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Everything posted by atn1275

  1. When will the "Global Bazaar" going to go 75%?
  2. Where are you located? Are you willing to sell me the other two plasma cars? I've been looking for two ever since I found out about them.
  3. Me too. I found out about them too late and by the time I got to the closest Target they were all gone. My DS has been wanting ever since last year, but I am too CHEAP to buy it full price and will never buy it full price.
  4. Scored 4 MM today!!! HOORAY!!! Also scored 4 MM the other day too.. I also found a Coleman metal skillet for $3.48. No movement in the toy aisle either, maybe tomorrow.
  5. I'm having a little trouble locating the to DVD player. Is it located where all the to toys are or is it where all the interactive toys like the diji?
  6. Anyone know the dcpi for the fp DVD player? I'm going to check things out right after I get off work.
  7. I didn't find any coupons in my paper either?
  8. Were the scooters on clearance? I called and asked customer service to check for me and the lady at the other end told me she did a ten store radius check and it showed none in stock. Maybe Ill get him to try to forget about it. It's had cause kids these days don't forget things you promise them.
  9. Did I miss something about the scooter? Went to Target today and didn't see a anything. I was so disappointed. I'm STOL looking for that darn plasma car for my son. I know it's pathetic, but he wants one pretty bad and I'm toooo cheap to get it for $50.
  10. I found a 3 pack Burt Bees with a clutch for 3.74
  11. I found Burt Bees 3 pack lip shimmer with a clutch for only $3.74
  12. Is the dvd player in the toy aisle?
  13. I still can't seem to find a picture of the dvd player. A poster told me it was on pg 59 but am I missing it totally? Is it a spongebob dvd player? HELP!!!
  14. Which dvd player is on sale? Can anyone load a picture of it? What is diji? Has anyone in the DFW area found anymore plasma car? I'm in desperate need of 2 for my kids. I've gone to 4 targets around my area and can't seem to locate them.
  15. OMG!! I've been eyeing that for my husband for a long time
  16. Is the dcpi number 204090250 for the plasmacar correct?
  17. Anyone in the DFW area that has 2 plasma cars, please let me know.
  18. I called a store in my area and asked if customer service would help me locate the plasmacar with a dcpi number. She said that she checked and all are out around a 10 store radius. Is that true? Or should I go to the store and check for myself?
  19. Does anyone know the dcpi number to the playdoh everyones been talking about?
  20. OMG!!! My son has been wanting the plasmacar for a long time...Could you give my the DCPI number? Where would I find it in Target?
  21. Has anyone recently seen a Amana grill on sale for 125? I'm trying get one for my husband. I live in the dfw metroplex.
  22. I went to Target today and notice some grills that are still there. I've been eyeing them for a long time, but Target hasn't really budge on the price. I was hoping to get it for my husband for Christmas, but it seems kind of hopeless. I think they were marked dowm from $199 to $150. If anyone in the DFW area finds it cheaper, please please let me know
  23. Back to the Horizon Organic Milk, do you think they will take expired coupons? My son loves this milk. I used $1 coupon on afullcup.com and I thought I got a great deal with the ones in a pack of three which comes out to be 0.67 a carton. Getting it for 9 cents, that's awesome!!! Also, where are the $1 you guys were talking about on the carton?
  24. Does anyone have a picture of the Starbuck bars?
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