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Everything posted by truexillusions

  1. I've heard we'll be in the 60s on Thanksgiving. Not sure about Friday.
  2. If I were interested in the big items like TVs and Laptops, I'd probably be disappointed. But I'm not. I just look forward to DVDs, TV on DVD and maybe some books being on sale.
  3. Congrats to those who have had success! I'm waiting for The Vampire Diaries s3 to go on. Hopefully I get it.
  4. I'm stupid but humor me. I saw The Vampire Diaries for $10... is that only for Blu-Ray? I don't buy Blu-Ray.
  5. The ads featured everything I expected so I'm happy.
  6. The only ad I'm seeing is the one I saw earlier today (technically yesterday).
  7. Hopefully this is a good ad or I'll be seriously disappointed.
  8. I feel like I'm missing out because I can't participate in the chat on the stream. lol
  9. Awesome! Thanks for the help, both of you. :)
  10. I plan on doing some shopping for BF on Amazon. I have a question though: If I add the items I'm fairly certain I'm going to order on BF into my cart, will the price automatically drop while they're in my cart? Or will I have to go through and re-add everything once the sales start? Of course there's no guarantee that the items will be on sale in the first place but I have a feeling that some of the DVDs will be. Hopefully this makes sense. :\
  11. Overall, today was pretty much a bust for my brother and I. It's not surprising since we don't go out really early to shop. We went to Best Buy and the deals were still amazing and they had a good stock going. I got one person done for Christmas there. When we got to Wal-Mart, there was hardly anything left. No DVDs or CDs whatsoever. ShopKo was the same. So that was a big disappointment. I'm going to try to get a few things on Amazon.com though so hopefully that works out.
  12. I've only been once, and I wasn't in line, but I wore regular clothes. Jeans, shirt, hoodie, and a jacket.
  13. It really depends on what you want to buy. Last year I was only looking at DVDs and such, so I didn't take anywhere near $500.
  14. I don't have a problem with any of it, really. But then, maybe it would be different if I was one of the people in line.
  15. I can see why people would have a problem with it, to be honest.
  16. I've only gone BF shopping once, and it was with my brother. It was actually really fun. I'm kind of hoping he'll go with me again this year but if not I'll just hit up one store by myself.
  17. Around this time last month I was fine, but now I'm getting antsy. I can't wait to shop!
  18. I think it's crap that there's such a problem about it. I like knowing what sales are going on so I can save up and plan where to go. It's helpful.
  19. I agree with conj. Frustrating, yes. But it's not really ''wrong.''
  20. This is my first year (hopefully) shopping BF and I'm not sure yet. I'm going to try and get at least a few things for Christmas, but I might just treat myself. I'm not sure yet. It depends on how long I can handle the madness, haha. My first year and I'm probably going alone.
  21. Not my style at all. I'd be so crabby, you dont even know.
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