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  1. I've seen them at Blockbuster & Target
  2. Made me LOL!!!
  3. She can identify all her letters and most of the sounds but she can not read yet.
  4. My DD is just turning 4 and is getting a DS for Christmas. Anyone have a DD around that age that can recommend a few games she would be able to play on her own? TIA, Julie
  5. They have this deal going on right now at restaurant.com $25 Restaurant.com Gift Certificates for $2.00! Take 80% off on every $25 Gift Cert. order. Use code CHEF and Pay $2 thru 9/30/09 at Restaurant.com. Chow down at your favorite Restaurant and save 80% off already discounted gift certificate! $25 GC for only $2 BEST Way to save up to 90% on your next trip to your favorite Restaurant! We have saved from $5 to $18 dollars at our favorite restaurants that we already go to!! Take 80% off on every $25 Gift Cert. purchase Code: CHEF and Pay $2 thru 9/30/09 http://www.restaurant.com I didn't read that very well. Looks like that sale ended 9/30 .. SORRY! They have $25 gc for $10 right now. They do have sales often tho. so just keep checking back.
  6. Look in the offline forum in the Target section. There are posts about leapfrog tags being clearance. Not sure if that is the one you are looking for.
  7. On my way to Kmart today...thanks!!
  8. Thanks!
  9. I've washed 3 of my DH's phones...oops Two of them still worked after they dried out but the 3rd went thru the dryer so that one was junk. Hope you get yours to work!
  10. The target ad this week has a Circo 70 piece wooden set for $20.00. It's on page 4
  11. I've been looking for the same thing but haven't come across one. How AWESOME that your child can talk to you this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I signed up for their emails. They sent me a 35% off but it was only good for 2 days. They have free shipping with $100 purchase. Those are the only I have seen .... maybe the deals will get better closer to Christmas. Good Luck.
  13. I picked up a Nintendo DS M&M bundle at Circuit City with a free 29.99 game for 129.99 (the game was suppose to be Kung Fu Panda but they hadn't come in so they let me pick a game). This was online last week not sure if it's still going on....I did go into the store and they gave me the same deal. You could give it a try. Good Luck!
  14. The email said not good for in store pick up. So you can only get the deal online.
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