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Everything posted by okiemom00

  1. They always start this on a Wednesday and in the past it's been on the week right after my my dd bday, which would be this week. So I was thinking it could be tomorrow, but you never know if it's the same year to year. If you know anyone at your local store you could probably call the dept and ask. The only person I really knew well in kids has retired, she kept me filled in.
  2. Thanks for showing how they were packed. I'll have to think about that sometime. I need to make more freezer space. I've got those Archer Farms spiral hams in mine now that were on sale after Christmas. LOL
  3. I have always thought about ordering, but never have. Are they really good steaks? How do they come packed?
  4. Wow, what a great deal for someone! I think this one I'll pass on, it's a little big for anyone here.
  5. I'm curious about the code too, I might have to order something else.
  6. www.limitedtoo.com/clearance www.limitedtoo.com/special
  7. Thanks!! I was able to get the Princess coat my dd had wanted and had been close to $50 in the store. With tax and shipping, I paid $63 for 3 pjs, princess nightgown, a sweater, an ornament and a winter coat!
  8. Sorry if that site was high on diapers, it's been a little while since I'd bought any so I thought I'd post the savings in case it was a good deal.
  9. You might check Victoria's Secret. They have lots of dresses and have the semi annual sale going on.
  10. I think the prices would be the same in the store if they still have any left.
  11. I just mailed mine in a few days ago and I thought it was one submission per house, but up to as many different games. I had Connect 4 and Battleship and I think they were $2 each. So since your rebates were $5 and $3, and they they were only giving you a rebate for one, couldn't they have at least given you the one for $5? Hasbro!!
  12. Thanks!! Just ordered some of the mosiac candles and the 22 oz size. Also if you go search under kitchen and dining, then on the side click on seasonal they have some bowls and mugs there for 80% off. I'm just running out of room, so I didn't get any.
  13. I don't know if stores still do this, not too many years back at Foley's, now Macys, they replaced all of the kids clothing hangers with their own hangers and threw the white ones away. I knew someone working there in the kids dept that saved them for me after a truck came in. You might ask some stores if they ever throw them away.
  14. I remembered you had asked about diapers and I just posted this at online deals. You might check out this site and see how they compare. It's for $10 off of your first order on a $50 minimum purchase. Shipping is free if over $50. Code is COOKIE and good thru 5/31. www.diapers.com
  15. www.diapers.com Code: COOKIE It's for $10 off your FIRST order with a minimum $50 purchase. Good thru 5/31. I looked at the website and shipping is free when you spend $50. It's been awhile since I bought diapers so you might see how the prices compare to stores. I found this in Cookie Magazine. I've never used them, but thought I'd post in case it helps anyone.
  16. Yes, it makes you think you have them all the way to the end, then it's OOS!
  17. I did a quick search using words like hanger zip bag, etc and didn't see anything like that. Next time you see them at the library see if there is a brand or company on them, then you could do a search that way or if you have several libraries in your area, call the main library and see if they know where they came from.
  18. I didn't find much this year, I spent around $50. Seemed like they only had lots of XS or S sizes. I did much better online on Christmas Eve and just got my order today! Was everyones store just half off? I think online prices were much better.
  19. I did an online search and found this for free shipping on $50+ purchase. Celebrate Express Coupon Code: NJW-736 Exp. 1/31/08 Give it a try and see if it works for you.
  20. I could work out for 9.99 with Maks?? LOL
  21. I have one from HASBRO for 2 board games and 2 from Staples.
  22. Thanks to you all who have Targets opened and checked to see if it's 90%. I guess I'll hit the VS sale since they open early and skip Target until maybe tomorrow.
  23. I'm getting ready to go too. I was impatient and already spent my GC online, but I'm gonna go dig around and see what else they have. Love these sales!
  24. Thanks for listing all of that, I'm going to have to go back and look around. My cart was so full and stacked so high that I just went to Christmas and that was it. I couldn't see over the top of my cart and had boxes stacked in the front and then stacked up from the back up to underneath the handle you push with. LOL, people coming in said, "I guess Christmas must have gotten marked down again." I was thrilled to get some trees, I always say I want some extra ones here and there and never want to pay for them when the next year comes around.
  25. Check kohls.com and type in scale for a search, they have several that do body fat. There's also a 15% code, GRCP5007 and a free shipping code, if you use Kohl's card MVC1839. Yesterday these codes still worked for me.
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