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Posts posted by wx4svr

  1. I'd probably wait.. there are rumors flying around that new ones will be introduced soon. During this time of the year, companies are always coming out with new products in expectation for the holiday season. If you want to check for gadget / game announcements, I'd prolly check Gizmodo or Engadget every once in a while to see if they have any new info on new DS's.
  2. Hmmm...Favorite black friday moments? Well there is 2003 when my husband and I were first married and I made him go with me. SWORE HE WOULD NEVER GO BACK.


    2004 I was 8 months pregnant. Did I go? Absolutly! Waited out side in FREEZING weather while my lil one kicked the crap out of my bladder. Managed to get EVERYTHING I wanted that year including a TV. Stood in check out line for 2 1/2 hours having contractions. DH swore he would not go back.


    2005 Did not get to go due to work/family issues.


    2006 Took DH left the lil one with my mom and dad. Manged to get everything I wanted. DH swore he wouldn't go back.


    Yesterday....DH asked where we were starting! **LOL** LOVE IT!

    LOL! Seems like my best friend. He tells me everytime, "This is stupid, why are we running? I'm never coming back with you ever!" 20 minutes before I leave to get in line (usually around 4:30-ish) I call him up. "You wanna go?" "I'll be right over! I'll bring the generator, you bring the laptop, TV, and Game system." Never fails!

  3. My favorite moment:

    Only going to 1 store (Sears) where I had called ahead, found out they carried the same camcorder on Best Buys BF ad,waiting a short time in line, gettting a $10 gift card & 110% price match. $142 camcorder that retailed over $300. Was at work by 7:00am.

    NICE! :eek:

  4. last year my wife wrecked her four wheeler after dinner and couldn't go for the first time in years... she tells me to go.. no sooner than i get in the first store, and she's callin saying take me to the hospital.... ankle was broken

    Ohhhh! Been there (4-wheeler wreck, put me in the ICU for a week!) But to miss bf! That'd had to hurt (not your wife, you!)

  5. So 2 years ago at CompUSA, this man got out of line and tried to return 30 minutes later, to realize he lost his spot. He was so mad, he kicked the closest thing to him, which was a cart. Everyone in line thought it was funny. :D But then again, he lost a spot that was like 4th in line.

    lol! Serves him right! The only thing I always tell people is to expect the unexpected! I think this is always true for BF! :yup:

  6. A couple years ago when Walmart had the Cabbage Patch dolls, my dad stayed with the cart while I went to get a doll. When I came back to the cart, my dad was holding a little girl that was around a year old and was really looking uncomfortable. He said the woman asked him if he was going to get any of the dolls and he told her that he was watching the cart while his daughter got one. Then, she just pushed the little girl in his arms and said "I need to get a couple, so can you watch her?" He kept saying "what will I do if she don't come back?" After the lady had her dolls, she took the little girl like it was no big deal leaving her with a stranger.

    LOL... it's like "Here... take my kid! I have stuff to do!" lol. Ohh, if you can only see the image in my head. lol. :cheesy:

  7. If the price difference between a 720p and 1080p HDTV (with all other features being equal) is small enough, then yes, a 1080p model might be the better investment if it makes sense for you financially. Again, with smaller HDTVs you still won't see much of a difference with 90% of the things you will use it for.


    And also just to clear something else up, there really isn't such a thing anymore as a "720p HDTV" vs a "1080i HDTV". Pretty much all HDTVs these days do both 720p and 1080i. You only need 540 lines of resolution to do 1080i (because of the interlacing), where a 720p HDTV will have at least 720 lines and therefore be able to display 1080i. So the only 2 options for HDTVs are really 1080p and 720p/1080i.


    And nothing will happen to your account, lol - I just want people to be clear about all of this.

    Ahhh... didn't relize that about the interlacing. Thanks! :yup:

  8. Dang! I wish you were in Louisville, KY. We have an upscale area of town called The Summit. It has all the good clothing shops, plus an Office Depot, and Borders. Then, within two miles from The Summit, you can find any other stores you may need. The Summit is basically a VERY VERY large outdoor mall. It's setup in a "U" shape with a huge fountain in the middle along with good places to eat. If you are ever in Louisville, give the Summit a try!
  9. Uh, I better clear some things up since this post is pretty inaccurate... 1080p is not used at all in HD broadcasts yet. It's pretty much only useful right now for HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, Xbox 360 and PS3 (or if you are hooking up a PC). 720p and 1080i are both pretty equal as far as picture depending on programming. Some types of programming looks better at 720p, others look better at 1080i. Also, DVDs are 480p, not 720p.


    With most "smaller" (42" and under) HDTVs, you won't see very much difference at all between a 720p and 1080p HDTV, even if you are viewing 1080p material. And for broadcast HD, it really doesn't matter too much since it's not being sent at 1080p. This may change in the future, but for the next few years, 1080p is not too important to the vast majority of HDTV buyers. Now of course if BF has a killer deal on a 1080p HDTV, that's a different story. But you won't be disappointed with a 720p HDTV at all.

    Correct... however, most people are now going to be using LCD's and Plasma's for gaming, movie watching, and watching HD broadcasts. So 1080i or 1080p would be a better investment as HD will be getting into those higher resolutions. Such as 1080i and 1080p. So I'm appoligizing (sp?) for my mistakes. Hey, I'm human.... we all make mistakes. Plus, I'm affraid of what you would do to my account. :P

  10. That's helpful because to be honest, I need to be reading about the specs because I have no clue when it comes to plasma. Thanks!

    If your talkin' to me... your welcome! Let me know if you have any quesitons. Just PM me! :)

  11. The plasma... 720p... not impressive @ all! 720p is hardly ever used in HD broadcasts. It is still used in DVD's, but as we all know, they are all going HD also. You really need a 1080i or even better 1080p. Trust me, look for a 1080p. All my TV's in my house are 1080p with Insight Digital's HD service. It's stunning! Wait for the other deals before you start saving money, 720p is in the past. Sorry to be the barrer of bad news. :o
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