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Everything posted by carolannec

  1. Hmm, it says I can't watch it until dec 13. Did I click the wrong episode?
  2. I said between 8-11:55 on thanksgiving. I also voted go out, come back and get some sleep then go back out, but that's because we've done that for the past 2 years. More stores are opened tday night now though, so we might just stay out all night going to different places. And by the 5am showings, we might still be up and out for those.
  3. Pretty early. I will be shopping at TRU, not at 5, but whenever I make it out of the house(10 or so). Just wondering about the door buster deals though(from 5-9 pm). If there are tons of door buster deals left at say 10:30-11 pm, will they honor the door buster price or not since it's after 9????
  4. I forgot, this is another reason why I like the earlier opening times. Years ago, we would be out ALL day shopping. Not spending any time with our family while visiting. With earlier times, we are completely done shopping by 8am-1pm(depending on how many stores we go to). I like having the opportunity to shop while most people are asleep, and getting home only a few hours after most people have woken up.
  5. I will be out shopping Thanksgiving night. We eat between 1-2. We nap for a couple hours or so, get up, eat leftovers and go through the ads. The stores may open at 8, but we(DH and I) won't leave the house until about 9:30-10 or so. We never stand in lines to wait to go into a store, so this works well. Last year we left at 10:30 to start shopping. Got everything we wanted. We didn't experience crazy crowds. In fact, everyone was extremely pleasant and friendly. My only annoyance is when you have earlier opening times, the mall is usually overrun by teenagers(who majority are not shopping, just hanging out). I didn't see that 4-5 years ago with the 2-4 am opening times.
  6. I put my fake tree up Nov 1(I take down the Halloween decor, and put up the tree. Decorate it. And light it). The kids trees go up in their rooms on the Monday the week of Thanksgiving. Then the Sunday after Thanksgiving we go get our live tree. Never had a problem with it drying out and we've always gotten it the Sunday after tday for 10 years now.
  7. I've only started on DD. I got her a 5pk monster high doll set and Lego friends stables. Both were on sale and i couldn't pass it up. I also got her some monster high items in the dollar spot for her stocking. DS's bday is coming up soon, so everything i have for him so far is or that.
  8. I think they'll stay at the same time. I love the night shopping on Thursday. DH and I left the house at 9 pm last year after the kids went to bed.. Didnt stand in any lines, and still got everything we wanted.
  9. We got it and they had about 30 copies left! They actually weren't with the "promo" dvds, they where with the regular blu ray on the wire racks. Same with the lorax. It(the lorax) was ringing up reg. price(19.??), and we showed them the ad at checkout that the cover was exactly the same as the ad for 8.96, and they just did a price override for us. We also saw tons of Madagascar, but that was mixed in with all the baby clothes.
  10. We will leave our house by 10-10:30 tonight. Our first stop is TRU. Not standing in line there this year, but I do believe we'll be heading over to the PX to stand in line there...
  11. 2 people lined up at Best Buy in Columbus, GA.
  12. Haven't heard that. We were just at BB tonight, and there are 2 people already camping out(one is actually a BB employee..)
  13. carolannec

    Home Depot

    I asked the other night during live chat, but no ad then. Can't wait for it either. DH asks me every day if it's come out yet, lol.
  14. I've started. Not much yet(5 things for 2 kids), but it's a start.
  15. This is exactly how I feel. I can be home in bed no later than 3 am and be awake by 9 or so and eat breakfast with the family!!
  16. Never seen fighting, but DH and I did get flipped off by some women. We were leaving the mall and DH was trying to put all our bags in the back and cover it up with a blanket before going to our next stop. I guess we took too long for them...lol...
  17. what about a video game chair??
  18. American Girl normally does a pretty big cyber Monday sale. I have never seen it include dolls- but other things will be on sale(books, outfits, etc.). There also are times where there will be a generic code floating around for $10 off $50.
  19. Awesome! I never win anything either!! Can't wait to get it, thanks
  20. somewhere in the high 60's probably....
  21. Maybe around 12 or 13??? I have generally always done my shopping in Tulsa(one yr in Charlotte and one yr in LA). I would see lots of kids out in Tulsa. Everywhere we went(Target, Walmart, TRU, craft stores, Home Depot, and the mall)- everyone was EXTREMELY friendly and not in a "huge" hurry(no pushing/running/etc). In fact, most places we were at- everyone was helping other people find what they were looking for/sizes/trading what they had. I LOVE Tulsa for the people alone there, lol. LA and Charlotte- Charlotte, they seem much more down to business and hurrying- so no I wouldn't bring them there, LA- definitely not. That place is crazy. lol.
  22. I just bought an artificial last year for the first time ever. Best decision ever. After 3 deployments, it's hard getting a huge live tree all set up by yourself, lol. DH is not deployed this year, so he's voting for putting up the fake AND getting a real tree. We'll see though when it gets closer if we'll do both.
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