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Posts posted by motoXmom

  1. I am completely done and just waiting till christmas day. Im excited for the kids. I love to watch them run down the stairs christmas morning. lol.


    I even already got the stockings stuffed and ready to go. Just going to bake next weekend

    Oh I BOW to you! Stockings Stuffed already, man you're good! I wish I was that far ahead of the game right now. I still have to run back to the mall to do some more shopping. :no: I also want to hit the kitchen tomorrow and get baking.

  2. Oh God

    I am still having to much fun with this. You are the best! I never would have told ANYBODY.

    Just taking it all in stride. Obviously I need a hobby:juggle:

    Thanks for making my evening. Not long after you posted this our UPS guy showed up. I can not imagine the grin on my face when I was talking to him!


    OMG with a grin like that your UPS man is probably thinking Hmm ...Wonder what SHE was doing just before I rang? :smirk::tongue1:

  3. Our oldest son took his Fianc'e (SP?) to their Dec. 2nd concert at the "Q" in Cleveland. I haven't had a chance to ask how it went. We've just had way too much going on with my dad in the hospital and all. I'll see if I can catch him tonight~that's IF I'm still awake when he gets home! LOL I may hit the bed early tonight.

    I thought it was cute that he remembered that she mentioned it once that she'd love to see them one day and as soon as they went on sale he got 'em. What a good boy! ;)

  4. Not Silly or Crazy at all - I call it being ahead of the Game! ;) I wish I was that far into buying. Don't know what's wrong with me this year, just can't seem to find the right stuff I want. Actually don't even have a specific list for people like Inlaws but with everything going on with FIL Cancer and stuff I'm thinking cash. He's been cleaning out -for when the time comes as he says, and I know they have Soooo much that's still new in the box. So I think cash for them is the better route to take.
  5. "Lil update! I can't believe I did this but... I forgot to send the email with my addy for them to send the Gift Card, so they CALLED my house and my DH gave it to them. :eek: I didn't think they would pull my info (they always ask for my phone # at the store) and actually call me!

    I was shocked when he said to me "You know that store you love and got those candles at?" I said yes. Well they called and needed our address to send the Gift Card to you. Of course I had to then say "Well did you give it to them?" ROFL He laughed at me and said "NO I told them to keep it, she has enough candles!" I Told Him Not Funny Buddy!

  6. We played that at my work--and my dh plays it as his. We don't refer to it as Dirty Santa though--It's more like a White Elephant thing here.

    We've played the White Elephant Bingo at family reunions. It's a ton of fun! I remember one year I wrapped one of those foot massagers that had like a sheepskin cover and vibrated and you slipped both feet into it. No-one could figure out what it was but they all fought over it. We had a blast but I've never heard of it called Dirty Santa.ROFL

  7. I buy a lot from Bath & Body Works/ White Barn Candle Co. Well I bought 2 candles from their White Barn New York Collection and wasn't happy with how much was wasted at the bottom of the glass container. I burned them down to the metal tab and to the point there is no wick left. I sent an email to them just to let them know that I really Love the scents and their candles in general but these 2 candles just had too much candle left that was now wasted. They got back to me within 24 hrs and told me to take them back to the store for a replacement if I wanted or I can get my money back. Whatever I wanted! If I had any problems to give them a name and phone # form the email and it would be taken care of. Then today they also sent me an email that they will also send me a $25 Gift Card just for my trouble. I thought that was really nice of them to do. I really wasn't expecting the gift card at all, maybe the replacement or maybe just a % off but not all they gave me.


    So :g_thumpsu :g_thumpsu and :holiday08 To BBW / WBC Co for such fast response and the extra mile they went without me asking!!! ;)

  8. I have 3 kids, and the oldest of course got the new powerwheel, the new kitchen, new vanity etc when she was little, so we still have those things. I haven't really been buying them for the other 2, because we already have them... Well I realized that the little one has never gotten a cool "big present" for Christmas-,that you would just walk out and your eyes would light up,- so I bought her the Little Mermaid Vanity and talked Grandma into buying a new Dora Power Wheels ATV.. w-ell after I did it I realized the middle one has never gotten anything cool either, and I felt so guilty I bought her the bigger Dora Power Wheel.... (way more than I was going to spend on one present for ------any of them).... well then of course I had spent so much more on her than the other 2 and the Odyssey Globe I bought for my 6yoa looked crappy in comparison and not fun like the little ones gifts so I went and got her the Bratz car... well then I looked at the number of presents and they were way off so I bought more for the short ones to even it up....


    The logic seemed good at the time, but now I've spent way more than I had planned on....I know a bunch of you out there are going to talk about how good you are budgets and how I should stick with it....... but does anyone else just let it get away from you sometimes?

    Hey I know how ya feel. We do the same thing. Maybe it's a little different for us because of their age difference. Our oldest just turned 20 (:eek: Wow now I feel OLD) and our 2nd son just turned 10, so our oldest knows the stuff he usually asks for is more expensive and if he get "less to open" he understands. But then again this year our youngest is getting Xbox 360 premium and still have to get his "main" gift. I wasn't really planning on getting the Xbox 360 but I used my Best Buy Bucks from McDonalds and figured what the heck. So I guess if we had a set budget, believe me it's going to be blown as well.

