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Posts posted by tootsieroll23

  1. Most years we just do something really small for each other because we'll make big purchases when there are sales during the year.

    Same here.


    By time Christmas rolls around we don't need anything except the things we don't want to buy. Like dish towels, dish rags, socks, underwear............... you know the boring stuff. :yawn:

  2. Once you get an adjustment they staple a receipt on your receipt stating the adjustment was done. If your receipt has no holes in it, then how could you have got your adjustment? Try talking about that to the manager. Moreover, if you are really mad about this, call the district manager.


    Everyone else, I'm glad you got the adjustment.

    DH and I went back in Target today. He asked to speak to the manager. After finally trying to get 3 people to understand what we were talking about and all 3 telling us the the movie had already had the price adjustment done, another girl comes up. After listening to our story once, she asked if we bought the deluxe addition, the 24.99. We said no and she said that the deluxe addition was the one on sale. She said we could return the other one for 19.99 and still get the deluxe for 5.98. :D Now I just wonder how much trouble I will have trying to return the one for 19.99. :eyepoppin

  3. Well this is the first year we have had a problem with Target. :( We bought the movie 300 on Wed. for 19 something. Then today when we went in for the price adjustment they said that it had already be adjusted. DH argued with the girl that we had never been given an adjustment. She wouldn't budge. Said there wasn't anything she could do that we had already received our adjustment. :mad: He is going back in tomorrow when he has more time to talk to the manager. If that doesn't work I guess he will be calling corporate. I don't know how we would prove it, but $14 is worth the fight.
  4. I paid $671 for the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi with stock lens and a 2GB fast CF card with 0 2 day shipping via Amazon Prime.


    I then picked up an XTi Camera bag with lens filter and extra battery for 50 bucks and a 75-300 Canon Lens at Best Buy for 190.


    What kind of bundle did yours have? 999 is a lot more than the 671 I just paid.


    Also, I highly recommend spending the extra hundredish bucks on the XTi over the XT.

    For $999 I received the Canon XTi, 18-55 lens, 75-300 lens, and the 430EX Speedlite Flash.

  5. But for a beginner whose primary picture taking will consist of her 2 young children, the 75-300 mm is a good lens? Does that make the BB deal a good one for me to get vs. ordering the camera from Amazon and the lens separately?


    Does anyone think Amazon will offer a lower price on the camera come BF or CM?


    Eh...maybe the "crowdedness" at BB on BF will determine which way I go!


    I just got the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi bundle pack from Amazon for 999. I paid 17.50 for shipping and no tax. It ended up being cheaper than our Best Buy because I didn't have to pay tax. :yup:



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