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Everything posted by arci122

  1. Harbour Freight 10/5
  2. December 3, 2017 Sent from my iPhone using GottaDEAL
  3. JcPenny's ridiculous start time!! We may all go at 2:00 (25 of us) get the 10.00 coupon then go home for dessert!
  4. GameStop Olympia Sports Boscov
  5. Return windows are open. I have purchased items ahead of time, gotten a better deal on BF, and returned items. Most of the time I do returns on BF once mad rushes are over.
  6. Frequently!! Days are counting down and I need the ads.
  7. Stocking stuffer!! Will make hair cuts quicker. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00KJNB1TW/ref=mp_s_a_1_7_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1508235352&sr=8-7&keywords=do+it+yourself+hair+clippers&dpPl=1&dpID=51DH2FY41fL&ref=plSrch
  8. I price matched at Kohls last year. Couldn't use 15% off but got 15.00 for every 50 Kohl's cash....that was awesome!
  9. I save my credit card rewards points all year and use for Christmas. I don't pay late fees or interest, so it's free money!! Usually hundreds of dollars.
  10. Harbor Freight 10/10/17
  11. Well Brad made up for the silence big time in the last 24 hours!!!!
  12. One more week.... Or less!!!
  13. 1. I think the $3.00 appliances are over there. 2. I have to wait in line for an hour to buy these Nerf guns? 3. I can't believe my mom is teasing me about all the gifts for me in these bags!
  14. Yes they do. You have to ask the manager and has to be exact item. We found out when we were visiting with store manager while he was waiting to be able to hand out movie passes last year. Great lesson learned. Never hurts to ask
  15. Staples 6am Friday http://investor.staples.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=96244&p=RssLanding&cat=news&id=2207133
  16. First in line at Kohls last year. Was sitting there for about 2 1/2 hours Warmest upstate NY in years Totally worth it. Used their free wifi to shop for additional savings and look at ads. They gave out 2 free movie passes to first 50 people in line. Was able to talk with manager and find out they priced matched Beats, then I got Kohls cash on them which saved me $$$$$.
  17. I start right after Christmas.... Now I need to sort and make a BF list.
  18. When I called they said some items do not go on sale until 11/26 but if I bring ad to store they will honor. Too bad closes store is 45 min away.
  19. Upstate New York has for a few years for the tvs and gaming systems and a few other items. It makes checking out so much easier.
  20. The ad does not say any movie, it's only for the Star Wars movie.
  21. List is updated! Few..... I added all stores even though some are unique to areas. Will keep updating. Best option for a paper copy is to cut and paste and take out stores you don't need. We are only 9 days away!!!!
  22. Only 2 or 3 people in each group. They had 40 something of tv, 10 of game system, and not sure on other items. It gets so cold in northeast that people don't plan to camp out as long. By the time it was 30 minutes to opening, there was quite a long line. Seemed that most people who were in line near us were not looking for gaming system as so many other stores had them. If you live where its warmer, 2-3 hours would be a good bet to get in line before opening.
  23. Last year we got to Kohls at 4:20 for 6pm opening and there were 2 other groups in line. They started handing out tickets for hot items at 5 and it was great to know you were guaranteed the item you were looking for!
  24. I'm wondering if the 20% off future purchase is one item, a total sale, and if it includes the gift cards to other restaurants that they sell???
  25. Survive, yes, but do like to run a brush through before I sit down to eat after hours of shopping!
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