  9. CompUSA


    I went on Thanksgiving night and waited in line for the 9pm opening. They had a DLO home dock for ipod on sale for 59.00. When store opened I found advertised sign and selected item. Had to wait in checkout line for over an hour, when I got to checkout it rang up149.00 when I showed cashier the ad he called someone to register who said you have the deluxe model and sale is for regular model. I showed him the sign and where the sign was it was all deluxe models. He said sign is in wrong place I said ok where are the regular ones and was told we never got them in. He then said "You can buy this one for 149.00 or you are out of luck" That was my last visit to CompUSA

    Oh I know I wouldn't be too happy either. That's not right. Is there anyone you can write to about this? Maybe if it happened to more than one person and they wrote the company, you could get a decent response!? Best of luck ;)

  10. I gave some of mine to the people behind me. I had the toe ones so I put one in each shoe and one in each back pocket! lol It helped keep my butt warm ;) I still used the Therma Care heat wrap that really kept more of my upper body warm.


    One thing is I had a REALLY hard time trying to get them out of my shoes later in the day. Anyone else?? I didn't think those were that sticky, but they were! One ripped apart and the charcoal went all over.

  11. I've worked retail before (many years ago) and I still don't think it's right for them to be able to shop before everyone else. I mean it's not only retail workers that get paid minimum wage. What about the single parents that this is maybe one of the only ways they can get certain items they normally wouldn't be able to afford for their children or family? Is it fair that they miss out because an employee got to shop at leisure while the single parent may only have a short amount of time to purchase things, because they have a babysitter so they can go out on BF? Like I said I've worked retail and have had jobs that paid min. wage but I've also been a single mom trying to make ends meet and needed a good deal just like others did.
  12. The only thing that really bothered me I guess was a woman who would jump into your face and ask over and over What time is it now, How about now etc. This just kept going on for about 4 hrs. Even after someone said "It's about 5 min later from the last time you asked me. I know it's minor but this woman would jump into your face, then fire questions at you one after another.


    I felt like I was with my kids on a trip "Are we there yet?" NO "Are we there yet?" No "How 'bout now?" Not yet. LOL

  13. OMG I'm so glad you are ok. I don't know what I would've done. I know coming out of Macys while it was still dark out, I was being followed (I believe) by a group of younger guys ( maybe around late teens to early 20's)and a couple kept looking around as if to see if anyone else was around. I quickly got to my truck,locked the doors and started it right away and backed out. They stopped in their tracks, turned around and walked away back towards the store. Not sure what they were up to but I wasn't going to hang around to find out.


    Thanks for the reminder to Always be Careful and watch your surroundings!

  14. One store that really ticked me off was Toys R Us. The staff was the most helpful in showing you where things were stacked. But the cashier I got thought it was nice to chit chat with each and every customer. Now normally that's a nice idea, but BF is not the day to go on and on about what your granddaughter likes (color, size, etc...) with each customer. This made checking out take forever. There was an employee that sent each customer to a specific register. Ok fine I thought. But I noticed people that were about 10 or more people behind me in the main line, have now gone through their check out and are leaving the store and I'm still waiting to check out. I was only the 3rd person in this womans line!!! And the two people in front of me didn't even have that much, it's just that she (the cashier) had to comment on each item they were buying. Grrr. When checking out took others a few minutes from being sent to the register it took me over 20.


    Now Sears had this poor guy that had to be new. lol He helped me get everything I needed including a shopping cart because the items were really heavy. He took me right to a register and rang up what I got and tagged everything as paid in my cart. Then he said "Thank You and I hope you have a Great Holiday" and walked away. I stood there floored. I hadnt' paid for anything yet! I had to walk after him and say "Excuse me but I haven't paid yet!" LOL the look on his face was priceless. He kept saying I can't believe you came after me to do this. I told him well you know Karma.. I would probably get everything home and it would fall apart or something else would happen to me so I wanted to pay. It was well over $200 and he would have a hard time explaining why his drawer was that short! I hope his day got better, you could tell he was pretty flustered with all of the crazy BF people ;) !!!

  15. The 5mp digital camera at Best-Buy amd the Vrocker at Walmart. I was some was irritated about the Vrocker though because when i was leaving the store, I saw ONE person with SIX of them. That was just rediculous.:mad:

    I got one of the Vrockers but also our WalMart had a TON of them with stacks of them throughout the store. I never thought they would have got that many in. Last year I lost out on it so I was happy to finally get one.

  16. Um I feel a bit guilty, I just went to the store to pick up some milk and there were stacks of tommorows paper. I could see the ads just sitting there. I asked if I could get one and the mananger standing there said "it doesn't have the front section yet, I can't sell it." I told him that I wasn't interested in the 'news' in the paper just the ads. He said he can't.



    SOOOOOO, I told the clueless 16 year old boy at the checkout that I wanted one and he said uhh i guess so. So I tricked a poor little kid into getting my paper early. I have to finish my stuffing for tommorow then I will check it out. BTW, It was the Lancaster New Era in Lancaster county pa


    OH you're Good! lol

  17. I can't wait to get home from shopping to show him what I bought and what I got it for! lol I know some people who just buy to buy and don't look at the prices then get home and are shocked to see what they actually spent and try to hide it from their SO. I think sometimes I drive my DH crazy with Oh honey and look at this and that.... Know how much I got THIS for?? ROFL The poor man sits through it and just smiles.
  18. I have to agree with everyone else on this one. Maybe look at it this way.. you get everything say at half price so your total is $25 and retail about $50. Now if you keep buying up to the Retail of $50 some may be upset and THINK you actually spent roughly double that ..$100. If that made any sense.
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