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Posts posted by wx4svr

  1. I am spending less with the economy and my older kids have all the electronics. I have already started and bought wii games and some accessories and new Sony alarm clocks for there Walkmans

    You know... I've been seeing that a lot. People started earlier this year so they don't get a HUGE hit right before Christmas. I guess they are just spreading out their spending so they don't get overwhelmed all at once. Thats good in my opinion! People are actually thinking!! lol. =)

  2. Hey y'all. Just thought I'd throw this out there. Dick Frymire is a weather folklorist that lives here in the Bluegrass Hills of Kentucky. He studies natural and nature things and then makes a winter forecast. For those around the Ohio Valley, I wanted to post this... as it may actually affect you.


    43rd annual Dick Frymire winter forecast

    --Forecast give or take 2 days--

    +If a heavy fog comes in before nightfall and lingers until 11:00 PM on any of the first 10 days of January, the winter will be worse than anticipated.

    +Oct 16: Killing frost

    +Nov 6: Flurries

    +Nov 13: Flurries

    +Nov 20: Tracking snow 11:28 EST

    +Nov 25: 1" snow

    +Nov 30: 1" snow

    +Dec 7: 2" snow

    +Dec 23: 1" snow

    +Jan 7 through Feb 7: very cold

    +Jan 15: 6" snow

    +Jan 16: Coldest day -16 degrees

    +Jan 23: 5" snow

    +Jan 29: 3" snow and sleet

    +Feb 2: 1" snow

    +Feb 22: 2" snow

    +Feb 25: First robin 9:27 AM EST

    +Mar 8: Flurries (MY BIRTHDAY! Wo0o0oT:smirk:)

    +Mar 20: 1" snow

    +Apr 2: last flurries


    What are your thoughts and are there any other predictions out there like this?


    EDIT: Extra Info


    Below is the official Climate Prediction Center's forecast for November, December, and January.


  3. I can't believe I forgot to tell you what I am going to do... the only change I have made, I'm not going to be taking a generator this year. I will likely spend around the same, but gas is tooooooo high to run a generator. I have calculated the cost of my generator on BF last year, and it ended up costing me $38. oO I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but that could be a LOT of DVD's at certain stores. =)
  4. Well.. I hate to say that jenesparza beat me to it, but I also sent e-mails to WAVE-TV, WHAS-TV, WLKY-TV and WDRB-TV. I also sent e-mails to the newspapers around, Pioneer News and the Courier Journal. I just send the e-mails off. Here is what it said:


    It's that time of the year again! The leaves are falling (so are the trees if you were caught in the windstorm) and the nights are turning cooler. The days are getting shorter and that can only mean one thing... CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! (Not what you were expecting was it?!) Now, as we all know, the official start of the Christmas shopping season is Black Friday or the day after Thanksgiving. A TON of people stand outside in the freezing cold just to get that rush for the door as the clock strikes 6. But.. you don't have to wait until the ads come out to find out what people will be standing in line for this year. Thats right.. the ads are generally coming out fast and furious during the late October, and November months. Where can you get it?! Just point your browser over to blackfriday.gottadeal.com While your there... check out the forums. It's always a good time discussing our "strategies" for the mad rush. Check it out! For more media information, check out GottaDeal.com and look for the Media Room.



    Hope since someone already sent e-mails to these locations (some of these) that this still works. Thanks. wx4svr.

  5. Ok... I don't think anyone has brought this one up yet. I searched. Now, we are all having economic hard times, I know that, and you know that. Are you expecting to spend less this year? Are you not going to those stores that are a little further out of the way? How are these economic times affecting your plans for shopping this year?
  6. I have probably the best one!!!!! I met my husband in Walmart on BF. REALLY!!!!


    I had dated my husband for nearly 18 months as a teenager. He was my first boyfriend and first love. He ended up moving in w/ his father in another state and we lost touch.


    Fast forward 9 yrs- and I was at Walmart for the opening on BF. I was trying to make my way to the toy department for some toy or another (I honestly don't remember which one anymore). In the midst of the crowd I had back right up into someone pretty hard. I turned around to apologize and I came face to face w/ the person I walked into. It took a second for us to each recognize each other- but it was pretty much "I'm sorry.....oh my.....oh my god Chris I haven't seen you in forever....." We only talked for a few minutes.


    3 days later though he called, we got together, and ended up dating- moving in and getting married.


    That is my best BF story!!!

