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Everything posted by arci122

  1. I got amazing deals on airline tickets weekend after black friday last year and sales on hotel too. Southwest was the airline. they even called it a black friday deal.
  2. Don't need a tv But can't beat amazing deals Black Friday ads here
  3. I will miss the thrill of the hunt making my way through large crowds to get the in store only deals.
  4. Thank you!! Love Black Friday and Gottadeal.
  5. I think or hope with Kohls having their one day Pre Black Friday sale this Friday, 11/1, we will at least get a glimpse!! Plus they are doing $15 kohls cash for every $50 spent.
  6. 1. Seriously mom, we will give up our Christmas gifts if we can go home now. 2. Can someone please move their tv so I can grab the blender over there? 3. If you all promise to behave, I will leave the door open so you can have some heat.
  7. Think I have all the majors...need Dick’s Sporting Goods still.
  8. Trying to update as ads are leaked.
  9. Thursday: 6am Big Lots Kmart Meijers 2pm JCPenney 3pm GameStop 5pm BestBuy Kohls Macys Target 6pm Boscov Dick’s Sporting Goods Michaels Sears Ulta Walmart Friday: 5am Olympia Sports 6am Bed Bath and Beyond Home Depot JoAnn's Fabric Kmart Lowe’s 7am Harbor Freight Staples
  10. Macy's doorbuster free after rebate are great deals. I got the thermal shirts for teen boys last year and the pillows...definitely a bargain!
  11. And $15.00 Kohl’s cash!
  12. Just got this email:
  13. I want to know price or I’m not going into store to look. I get annoyed on Best Buy website when it says add to cart to see price!
  14. Sears shouldn’t bother....there are none left open....
  15. With Sears and Kmart stores closing.....Toys have few places to be sold at.
  16. Sometimes Lowe’s has rugs for a deal.
  17. 1. If I stand here in my camo pants and hide behind the flyer no one will see me and realize I cut the line. 2. If we smile and send love messages to the mob of customers outside in the cold they won’t yell at us when they don’t get their door buster. 3. Excuse me (girl in long sleeve tie dye) can someone please hand me a pair of socks from over there behind the mob?
  18. Pyrex dishes do replace any that have broken.
  19. Need a great deal on a laptop!
  20. Congrats to the winners....now let my prediction happen so I can win one too!!
  21. Rugs. I need to replace a lot of area ones, let there be deals.
  22. With Kmart Sears and Toys R Us closing stores, I am a little worried that with less competition, we won't find as good of deals this year. Even JC Penney closed 8 stores this year. I know the circle of life for retail usually brings in new ones, we just are not seeing them in the Northeast. Remember the days of Ames, Bradley's, Calador, Jamesway, Woolworth, Montgomery Wards (ok, I'm showing my age).
  23. Let the season begin! Very worried though with all the stores closing around us and new ones not coming in. We now have no Kmart, one Sears out of 4, no Toys R Us....
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