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Everything posted by peekaboo

  1. I love the Acqua Di Gio it smells so awesome. Thinking of getting it for SO this year.
  2. I cannot open up the link , it is comming up as This page cannot be displayed.
  3. This year I defintely did the best at Target. I got my stuff a few days before BF then waited for the doors to open then went in and had all my stuff adjusted. It was really nice to get money back on BF. They had some really good deals for me. I did pick up one thing that was a last minute decision to get but there was no line I was in and out of there.
  4. My daughter loves the Bratz, she has a ton of them but did not want the big one. When I was in my walmart about 9:00 am they had quite a few of the Jasmin left but no Cloe.
  5. I agree with alot others on here, having family far away. My brother (my only sibling) lives far away and we have not all been together on christmas for about 12 or 13 years. Last year was hard because my mom and dad went out to spend christmas with my brother and his family so it was just me, my so and my dd. I really missed not having my parents with us for x-mas day. It just was not the same. I am glad they are home this year. Although I do feel bad for my brother and his kids because they hardly get to spend christmas with my parents.
  6. My daughters Godmother got this for her for x-mas. She also loves to dress up people and do the whole makeup thing. I think she is going to love it. I got her the Digi Draw Make Up kit which also looks very cool.
  7. Thanks to all of you for your input and ideas. After long thought I have decided to wait until she gets older to get the phone for her. Since she is only away from home with my neighbor and best friend she can continue to use their phone to call me if needed, they do not mind.
  8. Bestbuy7 why did you thing that the PSP was a waste? What did you not like about it. Rayny how old are your kids?
  9. Thank you everyone for all of your input. I do have one more question. For the DS Lite you cannot use the control buttons for all of the games correct? There are some games that you have to use the stylus for. I am just wondering if my dd is going to like using the stylus since she is so use to just pushing the buttons. I will have to take all my info from here and really decide what I am going to do. Thanks again.
  10. Sorry, I could not open the file up to see the picture and thought you were talking about the big scooter.
  11. What is better for a soon to be 9 year old girl the Nintendo DS Lite or the PSP? What are the differences between the two? My dd already has the GBA and I was told that you can use the DS Lite games on the GBA. Of course she wants the PSP more and I really do not the the differnces between them except for the PSP having a bigger screen and costing more and the DS Lite having 2 screens and some kind of pencil to use on it. What is the deal with the pencil. Do not know which one to get.
  12. I have a dumb question, this is on-line only correct??
  13. I could not open the page to see the picture but on Tuesday I just bought my daughter (who will also be 9 but in Feb) a Bratz Scooter from WM. It was like a deep pink color and had a picture of a couple of the Bratz on the bottom where you stand on it. My daughter had seen it a while ago and liked it. She needs a scooter and loves the Bratz. I think It really looks nice. Hopefully she will be surprised on X-mas morning to see it under the tree.
  14. A star with different color lights.
  15. Thanks everyone for all of your input. This sure does give me some stuff to think about before I make a decision.
  16. What age does everyone think is reasonable for a child to get a cell phone? My DD which will be 9 in Feb wants one sooo bad. I told her she was too yound and had no need for one. She does go camping with my friend and her family during the summer and she also is going places with her best friend next door alot so I was thinking maybe for her b-day get her the firefly but I just am not really sold no the idea but my SO wants to get it for her. So if anyone can give me some input if there children have cell phones and what age they got them I would appreicate it.
  17. I am one of those people that do not have internet at home right now and it stinks. Are computer is down and we were thinking of getting a new one for christmas as a family gift. So now I am going to have to see if I can have one of my friends print out the stuff for me later on in the evening when it should be up. Wish me luck I am going to need it. I will be so upset if I miss out on some really good things. :(
  18. peekaboo

    Walmart Returns

    Thanks. There are a couple different locations here I will just try a different one. Wanted to see if this had happened to anyone else before trying another one.
  19. peekaboo

    Walmart Returns

    Has anyone tried returning anything at Walmart without a receipt lately? Yesterday I tried to return something and the lady asked me if I had the receipt for it and when I told her no she said that they cannot return it for me without a receipt and that the policy started on Nov 1st. I never had a problem returning something if I did not have the receipt they would just give me a store credit. Please let me know if anyone else has run into this.
  20. I went to one of my TRU on Sunday and me and my SO went in and each one of us had one coupon. I scoped out the front of the store and it was all women so I went to the electronics and there was this young guy in there so thats where I went. He took each coupon looked at them and took the $5 off for each of the purchases. So since it worked I went to get the Digi Draw Make Up that was on sale for $40.00 and I told him that I had another coupon in my car and will be right back for another purchase. I once again used it with no problem. Then yesterday I went to a differnet TRU and they would not accept it told me that it is not a real coupon and is printed and they do not accept. I am just happy that I saved the $15 the day before.
  21. What me and my mom do is go together and get in line early then when the cold starts really getting to us we will take turns to go to the car for about 10 minutes each to warm up.Only one of us go at a time and one person is in line. At that point we already have been there for quite a while and talking with the people around us so they know we were both in line from the beginning. We only take a warm up break once or twice during the whole wait depending on how cold it is.
  22. Order their catalog they usually always have coupons on them.
  23. I was in my mall over the weekend and to my surprise KB Toys is gone. They already have another store in it' place. Now after seeing the ad I have to admit I am not upset because I did not even see anything I wanted for my daughter.
  24. Will they accept this since it does not have their name on it anywhere?
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