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Everything posted by jcarr492

  1. LOL..I know..but MOMMY COULD!!!!! LOLOLOL...I'm still within the weight limit!!!
  2. it says ages 14 & up...so like...this wouldn't be something my 9 yr old dd could ride on? She knows how to ride a bike with no training wheels, but I dont' want to order it if its not for her. It says no one over 165lbs on it!! Woohoo! means mommy can ride it, I'm only 150lbs!!!! LOLOLOL
  3. have you tried ebay? i know people tell me that all the time. LOLOL but seriously? sometimes you can get lucky with something new or in exellent condition..try the buy it now feature and see what they have at bin price..you might get lucky. just watch out for outrageous shipping.
  4. I put the date/time/place the drawing would take place..which was my house and I got my neighbor(who didn't buy any tickets..they were elderly and can't ride) draw the two tickets out since they had no investment in tickets..kwim? When we sold the tickets, they kept the part that had the drawing info on it and were told if they want to be present when we draw the tickets(mainly so they know it was fair) to come on over at least 15min prior to the drawing. I just did it in front of my garage. Not everyone showed up..we had about 10 people come and one of the winners were there. LOL It was great fun and no one complained or anything. Its no different than taking money for superbowl squares too, kwim? Thats something else you can do too...superbowl squares...do 100 squares at 10.00 a square. I'm not sure how it works..but do 4 quarters...each quarter winner gets 150.00, since theres 4 quarters that will be like 600.00 out of the pot and the other 400.00 left goes to your daughter for her trip...just make sure everyone knows that ahead of time that it is for a cause and that the pot will be split 60/40..60% going back for the winners pot and 40% going to the trip for your daughter! JUST LIKE a regular fundraiser..like selling candy and etc....you usually only get 40% of your sales anyhow. Don't know how fast she needs the money..but if it can wait till superbowl..you got it made with men! lol and do the bikes or something...hold a garage sale too! Go through ALL your stuff in the house/storage, grandparents too...then when you make the ad, be sure to state that it is a fundraiser garage sale with 100% of the funds going to your daughters trip, etc.!! I did a garage sale last year for both dd's costumes too and we raised about 300.00 only leaving me 50.00 to fork out of my own pocket!
  5. uh, yeah, but I'm trying to get it CHEAP...I know I can buy a phone and just take the sim card out of mine and put it in there, but I'm wanting to resign a contract to get it CHEAP..you know...a DEAL?
  6. Okay, I am on a family plan with cingular with my mom and dh. Originally it was my mom and dad..but my dad preferred his prepaid and gave his phone to my dh and they just added me and my phone later. So, mom and dh's phones are the original phones that had 2yr contracts and when I got mine, I did a one year contract. Well, my contract is up tomorrow and I can upgrade to a new phone..which I REALLY want a razr phone with a camera if possible. We got them through the cingular office here in our town which also handles directv and dsl internet for our community(YK Communications). My question is...do I still have to go through YK to renew my contract and get a new phone, or can I do it online with cingular too? I still want to be on the family plan we have though and didn't know how to do it and still remain on the family share plan we have???? clueless here. Can anyone tell me if I can and tell me step by step how to do it online? Or can I get a phone from the cell phone spot at Walmart? I saw they had razr phones for cingular there for 38.00 with a new or renewed contract..but still want to get my bill with my mom's family plan...or do I just have to go to our local office. Was just looking for the BEST and cheapest deal for a razr renewing..but staying on the family plan. Dh and my mom aren't due to renew until July when the 2yrs is up for them. Confused yet????? LOL SO...if I can look online and renew here with my dad(he's the name on the account), where is the best deal on a razr???? LOLOL let me know if you need more confusion..I'm good at that!
  7. and even better if they do like kmart and allow clearance items on layway too like ours did before they closed down.
  8. a friend of mine works for a local target and she said her manager told them that target corporate was discussing target possibly starting doing layways since walmart gave it up and this will give them the advantage to get more of walmarts customers. Don't know if it will go thru...but thats what their talking about at our local target. that would be great if they did!
  9. If you get lucky, find a bike or pair of bikes on clearance..we did this for our dance costumes. I found a pair of mountain bikes marked down to 25.00 each at target a couple years ago. I printed up raffle tickets and me and my girls sold them all over, 2.00 a ticket or 6 for 10.00(buy 5 get one free) and they made about 260.00...I took back out my 50.00 I spent on the bikes and the rest went to my girls costumes! family and friends love to buy raffle tickets!!
  10. I got my confirmation email on the skates earlier today. I purchased them with the drill for 20.00 and they emailed today that both are shipping on the 13th.
  11. Here's what I still need. Have you seen any great deals for this stuff? The Peg Perego Thomas (or even the Santa Fe one) battery operated ride- on train and track A GOOD erector set 3-D wedgits set the wooden marble run (the one I'm eyeballing is 59.95 @ Young Explorers.com) a wooden NIcholas-size workbench Soduku cube (like the Rubik's) Brio wooden labyrinth game and a full size air hockey table Give me your best shot!!! Thanks!
  12. I have no experience with the pixter...but I know we wanted to get until we found a great deal on the leapster bundle 2 yrs ago. My daughter STILL LOVES it! We are upgrading her to the LMax this Xmas though as it will play all her regular leapster games still and we got her a few new Lmax ones too. We'll save her leapster for her older sister to play occassionally or for her baby brother when he gets old enough...its pink, so hope he won't mind too much. lol
  13. I don't know..my sil ordered one for her 4 year old. she's been trying to get her out of their bed for 2 yrs. LOL. She said she's using this until she knows she'll stay and use it then invest in a bigger bed for her. I would say its probably like sleeping on an air mattress...nothing wrong with that. dh and I did it for months when he was working out of state and we didn't invest in furniture..we lived on bean bags, lawn chairs w/tv trays, and an air mattress!!! Ohhhh the good ole days!!!!
  14. ok..so much for getting a 1.00 adjustment..i got them this am at 4.99...then saw someone post 3.99 and was gonna email them..but glad I read down..9.99!!! lol
  15. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0009PPPFG/ref=ord_cart_shr/105-7402981-4247606?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance eligible for free shipp too! order these for my daughter WITH the black and decker drill deal I got in on yesterday and got free ship for both.
  16. got some in our local old regular walmart that no one frequents. LOL. paid 5.00 each for leapster and 6.00 each for Lmax.
  17. I bought the mini bratz fashion head a couple weeks ago at a walmart near here for full price, 4.97. I went today to another walmart near me(different one) and they have the SAME ones marked down to 2.00. Can I get a price adustment with my reciept..or is that only for the actual store thats on the reciept. In that case then, I'll just get a refund.
  18. Our local Walmart, Edna TX, just marked down their clearance toys even more today. Got 2 leapster and 2 LMax games for 5.00 each, 2 leapad books/cartridges for 5.00 each, Mini Bratz fashion heads for 2.00 each, mini Bratz pets for 2.00 each, Boxers or Briefs board game for adults for 5.00, combination bike locks for kids for 3.00 each. Lots more.
  19. i voted for the elliptical too..we're buying one at income tax time from sears, but if I can get one now..that would be even better!
  20. So, do i understand correctly? you will only get a verification # or whatever from amazon to buy your item ONLY if your one of the random winners they choose, in your email, right?
  21. Just wondering how its 11.98 shipped? I am a new member, but the dvd was 19.98 and then 5.00 off making it 15.98. Anything else out there code wise?
  22. thanks! ordered a couple for myself..i needed something with green and scarlett for a couple outifits, and a couple for each grandmother from my kids and 2 primrose for my girls.
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