I am not sure that you understand something here...your assumption is that all people who stand in line to buy tickets or things to resell on Black Friday are trying to make a buck in every situation in their lives. My husband and I have jobs...they don't pay a lot but they are enough to get by from month to month, more than some people have. People who are already making lots of money don't waste their time standing in line for hours to make a few hundred dollars. If you talk to those in the reseller community you will find that most of us need this money just as much as some people need these material things that they are buying for their friends and family members. I don't feel that I need the things I get at Best Buy on Black Friday, but I do feel that I need the money that I make on Black Friday to buy nominal Christmas gifts for my friends and family. I cannot imagine buying something as expensive as a laptop (even a $229 laptop) for my kids for Christmas. I don't have that kind of money to spend on anyone on my list. Maybe the greed is really in the kids who expect this from their parents - and who teaches them this? Their parents - who are standing behind me in line on Black Friday. As resellers and people who buy tickets to make a buck because we feel we need it, we see these people as greedy.