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Everything posted by MeliesMom

  1. This item is not showing up in my ebay at all. Should I be concerned? I've already paid via paypal and the seller has left me feedback, but the item doesn't show up and says listing has been removed. Is this common with daily deals??
  2. I ordered some of these for myself for xmas. I've been wanting them so bad! Glad I found this deal.
  3. Thanks!
  4. I got them to honor mine at $18.74 a piece. Had to do two separate transactions but they pushed it through for me! They originally rang as $24.99 with one free. Still a good deal though.
  5. Just ran to my local store. Got 4 games for $41.xx. Now just hope I actually get the Leappad shipped.
  6. I was planning on getting this for my daughter. I procrastinated until this week and of course they are sold out everywhere. I found it online at kmart.com this morning. Just placed an order. Hopefully they actually have them and it doesn't get canceled. I wanted the one from TRU with Mr. Pencil bundle but this will have to do.
  7. I have been hiding my kids stuff at my moms house this year. I will hide other stuff around the house, in closets or in totes or boxes. Anywhere I can find a place my kids wouldn't see. I have to remember where I stashed everything though! Lol.
  8. My favorite thing is getting the deals I want and saving money while I'm at it.
  9. I got one in the Tennessean today. I'm right outside of Nashville. The Tennessean has always had them in the past. I have a TRU near me and always get the weekly ads.
  10. Bellevue TRU in Nashville opens 10pm. Thank gosh. My boss is not so sure we will have black friday off!!
  11. Got mine in the mail today. $10 off $100 coupon. I'm not sure how I ever got on the mailing list, considering I've only had my po box for about a year and always get TRU mailings.
  12. I was thinking the same thing!! I'm looking to purchase the leap pad for my DD for xmas. TRU has the games for buy one get one half off sometimes and buy two get one free. I wonder if that free one would count for this offer?
  13. I'll be in Nashville, TN. Nashville West shopping center and TRU in Bellevue area.
  14. The online tracker for best buy said unavailable for my store. Just figured I'd stop by when I get off work and see if they had any. Got there at 5pm and walked out 5 mins later with a 32gb one!! I couldn't believe it. I have been hunting one since saturday when this whole thing started. Scored mine at the Nashville West BB. Good luck to everyone else still hunting!
  15. So glad I just stopped by target! I found the kitchenaid 10 piece cookware set for 75% off! $24.98!!!!!! I did a big happy dance. This is definitely one that goes in my greatest ever clearance finds!!
  16. I went to target yesterday! Popcorn maker was still 50% off and only one left. I bet it went 75% today! Also the haier 22" tvs were gone!! I ready wanted to get one at 75% off.
  17. Found that haier 22" tv. Black one $199, white one $124. Both were marked $199. Gonna have to stalk those. Would love to get one at 75% off. Got the sunbeam cupcake maker for $12.xx, orig $49.99. Popcorn makers 50% off. Would buy one if they went to 75% off. Got some misc kitchen utensils and stuff for 75% off. Got the crayola sound things for $5.74, orig $22. Got a few note pads and things for 75% off. Ice cream makers gone.
  18. My target has again restocked the scotch 3 pack of tape that has been on clearance! I already have enough. Globes were $22 and only one left. I didn't scan it but clearance sticker said $22. Nothing new marked down in stationary here either! Did find some toy story pj's that were an online item orig $12.99, sticker said $3.26! They rang inf but cashier put in $3.26!
  19. They email you after your purchase and say your groupon is ready. You have to go to the website and print them. Once you pull up the print preview the 3 codes are in the bottom right corner.
  20. Still a ton of diapers and pull ups left at my store. 30% off. My son is potty trained but we put pull ups on at night. I don't think I would use all those pull ups before he doesn't need them. If they went to 50% I might buy them. They had replaced the bulk section with lawn and garden stuff but they had an aisle right beside that where they moved the bulk to. They have the lysol no touch soap dispenser on clearance. Think it was just 15% or 30%. There were coupons in this past sunday paper for like $4 off I believe. Could be a really good deal if they go to 50%.
  21. Crest 4 pack of toothpaste 50% off. $2.98 Oral B tooth brushes 10 pack 50% off. $4.98 Big bottle pantene shampoo. 50% $1.98 They had nivea mends body wash + shampoo 50% off. Tons of the suave 3 packs for 50%. Laundry detergent 30%. I figured all that stuff would prob be gone by this weekend. I found kids suave 2 in 1 shampoo for 50% $1.14 Found the ken and barbie stuff in toy aisle but all rang up reg price. New markdowns in stationary. Note pads and more calenders some more post it stuff. Found the 3 pack of scotch tape. My target had been out since that went on clearance but it was refilled today! It didn't say the reg price under the clearance price like it usually does when you scan it. Rang at .81! None of the tape was marked clearance!
  22. Vday 90%. Signs still said 75%. Vday candy 75%. Managed to find a big bag of kit kats! I got 4 boxes of the pixie stix and cards. Got 3 of the hershey kisses and cards. Candy inside is in regular packaging so I'm gonna use those for easter. Got 6 of the pez. 2 rolls of stickers. None of the throws or hand towels left. Bulk still at 30. Really hoping I catch that when it goes to 50%. I went ahead and got the crest 4 pack of tooth paste cause we were out. I was cruising the other clearance as well and guess what I found?? The kids book organizer that I thought was gone!! It was in home improvement and marked 50% but scanned it and it was 75%. I did a happy dance in the aisle. Lol.
  23. I had looked at the kids book holder and it was 50% this weekend. Went today to look for it and it was gone. There was only one left. I'm sure someone got it. Oh well. I guess I didn't need it that bad!
  24. Thanks for the replies! Looks like I will prob get the DSi and wait til the new 3ds comes out and hopefully the price will drop on dsi. I've been looking at kids games for her age range and her cousin was playing littlest pet shops or something and my daughter played with it for like an hour! She was so excited when she got the pet to do something. I see there is a deal at walmart today on a ds bundle, 3 games and car charger for $40. Is this a good deal? I might go ahead and get that and just wait on the dsi til the price drops.
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