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Everything posted by stacyk9

  1. Totally making these for the office!!! Stacy
  2. It was a Crest White Strips commercial and the jingle was "I'll Be Home For Christmas". The tagline was something like, "this holiday season..." and I didn't catch the rest because I'm just listening to TV on the radio. I have found in the past that the holiday commercials start right around Halloween and it seems this year is going to be no exception. I get excited when I see the first one because I feel like the rest of the world is now acknowledging that the holidays are almost here!!! Has anyone else seen one yet?
  3. $100 for a pre-lit tree would be an unbelievable find. The cheapest I've found so far is $189 at Hobby Lobby. Otherwise, you're probably looking upwards of $200-$400. I've even seen some for $1,000!!! My Mom is looking for a pre-lit tree this year as the lights on the one she had before have burned out and she has tried and tried to fix them. They just won't work, so I've been trying to do some comparison shopping for her.
  4. So with this in mind, do I need to be there right when the doors open to get the w/d deal? Will they only ship out so many to each store? Enquiring minds want to know!!!
  5. I'm trying a new recipe this year, super simple!!! Store-bought or homemade sugar cookie dough Take a good-sized amount of dough and shape it into a pretzel Dip one side in melted chocolate (any kind) Put sprinkles on top I hope the cookies turn out as good as the picture looks!!!
  6. I stopped in at Walgreens yesterday and they had stacks of items that were actually touching the ceiling!!! They had stuff from toys to candy to holiday decorations. They are definitely stocked.
  7. Saw this article, so I checked it out on their site. Looks like there could be some good deals. http://couponing.about.com/b/2008/10/28/biglots-now-offering-impossibly-cheap-daily-deals-online.htm
  8. I would have to tell the cashier. I would probably get an ulcer because it would be all I thought about every time I used it!!
  9. I ran into my Walgreens today for a watch battery and their shelves were full! They literally had items stacked up so high they were touching the ceiling!!! Not sure that's really safe, but they are definitely ready!
  10. Never heard of Scrapple until I saw it on this thread yesterday and then last night I was watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on Food Network, and wouldn't you know it, they featured SCRAPPLE!!!!! A man who was originally from Pennsylvania moved to New Mexico and couldn't find Scrapple, so he started making it in his restaurant. What a coincidence!!!!
  11. I'm new to the whole BF thing. Last year was my first year. Does Sears typically offer these same items online? I'm looking at the w/d combo. I'm more than willing to stand in line for these because we definitely need them. Just wondering!!
  12. I'll have to keep checking on this one. The card game is not available at my BB!
  13. I go through DS's stuff before every birthday and every Christmas and get rid of anything he hasn't played with in a while or has grown out of. I have done the following: * Given to friends/family who have kids younger than mine * Garage Sale * Donated to Goodwill * Taken good items to my son's daycare * If it's just not salvagable, threw it away
  14. I added a couple items from the Sears ad to my list, but the w/d is definitely what I'm looking at. Looks like Sears may be my first stop this year!
  15. Since our DS is only 3, we've only recorded two other Christmases, but I have a Recordable DVD player on my wish list, so I plan on sitting down with all my videos, not just those from Christmas, and record away, so I'll probably watch them then.
  16. Growing up, my mom would make fruit bread in her bread machine for our family's Christmas Eve party, and I would always warm it up in the morning and put some butter on it. Mmmmm. That was so good!!! Unfortunately, with PCOS, I am on a low-carb diet, so this year I'll be making a Denver Omelet Casserole recipe I found in a magazine. I'll try to prepare what I can on Christmas Eve so I can just throw it in the oven Christmas morning.
  17. We only have one child, so at our house it's pretty easy. We just let him go at his presents and his stocking is usually last. He just turned 3, so this will be his first Christmas where he really understands what's going on. Before now, he just got presents and didn't really know why, so I'm really excited for this year! DH and I take turns opening presents from each other. I set up the video camera and get the digital camera ready the night before so I don't miss a minute. This year I'm going to try to get a Denver Omelet Casserole into the oven before DS gets up so breakfast will be ready once the presents have been opened. Here's to hoping!!! At my sil's house, it's usually 5 kids (3 are teenagers and young adults) and 5 adults, but we still do the free-for-all. At my parent's house, it becomes a little crazy. There are 3 kids (all under 8) and 7 adults. My mom goes absolutely overboard on everyone!! I would say that each kid gets at least 20-25 presents and she gets the adults about 10-15 gifts each. We usually let the kids open theirs first and then pile them so they don't get mixed up and pick up the paper as we go along. Once the kids have settled into their gifts, the adults open theirs.
  18. BF is part of our extended holiday. I work for a University and they put on a Thanksgiving lunch for us on Wednesday and they close down after that and we're off until Monday!!
  19. First, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for your loss. I've never lost anyone around the holidays, but I have lost two daughters to a muscular disease and every Christmas we make sure to place a little Christmas tree at their grave sites, we make a donation in their names of Christmas presents to St. Jude's which is done through a partnering program with Target, they each have a white stocking at our house and I buy them an ornament or something I see each year that I can add to our decorations that reminds us that even though they are not physically with us, they are with us in spirit. What I'm trying to say is, even though she is gone, it doesn't mean her spirit/memory can't be part of the holidays. Did she have a favorite charity? Was she active in a church? Maybe you could make it a tradition to make a donation in her name to one of these things. Maybe you could light a candle for her on Christmas Eve or whenever your family get-together is. You could decorate this candle or pick one out that is in her favorite color and use it every year. Anything that will help you feel closer to her. I know it is an old cliche to say that in time things will get better, and they do, but the pain never goes away all together. It's been 7 and 5 years since our daughters have passed away, and I still find myself shedding a tear every so often, especially on their birthdays and around the holidays. I can look back and see how depressed I was just a few years ago and how different I feel today. It just takes time and everyone's time is different. I hope I have at least helped a little bit! Stacy
  20. I'm sure this is a question that's been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer. If something is advertised on clearance, is it in it's usual aisle? The other day I found several digital photo frame in electronics, but the ones on clearance were in the picture frame aisle. I've got my eye on that Memorex mp3 player and I'm going to Target over my lunch break to see if our store has the same great deal and I'm wondering if they'll be with the other mp3's. Just curious!! Stacy
  21. Do you think there will be any great deals on Wii's this year or are they still too new to warrant a huge drop in price?
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