    Ahhhhhh.... :hearthrob:gdlove6::2couple::gdlick:

  7. They will not be any cheaper. Since Apple just came out with the second generation iPod Touch, they will not have a lower price. That said, Apple has had "last second" BF deals in their retail stores. Last year, I got an Apple TV for $25 off, not much.. but enough to buy. I also got a free Apple Holiday T-Shirt.
  8. I have a good one... I went to Wal-Mart around 9:00 AM on BF, after all the good deals were "really" gone. I needed to pick up a gag gift for my friend. He HATES the show House. So, what else would I get him?! The ENTIRE series on DVD. Now, generally, these series DVD box sets run anywhere from $100 - $120 depending on how many seasons you get in a set or how many disks are in a series. I go into Wal-Mart, and into the craziness, expecting to find a box set for around $60 or $70. (Side Note: I knew when he opened the set, he wouldn't like them, so I was banking on him giving them back to me. I love the show!) I walk to Electronics, which looked like a bomb had gone off, and I find the series on DVD rack. I look... $.99 :shock: WHA!?! 99 Cents!?! I ask the lady if they were priced wrong. She immediately called the manager who came RUNNING. He said that they were suppose to be $99. Seems like someone marked them wrong. As per Wal-Mart policy... if it is marked wrong, they give it to ya for the marked price. WOOOOT! GOOD for me.. BAD for them! I was SOOOOOO Happy! The manager quickly put a new price on the DVD's and stood there to see if I was going to tell anyone about the AMAZING deal I got. I loved it! It was the best deal EVER! lol. (For the record, I now have a box set of House setting on my DVD shelf. lol)
  9. Wha!?! This kills the idea of Black Friday! :P;) Why wouldn't you want to wait out in the cold, bundled up, and using a cell phone for light!? Thats the best part about BF!


    I kid ... I kid.


    Good idea, I don't have a clue though. I'm one of the idiots that are outside of BestBuy at 6 PM Thursday night when your local TV Station (if your like me and live in a bigger city .. Louisville, KY) comes around and asks what are you doing here. Ahh... gotta love that question.

  10. Below are some of my favorite BF tips and tricks.


    1. Take your Friends - Nothing can be more fun than talking to your friends in FREEZING weather. Bring some old pictures, maybe some old yearbooks. Look at them together, it will make the waiting in line much easier. :D


    2. Dress in Layers - It gets C O L D out there! :eek: So cold that it can be dangerous. If you have more than one person, take turns. One waits in line for a while, then the other goes to the car. Then switch. Seriously... being in the cold that long can be dangerous.


    3. Take Other Things - I know this sounds weird, but there are somethings that I always take with me and my friends when we wait in line for BF...





    Hand and Feet Warmers

    Book (sometimes)

    iPhone / iPod (or both in my case :P)

    Like I said, some of these sound weird, but it is well worth it. When you hit the 30 minute or so mark, have someone stand in line and have another person run these back to the vehicle.


    4. Plan - Nothing can be worse than going BF shopping and not being prepared. ALWAYS do your homework. Which store will have the best deal? Will this be the one I want to hit first? What about price matching?! Does this store have the same product as this store except cheaper? What about my friends... will we split up. These are just some of the questions I always ask before even thinking about going BF shopping.


    5. Ads - TAKE THE ADS WITH YOU! Sometimes, you can get lucky and even see some things at the store that weren't even in the ads. Also, another thing that sorta falls in this category is keeping good records. I sometimes keep a good binder full of the ads. It keeps them save, neat, and I often put the ads in the order of importance and the order in which I will hit the stores.


    6. Check Out - ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS expect a LOOOOOOONG wait at the cash register. Don't get mad! You have the ticket, or you may even have the item in hand or in a cart. Don't let it go! Don't set it down.. hold on to it as if it was your flesh and blood. You don't know what some of the other people in the store will do to get that one item. It doesn't matter if it takes half an hour or even a hour to get out of the lines, but as long as you have that hot item.. who cares.


    7. HAVE FUN! - This should actually be #1. Black Friday is all about having fun. :D:D:D People may look at you like your crazy... so what. You know that you are waiting in line for that single moment the doors fly open and the crowds rush in. You know that there is nothing like that single mad rush to get that hot item. You know that there is nothing like feeling that warm air hitting you in the frozen face as you march into the store. Think about it. Even if you don't admit it right away, you know that BF is the single best shopping day of the year. You can't deny that.


    Those are just SOME of my favorite BF shopping tips. I think a LOT of people can side with me that these are mostly correct. I know there are TONS more, but these are the big ones that stick out in my mind. :smart:


    =((( I MISSED THE CONTEST BY ONE MINUTE! =(((( Oh well.

  11. I hate... HATE ... it when I'm sitting in line at Best Buy around 2AM and people come driving by yelling, "Hey! What's going on!? Why the heck are you all out there? Are you crazy?!" That drives me nuts, its like these people have never seen BF videos on TV or never picked up a news paper. What would you say to that? I wanted to say that we were waiting for AC/DC tickets.. but they didn't come to Louisville last year. lol. :P
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