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Everything posted by bodotdot

  1. I'm filling in a big divot in my lawn with lawn clippings and last Fall's leaves hoping that I won't have to buy a ton of clean fill. I'm covering it with a used billboard so it doesn't blow away. That's what I'm doing today.
  2. Well it's April, so time to figure out a driving question I've always had. You're driving on a side street and you reach a stop sign at an intersection. You wait for a clearing in the cross traffic to make a left turn. You've waited fora clear minute but there's still traffic. Across from you, another car pulls up to their stop sign and they're looking to go straight across the intersection. You were there way before they showed up. Now, the traffic clears. You're making a left and you've been waiting longer. The person across from you wants to go straight. Do you expect the other driver to give you a head nod so you can go first?
  3. March 2024--LEAP month. The 13th month of the year. Make sure you flip your calendar AHEAD a month.
  4. Welp, I saw my shadow yesterday which means six more weeks of extra coffee.
  5. January check-in. I would say "Happy New Year," but the time for that ended yesterday. January 4th? Ehhh....too late.
  6. December--done! Merry Christmas and stay warm, everybody!
  7. I wonder if painters celebrate Smocktober
  8. September check-in! Apples, raking, colder, etc.
  9. June is probably the most meh month of the whole year. Meh.
  10. Another May, another mowing season. Yay.
  11. Fun fun, all the time fun. Happy April!
  12. Yay Google Calendar reminders! Happy February.
  13. What's the cutoff for saying Happy New Year?
  14. Saw 70 degrees in November, today a very nice 57 in Upstate NY. Happy Holidays!
  15. Thanks very much for the pouches! They're the perfect thing to pack all of my charger cords and portable batteries when I travel. I'm using them now.
  16. Finish line! Made it. Happy raking season.
  17. It's September...that means GO BILLS!
  18. Happy August, all. I wonder how many are left. I'll scroll back and see.
  19. Welcome to July. I have a vacation coming up so I didn't want to miss this month's post. Stay cool.
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