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Everything posted by mam627

  1. I don't know of any codes, but you can sign up on their website to receive special offers, discount codes, etc. I signed up a couple of weeks ago. I haven't received anything from them yet, but I thought since they are owned by Gymboree I might eventually receive some good coupons from them.
  2. This one has an expansion slot that will take an sd card for more memory. One of my kids has this same mp3 player and we have a 2gb sd memory card in his. It will give a child more than plenty of memory imo. As for a better deal on bf, I have no idea. I have never bought one on bf so I have never given them any attention. I'm sure someone else on here will have some info on that.:)
  3. Sandisk Sansa 512mb mp3 player is $16.99 with free shipping and will be $6.99 if you have a new customer account with google checkout. It is refurbished. http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=204087624&adid=17653&dcaid=17653
  4. Thanks, got a few more gifts marked off my list!!
  5. I got mine today! The same items as you!
  6. Good deal, thanks OP!!!
  7. Here's another code I received in an email the other day that gives you a bonus 60 minutes when you purchase a 60min card or higher. code-58287 I used it a couple of days ago.
  8. Me neither, but good to know! Thanks!
  9. I was having the same problem as you guys were, but it finally went through!
  10. When you buy select Matchbox or Hotwheels items and spend $25.00 or more, you will get the Matchbox Hero City Haunted House playset for free($19.99 value) You will also get standard ground shipping for free! Save $10 more if you use a new customer google checkout account. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2300337
  11. String it and let the kids wear them as a necklace.
  12. Mine too, but I was going to have to buy it anyways! Thanks OP!
  13. Thanks OP!! If you plan to purchase, I would do it soon. 3 out of my 10 items disappeared out of my cart within 5-10 minutes so some things seem to be going fast.
  14. Have you looked at Old Navy? My son wears 12 reg and when I'm looking for his I always see alot of 12 slim. They have a good selection on their website right now, and if you buy 2 or more pairs they are $14.00 each. I know some of them have the adjustable waist, but if they are a slim size maybe you won't need to use it to where it looks so cinched. GL on your hunt!!
  15. I would get the DS if it were me. By the time he is old enough to play most of the games for the PSP, there will probably be another handheld out there that is better/newer.
  16. I will pick up things for my mom, but that's about it. Between all the stuff my sister and I buy, there's no room for other peoples stuff!LOL
  17. Yes, I send cards to my family and close friends. I usually have pictures of the kids to send with it. My family members that live far away love to get the pictures of the kids to see how much they have grown.
  18. The Little Drummer Boy and all the childrens songs
  19. We always had a real tree until our oldest son was born, he has too many allergies and asthma so we have done the fake ones the last 9 years.
  20. Milk and cookies- sugar for the reindeer
  21. I live in Ohio too and I remember this. I had just quit working to be a SAHM and was thinking thank goodness I quit or I would have stuck at work because everyone else would have called off! I enjoyed it, but I would prefer to have just a light blanket of snow so all the people traveling can get to their destinations safely.
  22. DH and I made our own little tradition our first Christmas, we always put the tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I am so happy all the holiday and BF threads have started! I love talking about it and reading about it!!:)
  23. mam627

    How do you wrap?

    Santa always wraps their presents in character wrapping paper. All the gifts we give to all of our family is wrapped in paper that matches the colors of the decorations on our Christmas tree.
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