order about 11am to see if I could change my shipping address because of the delay - not an option, I was told, because it was already into the production stage. Two hours later I got an email that the order was canceled. Very frustrating! On the bright side for me at least, I purchased for a friend who was trying to get one for her sister and is leaving town on the 19th, so this would have come after she left, so she would would have had to give her sister an IOU and mail it to her later. So better to be canceled now, I guess. Now I can keep my eyes open for her somewhere else.
  15. I got an email saying that my order was delayed and would ship on the 17th, maybe sooner. But the email did say that all laptops would be upgraded to 2 day shipping for free, just not other orders. So you should still get your laptop before Christmas. Unfortunately, my order won't be here on time because it was for someone who is leaving town on the 19th - it was a gift she was going to give her sister, and I ordered for her since I saw it online before she did.
  16. Thanks! I was looking for a shipping section like most sites have, and didn't even think to look in the facts section. Guess I'll pass on this deal since that shipping charge would put the one pair of shoes back up to the price in stores. Thanks anyway to the OP!
  17. I looked and couldn't find the answer. Does anyone know how much shipping is? I wanted to just get one pair for $15, so it wouldn't be free, but I couldn't find the rates anywhere. Thanks!
  18. Great unique gift for teens. I bought two. Thanks!
  19. I'm in Oklahoma. The price for the tv was $624, not the $598 advertised for online. We went in at 3:30pm, and they still had tvs left. We didn't check for anything else.
  20. I added to my cart. The first one was $25 something. The second one was $9.99. Then all the rest were $25 something. Did the price change or am I doing something wrong? I'd of course like to get the $9.99 price on each one (wanting to get 2 of them).
  21. There are some for $1 and some for $2, even $3. Most books are just half off the list price. With Scholastic, that's a bargain, since they never put things on sale. Most titles are current too.
  22. They may say that, but at the one here in Tulsa, they never check credentials. Anyone can go.
  23. Anyone can go. I worked at the last one here in my town. My son worked also - dressed up as Clifford and went to the street outside to wave to people to come on in. They don't care who you are.
  24. I wrote corporate ON once awhile back about how messy the store near me was - everything on the floors, not the shelves, workers just standing around doing nothing. I told them that they really needed to check into the environment in that particular store because I would not be going back there, that I would have to go to another one in our town because that particular store really stressed me trying to find anything, and that I walked out without purchasing because I couldn't find anything. The corporate office sent me an email apologizing and told me they would be sending me a giftcard in the mail for my inconvenience. They sent me $10, and the next time I went back to the store (a couple months later), the store was clean again. IMO, corporate listens.
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