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Everything posted by wildshan24

  1. I bought my daughter one last year on blk Friday from dell online . Check there flyer they have special deals at different times on select items . I think I paid $230 for it and it retailed for $550 I believe ! Good luck
  2. Can you buy products online at same price at the time of there deal ?
  3. NO !!! The ticket items are the tv's , blue ray dvd players and cameras !!!! You can stand right next to the blitz items and grab them at 5 am ...
  4. You should go to target tommorrow and by the Westinghouse 32 inch for 429.99 and go back on friday and have it price adjusted to $246.00. This way you get the tv and don't have to worry about standing in line all night to get a ticket and maybe end up not getting one at all !!!!
  5. Went to target on sunday and got the 32 inch tv and everything else on my list except for the pj's and thats because they weren't out. I picked up toys , blankets , graphic t's , housewares , dvds and electronics . Now friday i will go back in and get my price adjustment. Love it because it practically eliminates target from my day which is great when you do the shopping I do on BF !!!! Enjoy everyone and be safe.........
  6. Same here , never had a problem ! Just make sure it's within 7 days to BF.
  7. I also had email in hand and didn't need to use it . I had spent over $400 in target on sunday and they didn't say anything when i went in on friday for my price adjustments. I will be doing this next year too....
  8. They should have around 15 !
  9. I went to target today and got everything i wanted on black friday. when i paid I asked if they would do a price adjustment on the weekend and they tried to tell me that they don't it on black friday. Even after I stated that I had a email for corporate ! They also said that they find out about everything last ...but i plan on fighting tooth and nail on friday to get the price adjestment. I'm taking the email and unless they show me a email from corporate saying they are not doing it for black friday , I will get it.........hopefully I plan on only going to target to price adjust. If i get it , it will totally wipe out having to spend 2 hours in that store, because like i said i got everything on my list. Ipod dock , guitar hero bundle , jewerly case , dual dvd players and more !!!
  10. I got the same phones today at big lots for 30.00. There sale is until wednesday !!
  11. If you want that 50 inch TV , you should plan on being there at midnight. People will go there and start a line for the tv's and they usually only have 10 or less so the first 10 people are going to get them. I know at my walmart they will start a line by the site to store pick up center and had them out to the people in the line or give them tickets.....I have never went after a tv on bf and i don't think i would want to...also keep a eye out for the ratio of the tv. Alot of companys make them special for bf and you might think your getting a steal but in reality you can get a much better tv and buy if you do your homework. Right now you can get a 32 inch plasma for $440.00 and the ratio is 30,000 :1 but the one on bf might have a ratio of 700:1 which is a world of difference ..I think the 50 inch grabs people and they go with it but there are reports that say to stay away from tv's on bf....Just giving you a little info and heads up .. if you do go after the big one get there very early , I wouldn't want you to get your hopes up and then miss out.
  12. We get to our local walmart at 4 am , everything is on pallets and at 5 they let everyone rip into them . Some of the other stuff is out and you can put it in your cart. Our walmart gives us maps that show where in the store certain stuff will be so you know where to be right at 5 am to get the things you most want. It's good to go with at least 5 people so you can all split up and get each others stuff. Also keep in mind the stuff you might want might not be in the area you think it will be. Last year they had power wheel jeeps in the produce section and some toys in automotive. They had the dvd's in the refrigerator section , so it's good to get there early and scope out the store. Also put your thick skin on that day because people get nasty !!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR BF !
  13. The jeep from the ad will be in the stores on friday !! Last year I got my son a power wheels deigo jeep (2 seater) for $79.00. It was in the produce section on a pallet.
  14. Just researched the walmart camera and i can't find it but I did find one just like it that you can buy online at walmart.com for 134.00 right now. That one also has face detection which is awesome. So I have to say that the bf camera is probley a steal at 69.00. Just keep in mind the card and case are 10$ extra, it doesn't come with the camera so you'll have to search for that as well !!
  15. I'm also after a digital camera but Kmart also has a samsung BL1050 with a memory card and a case for 99.99 . The only difference is this one is a 10 mega with a 5.2 x zoom. I just looked this up and it retails for 169.99 - 199.00 . You can also buy it now on ebay NEW for 90.00 with the case and card. So if i was to buy this ebay would definitly be the way to go . Because of that I might stick with the one from walmart but I like a good zoom on my camera so I am torn at the moment !
  16. Does target price adjust ? I'm after the dual dvd players and the ipod dock.. So can i buy them this week and on black friday take them with me and they will adjust the price to the bf price ?
  17. I'm looking for info on the big lots and childrens place bf ad if anyone knows anything ...i've read some things about the childrens place but nothing on big lots
  18. I'm in the pocono's pa and our walmart always leaves us inside and they even give us maps of the store that shows where the door busters item are. This way we know right where to go or to be at 5am. We go with a team of 5 and all split up with everyone's list . We have never had a problem getting anything we wanted .
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