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Everything posted by atn1275

  1. I did find the wall decals for 75% last week. I also found a BD electric scissors, mini 1 liter vaccum cleaner and light bulbs for 75%. I don't have the dcpi number on hand, but let me know if anyone wants it.
  2. Yes. I love Dr Browns bottles... I'm saving them for my coworker who is expecting. It'll be a great shower gift... I'm sorry all I notice was the girls pull-up being marked $17.xx. I'm not sure if that's 50%..
  3. I went to 2 Targets this moring and scored a bunch of stuff. Mckinney/Custer ###009070419 Smoker/grill $69.xx Only 30% off but my husband has been wanting one and they only had 2 left. I didn't want to take that chance. ###063090069 CHI $69.xx (50%- reg $140) Good for X-mas gift ###049000777 Method hand soap (they still had a bunch left) $2.98 ###063090069 Pantene Shampoo $1.98 ###242118305 Dr. Browns bottles- 6pk ($6.26- reg $24.99) Online item. It must be an online return ###091010367 BYO lunch bags $2.24 ###091020801 Nalgene water bottles $2.48 Also, they had a bunch of fireplace screens 75% off Diapers and Pull-ups too. Frisco Target ###009110733 Solar outdoor lights 4pk $7.48 They still had a bunch of Suave shampoo packs, Suave Mens Body Wash, Avent 6 pk pacifiers, diapers, Pull-ups.
  4. Which one did you go? I stopped by the one in Frisco during my lunch break and it's down to slim pickings.. Nothing left...
  5. Which one were you at? I was at the one in Frisco and McKinney but no luck.
  6. Custer/121 in Mckinney I had to make another stop in Frisco around 10am so I decided to stop at the one on Warren Parkway. I did see a 16 pc Corningware. I passed on it, figured it'll make someone else do the "happy dance" like I did when I found one.
  7. I scored kitchware this morning.. I've been stocking 14 pc cook sets for quite some time. I'm not sure if its a good brand, but for the price I don't mind giving it a try. Also,Cornigware sets are also 75 off too. In hardware, I found 14V Black and Decker drill too. ###070010182 14 Pc Bialetti Cook Set $17.48 ###070011695 9 pc Bialetti Cook Set $14.74 ###070020251 Nordic Ware Kids cookie cooking kit $ 4.48 ###070020449 Cornigware 16 pc set $15.62 ###085060041 Black and Decker 14V drill with stud finder $8.74
  8. Our went 75% also. I went to four stores in my neighborhood. Slim pickings left by the time I got to the fourth store. I didn managed to get the Lego Play table. ###087020772 Club Penguin Hockey ###086022450 Harumika doll clothes ###20409144 Lego table ###08621464 Hannah Montana doll And a whole lot more..... A rude Target associate tried to grab a frying pan for herself. She put it in her markdown cart as if I didn't know it went 75%. I asked her politely if she could scan the frying pan. She gave me a look and had to scan it while I was waiting. She replied.. "Oh, its on $4.xx." She walked off ticked and mumbled something I couldn't make out. Geez.... How rude!!!!
  9. Parker and 75 McDermont and 75 Still 50% Stacy and 75 custer and 121
  10. In the DFW area I went to FOUR Targets and only two went 75%. There are still a bunch left too. It was a shock to me. The two store that went 75% are the smaller Targets not the SuperTargets. Btw, I found Oster microwaves for 75% too. It was only $18. I passed on it because I didn't need it. Dollas Spot also found at only 1 store to go 75%.
  11. I bought the 2pack to donate to my son's teacher. I ended up paying $1.49 (50%).
  12. Luvbargainz-- Looking for towels... Which Targets did you go to so I know to avoid going there since you said there not much left?
  13. I did see some grillls marked down from $299 to $209. Not much of a difference. I,too am looking a a grill.
  14. I was so annoyed by one of the cashier last night. I found a pack n' play and it scanned 'item not found'. I told him it should be 75% off the original when it usually doesn't scan. He refuse to and called the manager. The manager came over and told yes, looks like I'll be getting a good deal!! I was suposed to get it for about $25 (orginally $100), but she said she will only sell it to me at the "last" price sold, which was around $50. Needless to say, I didn't buy it.
  15. Coupon Answer: Yes!! You can use both. I am trying to get the 5 Sonicare toothbrush for my nieces and nephew for Christmas. Man!! Them things are $69.99. Plus, if you go online, they also have a $5 rebate. I am also keeping my fingers crossed, Target sometimes will mark them down a bit, so more savings....
  16. Gosh... I've been to 3 different targets in my area and didn't see the Pyrex set that was previously posted... I went the day it was posted.... I wonder if it's a set they found in the back... Desperately need one and I'm feeling frustrated I can't find it anywhere.
  17. Anyone know any update on patio furniture? When it will go 75%?
  18. Does the coupon always come out on Saturday? I bought some clothing yesterday and need a coupon. Also, what's the percentage off?
  19. Anyone in the DFW area find Easter stuff for 75%? I went to the one on Parker/Tollway yesterday and it was still 50%.
  20. O my gosh!!! You guys found so many good deals... It's too bad I've given up shopping at Target for lent. It's so tempting when I read the posts, but I can do it. Well, see you guys in 40 days.
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