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Posts posted by tyreejames

  1. Bath & Body Works is one of those stores where you need to shop in-store to take full advantage of the discounts. You are limited to one discount code online when they generally send their coupons in groups of 3. Also, they are very stingy with free shipping and often you have to choose between free shipping or a discount.


    One of their big sellers this time of year are the three wick candles which they put on sale on Candle Day. Well the price has been steadily creeping up the past few years; last year they were $9.50. They’ve been running buy 1 get 1 free on the candles at least once a month recently; pair that with a coupon and you are just about at the candle day price depending on your sales tax. I know you can use a coupon on top of the candle day sale too but the store is a madhouse so I have been buying 4-6 each BOGO sale. I haven’t purchased that tote they sale in years.

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  2. Black Friday is not a contracted holiday for us but we generally are given the day off. However, since we are still working from home I fully anticipate them saying if you want off, use your time. Taking off is not a problem for me; if we were in the office I would work a full day Monday and a half day Tuesday and be off the rest of the week. Since we are home, I am only working Monday and will be off the remainder of the week.
  3. I have a locked closet in the basement that only I have a key for. DH doesn’t even know where I keep it, lol. Everything goes in there; I wrap in the basement as well. Luckily it’s finished so I can throw a Christmas movie on, turn on the fireplace and really set a mood [emoji12].


    My youngest is 10 and while she is still into dolls and things, I shop off their lists for the most part. I’m always searching for the wow factor.

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  4. So, seriously, what do y'all think of a November 30 shipping deadline? Is that too late? I'd like to keep it after Black Friday, but what say you?

    I think that’s a fair deadline. It allows everyone time to jump back in to the boards, a decent amount of shopping time, and hopefully enough shipping time.

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  5. I will be doing fall decorations this weekend. I will more than likely hold off on Christmas until Black Friday or possibly the day before Thanksgiving. I have decided that I will only put up one tree this year.


    Last year was my first holiday season after losing my sister. I forced myself through the motions in hopes of feeling better. It did not help and just left me feeling more drained. So this year I will only put up the living room tree and the outside decorations.

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  6. July finds me still working from home (with no idea when I will return to the office). I have dined outside once since it was allowed. I have started shopping for school supplies but I have no idea what type of hybrid schedule my children will be on.


    At this point, I’m just looking forward to Hallmark Channel’s Christmas in July. This too shall pass.

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  7. June is here; the midpoint of the year! I am still working from home and I have no idea when I will actually see the office. I miss going to work, I miss hanging around with my co-workers/friends. The virtual thing is just different. In better news, remote learning is over on the 10th. My kids and I have certainly had our fill of it.


    Our governor has cleared eating at restaurants outside beginning on the 15th and I cannot wait. I don’t even care where I get first; Chic Fil A, Sonic, Cheesecake Facotry; it doesn’t matter! Enjoy the month, guys!!

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  8. This is week 7 of working from home and my children having remote learning. Gov. Murphy finally closed NJ schools for the rest of the year.


    The day to day is starting to get to me; I try to avoid going into supermarkets, stores, unless absolutely necessary as I still have 3 essential workers leaving in and out each day. Hoping for better days!


    In better days, I am looking to update my back deck furniture.

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  9. I have been working from home and playing teacher to a high schooler, middle schooler, and an elementary aged kid for two weeks now. I look forward to the weekend now more than ever! Trying to set up a routine for everyone has been the hardest part and my older two are both missing their sports and other activities.


    I’m currently online shopping for a new patio set; I’ve been wanting a new one and this is the perfect time to get it [emoji1474]

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  10. I can't decide if I want to brave the annual Bath and Body Works candle sale. I need a few for myself but not sure the chaos will be worth it. LOL.

    One of my local stores opened at 5 this morning. I was here at 4:45, they opened the door at 4:55 and I was walking out at 5:18. I purchased 15 in increments of 5 as I had 3 coupons. It’s a smaller store, space-wise, but everyone was in a good mood.

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