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Everything posted by dgmommie

  1. Amazon has the Silhouette Cameo starter kit bundle for for $194.99 right now. I'm pretty sure this was this their Black Friday price as well. VERY good price for this machine, and when you through in the extras included in the bundle, you are getting an amazing deal! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007R83VKE/ http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71ZDKs5vcFL._SL1500_.jpg
  2. SAVER code only works on orders over $20. Links lead to different characters than they are titled, but all the same characters mentioned. Woody is not online, and looks like Mike isn't either now. I was still able to order a couple others that my child would love though, and even added in a power disc pack. Thanks!
  3. Check the sizing on the website. I followed by the number size. Normally I would have to order a 2X to get the 18-20 size, but their website says 1XL for that size. So I got the 1XL size and it fits perfect. I typically wear a size 18-20.
  4. They are always 40% off in one type of sale or another. I wish they'd just go ahead and lower their prices to that 40% off price. But I do love the extra 20% off!
  5. You have to spend $30 to get the brush set for $3.50.
  6. I think referenced store was the one in Tulsa. That's the only one I've seen online in the news. [video=youtube;mnu6yZKo7u8]http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnu6yZKo7u8 And this is the news story on it: http://www.newson6.com/category/121535/video-page?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=7994271
  7. Lucky you! We were told while waiting in line that night that it was a 720p.
  8. Back to regular price now. However... they are on the BF sale at Target stores - buy one get one free for $3, so two pair for $3.
  9. The Walmart ad online for Broken Arrow, OK where I live shows the 32" tv for $148, but the print ad in today's paper has it listed for over $200.
  10. I just read in another thread on here that a store associate saw what the tv is, and it is a Panasonic Plasma. No other specs given.
  11. I don't like this year's commercials at all. And the one with the two singing the texts that the teenagers are sending is awful!
  12. I have 3 kids - 9, 15, and 17. We have a Wii (old) and 17 yr old bought a PS3 for himself with his own money. All three have XBox on their wishlists for Christmas.
  13. http://www.zazzle.com/bullet_hole_ipad_case_speckcase-176248372074696472
  14. What that means to me is that it's the last year they will have this series that begins with a first year. Meaning... next year they will start first year with a new series. But you should be able to still get 4th and 5th year next year and the year after with the correct years on them. If you get them all now, they will all say 2011 on them, and that isn't what is supposed to happen. Your 3rd year will say 2011, the 2nd should say 2010, and first 2009. Check with Hallmark to make sure you were told the right thing by the sales associate.
  15. A DVD that I ordered on BF was backordered, and it finally was delivered today.
  16. My store pointed out on the coupon where it says "additional exclusions may apply" and then pointed to the sign in the store behind the register that said what the additional exclusions included - ornaments were specifically stated there.
  17. I was looking at an ipad. I thought I used it once a few years back for an ipod. Maybe the rules changed... Thanks!
  18. How do you get the teacher discount online at the Apple Store? I've gone to the right web page, selected the school, and clicked through on the link, but it gives me the regular price. Any idea how to get the discount to show? http://store.apple.com/us-k12/findyourschool
  19. Got the WebKinz yesterday. Not a Staples box though... Fresh Express box. So glad I ordered them - there are some cute ones in there!
  20. Here's a set from Sears that looks like a good deal. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_01498538000P?prdNo=12 http://s.shld.net/is/image/Sears/spin_prod_571621801?hei=600&wid=600&op_sharpen=1&qlt=90,0&resMode=sharp&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0 On Black Friday, I saw lavender luggage that would fit your needs, and it was priced well - on sale but not a doorbuster. You might check the retail store.
  21. I just bought one at Best Buy tonight - Dynex brand for $59.99. They also have a Toshiba for $79.99. Both on sale this week.
  22. Down to 17.99 now with free shipping to the store.
  23. Thanks! That sounds like something he might already have. I'll have to look and see.
  24. Thanks, Kibit13! I'll go check that out now.
  25. This coupon can't be used for ornaments (I tried yesterday). It can be used for other things in the store though, including cards.
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