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Everything posted by RmV73

  1. Have to agree.... We are definitely a caring bunch of friends...:) Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season...
  2. I shipped my SS gift today...:) I hope my person likes their gift. Had lots of fun doing this... Thanks Eve for organizing this....
  3. Wow I was able to use one of my $10 coupons AFTER 1pm. I bought my dh a sweater ($13.98) and Nike sweatshirt ($10.00) and only paid $13.98 + tax. I think it depends on the cashier if they will manually key it in or not. I used it and I think it was after 2pm. Can't remember exact time the day became a blur after lunch.......:)
  4. RmV73

    Teacher Gifts

    I have the same problem don't know what to get my care giver either. Especially since she has everything that she wants or needs........ I was thinking a Pandora braclet and her husband thought that was a great idea but she said she wouldn't wear it and it would collect dust just like the rest of her jewerly. So I am back to square one......
  5. Mine says 6am EDT.
  6. Glad to hear that.....:)
  7. Oh yeah.....:yup:Can't wait.....
  8. OMG Eve.... please keep us posted. What a time of year for this to be happening.... I know because I work foe the state and the way Gov. Patterson is speaking.... I don't know what lies ahead for me either....
  9. Thank you Brad I have been waiting for this one and now I just need Toys R Us and I wll be set.......
  10. Now if I can just find a oven and mixes together in one store I would be good. The guy did give me a raincheck and it expires 12/31/08 so I am good either way.....:)
  11. Thanks just curious. Target's is actually better due to the free mixes and Kmart doesn't have that deal....
  12. Okay question Kmart has a Easy Bake oven for $14.99 and Target is $19.99 will they price match. I know that they will do adjustments but wasn't sure about the matching....
  13. I order from them often and pay with a cc and haven't had a problem yet.... Will keep my eyes open.... Thanks for the warning.
  14. Thanks my dd & ds love this soap and they make great stocking stuffers....:)
  15. Thanks Eve... Got my SS can't wait to shop.....:)
  16. That is the cheapest I seen a Wii for... Thanks for the post...
  17. We do stockings for our dd, ds, myself and dh. I hang them when I decorate and they get filled on Xmas Eve and then we bring them to the kids rooms and they awake to them at the end of their beds. I love the look on theirs faces when they come running into our rooms with the stockings. We all open our stockings on our bed and then I go down and turn everyhting on. I do it so I can have the video camera ready when they turn the corner of the foiler and see the gifts.....:)
  18. Just ordered $100.00 worth of gift certs. Great xmas gifts for the aunts and grandma....:)
  19. Thank you the kids will love it...
  20. I'm in but have to think about what I want to do. Will email you this weekend...
  21. I will be in Albany/Latham NY area....
  22. I have been pondering the whole thing today and I think I am going to send a email and call the store manager come Monday morning. My dh went back today and bought the umbrella and stand(which they didn't have) and he had no problem.. P/U went as promised 5 minutes or less. I am wondering if they noticed the name or not. I will let you know what the out come is when I hear something...:) Thanks for letting me vent.....
  23. Yesterday my dh and I went to Sears to buy a patio set. Have been looking for one all summer. They had one in the spring that I liked, but never went and got it, so we went and their it was on sale for $199.00 for 6 chairs and long table. We bought it and went to pick it up and my dh went in and the rec. leader says sorry we don't have anymore in stock...... then he walks away. Dh came out and got me because they were getting the sales clerk to come and see us. He came up and offer us the model they just put together on the floor. My dh says okay, he tells us to wait here and they will bring it up. 45 minutes later I go in to the store and see it sitting there on a cart in the room. So I go downstairs to the sales clerk and he tells me that they just brought it up. I said okay what are you going to do for me? He says they can't do anything because it fell apart in merchandise p/u and they would give us a $5 off copoun. By this point I am extremely p***ed. because as many of you know merchandise p/u is only 5 minute wait.I put my name in the computer and another loader comes out(now I am pissed) he says it will be right out and he apolozied to me. I told him thank you and that the other guy was rude to my dh and he went and got his manager. Mike the manager came out listen to me and all's he could say was I'm Sorry..... Didn't give me a copoun or anything. I am so mad right now that I want to load the patio set back up and return it. Does anyone know what I should do or who I could call to complain? You would think that they would have a least took 20% off the set for my waiting almost an hour????? Help!!!!!
  24. Well I have their cc but didn't get one... I got the JcPenny one so I will be using that one....
  25. Duh??? Went to Latham last night after work and found the stuff I hid and scanned it and it was 75% But the funny thing is that the signs said 30%.... My sister went to East Greenbush and they were 75% off too. Didn't change signs:rolleyes: Going at lunch today to EG and try to get morw stuff.
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