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About annfmeyer

  • Birthday 02/03/1970
  1. NO waste of time no task its totally FREE! this promo is available for the first 1000 persons only... CHECK IT OUT ENJOY....i got mine and it works get yours here http://credits-offer4.com/claimcredits.htm
  2. Got my first sampaign as a BZZagent...covergirl. Hope it goes well.
  3. No luck finding the pressure washer yet...If anyone in the greater Milwaukee area sees one please let me know. I did find some really neat suade like car seat covers. Normally $20.00 down to $4.59. I noticed them at 30% off and hoped they would go further. I kind of forgotten about them so was happy I ran out looking for the pressure washer.
  4. A lot of times I have seen them nearly free after rebate at walgreens.
  5. Do you know the brand of the power washer and the DPCI? Thank you.
  6. You might want to get ahold of someone that has a local Entertainment Book for the area. My EB in my area has discounts to local amusement parks. Good luck
  7. I have used several of them at, Walgreens, Target, TRU, and Walmart. I have never had a problem yet. I'm stock piling them for the toys for tots donation bins. I feel like I can give so much more with out spending much at all.
  8. Anyone that has seen this on sale please report. I have found one on line for $120.00 thanks
  9. Hey reporting back from WI my Walmart had many colors of the $10.00 bubble coats...I bought 3. Thanks again for the heads up!!!!!
  10. I wonder if that is at all the stores...I'm in WI
  11. Actually if you look about mid-way through the last two Walgreen Flyers it advertises the $10 back when you spend $25 on those products. Ok so I just lookd at the current ad on line. It's at the top of pg 27 hope this helps
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