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Everything posted by arci122

  1. I am going to make a BF survival kit. Disposable tooth brush Deodorant Advil/Tylenol Floss sticks Snacks Bottled Water Hair Brush Other suggestions?
  2. I think it's because they feel like the same ads! Still many more to come though!
  3. Bright color!! Like a yellow or orange neon theme. Also, I just got your door buster. And maybe a slogan like. " trained professional shopper"
  4. Bath and Body works has a 10/30 that is good until Christmas. Watch your mail, many are starting to get mailed. Sears and Kmart have some online ones. It's my Birthday month so I get some because of that. Bed Bath and Beyond flyers Harbor Freight. Lowes 10%
  5. I usually have my BF binder started by now. I have taken a lot of verbal abuse over it through the years, even though people always ask to see it. This year in using my new IPad instead of printing out the ads when they are leaked. This has disappointed the scoffers, as they say it's not the same. I have started my mini binder. Collecting the various coupons for stores. I also added a spot for any gift cards I have collected this year so I can use them up during marathon shopping week. I have now gotten smarter and stored wish list items on my iPad so the sneaky ones can't see what has been crossed off. Anyone else have ideas for prep?
  6. I tell myself everyday for the last few days that TODAY will be the day! I'm serious today......bring on the ads.....please!
  7. http://www.sears.com/en_us/dap/family-friends.html This seems a week early this year. They usually have most of the Black Friday deals on sale as well.
  8. Hahaha we are currently doing that
  9. 1. BF for about 28 years. 2. Probably spending less. 3. I'll do some BF shopping online. 4. 2 others 5. More stores handing out tickets for big items an hour before opening so you know if you are going to get one while standing in the cold.
  10. A lot of target ones don't repeat for Black Friday. Especially when you combine with the coupons.
  11. Sorry to those who are offended! (Not really) http://www.amazon.com/Duck-240489-England-Patriots-1-88-Inch/dp/B008MI4120/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445984401&sr=8-1&keywords=patriot+duck+tape Patriots duct tape to put on their footballs so they don't lose air!! http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91XRFTSFjdL._SL1500_.jpg
  12. http://www.lowes.com/en_us/l/black-friday-deals.html They have started their countdown. They have been great in the past of starting to leak deals in the beginning of November.
  13. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/mobile.view?c=60706&v=203&d=1&id=2099539 Confirmed Kohls cash deal for Thanksgiving week.
  14. Kohls!!! Can't live without that stop.
  15. Both, why choose??? Especially Lowes buy online and pick up in store, one less store I have to get to at opening.
  16. Lots! Then I have my husband wrap it for me
  17. Thursday, November 26 6:00am Meijer 7:00am BigLots Dollar General Family Dollar Rural King 8:00am Gander Mountain RiteAid Walgreens 2:00pm Stage 3:00pm JCPenney 4:00pm HH Gregg Michael's Shopko 5:00pm BestBuy Bonton Fry's Toys R Us 6:00pm Belk Dell Home Dick's Sporting Goods Five Below Gordmans Kohls Macy's Modell's NY & Company Office Depot/Office Max Sears Sports Authority Target Walmart 7:00pm Kmart Friday, November 27 4:00am AAFES 5:00am ACMoore Academy Sports Bass Pro Cabellas Dick's Sporting Goods (Re-open) Fred Meyer Game Stop Gander Mountain (Re-open) Lowes Olympia Sports Sears (Re-open) 6:00am BigLots (Re-Open) Guitar Center Joann Fabric Menards Modell's (Re-open) Rural King (Re-open) Sport's Authority (Re-open) Stages (Re-open) Staples 7:00am ACE Hardware BJ's Wholesale Family Dollar (Re-open) Harbor Freight Michael's Pep Boys PetSmart RiteAid (Re-open) Sam's Club Tractor Supply 8:00am Best Buy (Re-open) Fry's (Re-open) Office Depot/Office Max (Re-Open) 9:00am Costco Walgreens (Re-open)
  18. $2.00 a cartridge, upto 10 a month with a basic staples reward card. Hand in 10 this month and get $20.00 to spend on BF. Plus earn rewards on regular purchases.
  19. 1. If we move these metal barriers back far enought, they won't be able to get out of their tents when the deals start. 2. I got everyone done on my list. 3. Sorry tall people, short people are getting the deals this year!
  20. Returning cartridges to staples so I get rewards back for November and BF shopping
  21. Stocking stuffers and grab bag gifts almost done. Pick up items all year! Just got some great things on clearance at Kohls!
  22. Don't forget Target red card holders get 5% off all gift cards purchased with their red cards, except Target gift cards. Besides a large number of restaurant and cell phone cards, they often put on stores as well. Currently they have Cabelas and Bass Pro. As the ads come out, stock up on the gift cards for stores you have on your list and save an additional 5% off BF sale prices. Our local grocery store gives money off gas for buying Gift Cards. As I see BF ads and make my list, I stick up on gift cards to save more!!
  23. I'll take Half Price books, because that means the season has started!!!! Let's hope other ads come earlier this year too
  24. I spoke with customer service. Their site is having problems and their system is not working correctly. She said they are actively working on it and to try later this afternoon. She also confirme the SAVE20CC should be working, and will work again once the site is completely back up and running.
  25. I home docking station for 39.99, says samsonite luggage 60-70 off, one I want is only 50 off. Watches 40-50 off, one I want is only 25 off.
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