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Everything posted by queenkishaa

  1. All my items were still processing. I went to a Walmart by the office and got lucky found my items and they were still ringing up bf prices. Also my debit card dropped the pre authorizations from Walmart which led me to believe the order would be cancelled anyway.
  2. Items: $34.99 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 $60 promo credit -$15.01 Total Before Tax: $19.98 Estimated Tax Collected: $1.45 Order Total $21.43
  3. Finally got my stuff thru, after an hour. Going to bed now. Good luck everyone.
  4. It said that it included special offers , I clicked and it took $15.01 off the price.
  5. I'm ready, my khols list is done my secret Santa's gifts come in today, Christmas cards are done, just a few more things to get ready .
  6. I bought the tree from Home Depot last year online and if I remember correctly I got it that weekend. It is a great tree.
  7. I go alone. I can look around,get what I need and leave. Having another person usually slows me down or I hear complaining about how there is too many people, so I'd rather go at it alone.
  8. 1. About 8 years 2. I plan on spending less, but all the ads haven't come out yet.3. Mostly online but I always go to Target and Walmart. 4. Everyone in my family hates shopping and crowds so I will be going at it alone, I actually prefer it that way. I don't think I would change anything, maybe all the ads come out at the same time lol
  9. I have used one for the past 3 years. I have made them using the guide from the site organized Christmas.
  10. Currently one, but I will order another soon
  11. Would like to give this to My bil http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00JSGFPCA/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1445700229&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=3d+pen&dpPl=1&dpID=31kZ6FgLKrL&ref=plSrch
  12. Trying a budget this year, so far so good but I haven't seen the big ads yet.
  13. We also have a 2.0 and love it. The only think is you can not use distilled water in them. Now they have a keurig kold, anxious to see how the drinks taste.
  14. There are smart watches for galaxy phones. The are called galaxy gear s,my husband wants one so I need to do more research. I do know that you can't make phone calls.
  15. I started in September as well, hope to be done by BF.
  16. October for me, Halloween always gets me thinking about BF.
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