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Everything posted by okiemom00

  1. YES! I just got a postcard in the mail today. Special grand opening rates. It's for $199 per night Sunday-Thursday and includes 4 free waterpark passes. Offer valid in Grapevine, TX location now thru 5/22. Plus save an additional $30 for stays between 3/30-5/22 when you book by 3/6. Offer valid on a per night basis, must be mentioned at time of reservation, and based on 2007-2008 standard rates. Limited number of rooms availabe for each date. May not be valid during holiday and blackout periods or combined with any other offers. Multiple-night minimum stay may apply. Must stay by 5/22/08 for offer to apply. Offer based on 4 guests and may end at any time without notice. Must have one individual 21 years or age or older staying at the resort. To book visit greatwolf.com or call 1-800-693-WOLF Mention promo code:GRANDD (yes, there are 2 D's)
  2. After you mentioned which set it was, I looked on ebay and there are several of those sets, some new and one used. Search using "Spongebob toddler bedding" and some come up under auctions and then further down there are some in Ebay stores. I'm not sure if these prices are high, but you might check them out.
  3. Yes, I was doing a seach and like the above poster said, Walmart had this one, but it's OOS online. You can type in your zip to see who has it near you. Is this the print? Amazon has one too, but it's a different print with Patrick and Spongebob with a blue background. It's also unavailable. You might even check Ross, it seems that I've seen some Spongebob sets there, but I didn't really pay a lot of attention to the print.
  4. Do Disneyshopping codes work on the outlet?
  5. There are a lot of them on Ebay, but they are going for more than retail. I got it by searching "Packers sideline knit " leaving off cap or hat because some call it hat and some call it cap in the title. Less come up if you put Reebok in the search because not everyone lists it in the title either.
  6. I was looking at other robes and the shorter length is sold out too, but they have plus size robes (1X, 2X, 3X) for $9.40 before the 30% kohls charge discount. I don't know if they are actually available at checkout though, you know how kohl's is.
  7. You might even check Walmart in the toddler boys section in the store, I bought some around Thanksgiving. I just checked walmart online and they don't show the toddler sizes online, but in boys and girls sizes, an XS is a 4/5 and they have a 2 pk of navy sweats for $9. You'd mentioned a 4T, so maybe the 4 would work. The girls sweats have a straight bottom and the boys have an elastic bottom at the ankle. The elastic would be good if they were too long.
  8. Where do you find this when you went to Kohl's? I can get to it through your link, but if I do a search it doesn't come up. This is a great deal, I have no more space for pans and the UPS man has to wonder why I have so many kohls packages. LOL
  9. I just got my "bag" of samples. I don't know what I was expecting, but it's just a plastic ziploc bag that says Sephora on it.
  10. I just checked and they are OOS, within 2 minutes. I had actually checked kohl's clearance and tried about an hour ago and didn't get them either, so you were very lucky!!
  11. Yes, I think any animal adopted from Oct '07 on has the code on the bottom, the right side I think. If you don't see it PM me later and I'll go hunt our BC's down.
  12. This isn't about the sound, but since you mentioned that you 12 build a bears, have you tried their new Build a bearville? It opened last month I think. New animals from there have the code on the birth certificate, but if you go in the store they give you a pass to enter 5 of your animals from the past. It's a lot like Webkinz, but not as good, but it is free. I think anyone can go on and play, but you may be limited to what you can do without actually owning one.
  13. It probably is for 50% off, I got an email from them today for that amount.
  14. Seems like they might have in the past. If you need something right away I looked on their site and Belks and Bloomingdales have a gift with purchase starting 2/10 and you could probably do that online from their sites.
  15. Yesterday, 2 employees were marking down things and I started digging in the back of some toys on the shelf and found a Hooked on Phonics Word Master and put it in my cart, she said "I had hidden that and I was going to get that". I was thinking, then why didn't you? I felt bad and knew I didn't really need it and said, "do you want it?" and she said no you go ahead. LOL, I know I didn't have to offer, but I did. So anyway, I did leave with it. So I guess they were following the not shopping on duty. There was no way that would have been there much longer anyway the way things were flying off the shelves.
  16. Thanks! I have a giftcard and wanted something online, but didn't want to pay shipping!
  17. What a great deal! Thanks! FYI, I bought some $10 shirts back in the fall and the mall stores do not take online returns. I just gave the ones away that I didn't want since it wasn't worth paying to send them back.
  18. After reading all of the good deals to be found, I made it to Target by 10am. I knew it was 75% off when people were leaving with carts overflowing and there were people standing by flat beds in the outside aisles. I still found lots of stuff and stayed over an hour in the area. The best find was the Lego airport #7894 and there was one in the lego aisle and I knew it had been on sale and it had a red sticker that said $55.XX, so I scanned it and it came up 19.98! I found a lot of things that were on endcaps and in the regular aisles that never had gotten moved over. They were just marking things down and just finally gave up because they couldn't get into the aisles. You just took your stuff to them to put a red sticker on. I got the I can play guitar 19.98 I can play cartridges for both piano and guitar 3.24 Nat'l Geographic microscope 5.98 Hooked on Phonics Kindergarten learn to read 9.44 High School Musical dolls $7.50 Cabbage Patch Kid Walking Doll 7.48 Barbie Girl accessory face plates 2.48 Spotz Maker 6.22 Spotz accessory pack 1.24 Hi Glam doll 2.48 Hooked on Phonics word master 6.24 Vmigo spiderman and chihuahua 7.48 Anniversary GI Joe Pack 6.24 Digi Makeover 14.74 Dinosaur science kit 4.98 Pirates of the Caribbean ship $8.24 Playdoh Super Craft art caddy 4.74 BratzLife plug and play 7.48 lots of different bratz 3.24 and 4.24 Thanks to you all that posted early!
  19. Keep checking ebay and also check completed sales on ebay in case someone in the last 30 days has had it and it never sold. You can also go on Ebay's "Want it now" and post the yearbook you are wanting and someone might just list it. Good luck finding it!
  20. Just got my Entertainment book today. Here's a link and the prices shown already have the 25% off all PRODUCTS. Good thru 12/31/08. http://www.ftd.com/entertainment08/ They also have $15 off all FLOWERS and this might be better depending on the original price. Again prices shown have the $15 already taken. Good thru 12/31/08 http://www.ftd.com/ent2008/ For some reason when I post the link it doesn't work, so you might just type it in yourself.
  21. I entered the code on the very last page, I think where I put in credit card info. I looked at the email I got on this and it doesn't show a bag, just shows some samples on the page, I don't know if those are the exact samples that are the ones you get. It says it's for Beauty Insiders, so I don't know if you have to enter the Beauty Insider card #. Mine just comes up when I sign in. If you don't have one, just sign up for free to be one.
  22. I've got a GC! I'm off to go shopping. Thank you!
  23. Usually the sale that would be coming up, whenever it is, is extra 30%. Seems like New Years is the only time I've seen extra 50% from them.
  24. I finally got to Target and found found one of the small Christmas Cabbage Patch kids for .99, a 2008 Princess calendar .59, and an employee had just brought over 6 Hickory Farms gift sets that has the beef stick, cheese and cracker, etc and it rang up $1.49. I got them all and asked if there were more and that was it. Employees were really straightening up the toy area, most was still 30% off.
  25. What an awesome deal! The girls will love that. I used to do that when mine was younger and with deals like this they'll think you spent a fortune on those. LOL
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