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Posts posted by pinkroses4mommy

  1. How about the things you normally have to go out and buy yourself when you have a baby, like Mylicon drops & Infant Tylenol.


    I also have appreciated when people gave me bigger sizes in clothes (like 6-9 months or 12-18 months for the next year). It's nice to have some new outfits when your baby quickly outgrows the 100 newborn outfits that you have!


    And I have to agree with diapers, but larger sizes are good for those too. (My last baby was 8lbs. 14 oz, so we skipped over the newborn diapers and 0-3 months clothes!)

  2. I have been to their sales. They actually had a store in Athens, Ga for years. They sold some name brands (Buster Brown, B.T. Kids, Disney) and then they had some brands that were kind of cheesy too. I bought most all of my kids clothes there (I stuck with the brands that I knew were good.), but then they closed the store and now only have the sales like twice a year at the various locations. I plan to go to the one in Gainesville, GA this March because I have a baby due in April, and they have great prices on baby clothes. All my kids holiday outfits came from there, and I only paid 10 to 15 dollars for 30 to 40 dollar outfits. If they come to your area, I would definately recommend going.
  3. I buy these all the time, mostly for local restaurants. We did go on a trip to Asheville NC one time, and I bought about 5 different ones in that area. They were all great restaurants, and most were classier than we would normally eat at! We bought one for a restaurant at Myrtle Beach and didn't like the looks of it from the outside, so we just didn't use it. I had got it at 60% off, so it wasn't much of a waste.
  4. Great deal! I had bought the Pollyworld theme park because my daughter really wanted it, but after reading the reviews, I was regretting it. So I showed her the cruise ship, and she said that she would rather have it, so I ordered it and the theme park is going back. I like this one because everything appears to close up inside the ship for easy storage. Thanks!!
  5. Well, I just got an email that the order from today was ready to be picked up, so I called my local store to check, and it is there. They must not have a very good system for their orders. You would think that as long as sears has been around, they could do better!


    After asking to speak with a supervisor, they did give me Sunday's price on the shoes, but only 4 of the 6 pairs were in stock. I had to pay the regular price, and then they are supposed to credit the difference back to my credit card. So I did get some good out of the 30 minutes on the phone!!

  6. Just to let you guys know, just because your order goes thru, it doesn't mean that you will get the item. And you may not get an email telling you that it's been cancelled either. I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with Sears finding out why my shoe order from Sunday didn't go thru, and then I had her check the one that I placed this morning for the socket wrench set for $19.99, and she said that even though it said that they were in stock, they are not, and I will not be getting it. I have not received the first email from them cancelling either order. Very frustrating. . . . .
  7. My daughter wants moon sand for Christmas, and I've bought her the castle kit, but I can't find the tubs of different colors anywhere. Everyone is out online, and the stores are out too. I can buy it on ebay, but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price.
  8. I gave my sister and my 17 year old niece one of the buy any item, get an item up to $12.50 for free coupons. I had already used 2 of them and had no problem. My sister used hers, and had no problem. When my niece checked out, the manager came out and was very ugly to her and told her that she would take it this one time, but then no more of these would be taken in HER store because they didn't have a code on them.


    My sister got ticked and called the customer service number on the coupon, and asked them if the coupon was legitimate and told them what happened. They told her that the coupon was legit and that they would be calling that manager on Monday to tell her that she would be taking those coupons! So, if anyone has any trouble using them, call the 1-800 number on the coupon.

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