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Everything posted by supershopper1

  1. Toys do not look as promising this year. It seems like they did not stock as much as in the past. Shelves looked pretty bare already! I'm burned out & need an idea list of what everyone is watching for. Between Kmart double coupons & Target clearance it is hard to keep up. At least gas is no longer $4 gal. saves on all these trips.:)
  2. I went yesterday PM different store now 90%. Entire Christmas section almost empty but great finds everywhere else in the store. Most in depts where they belong, just look for spec pkg. Most same as everyone else has reported. Electrasol .50, AF carmel popcorn & peanutbutter & choc. ricekrispy treats .39, pumpkin bread, fancy crackers, cheese, childrens beauty sets .50 & shirts .50, table cloths .99 , variety of stocking stuffer toys, ipod docks $1, too much else to remember. Saved over $300. Not bad for a store with an empty Holiday section. FYI none hidden in strange places, all in plain view. You just need to know what to look for. Hope this helps.
  3. What bath & makeup sets?? I must have missed something!
  4. Finally 90% at one store in my area !!! Lots of sock. Saved $800 I want to thank the person who returned all the delicious gormet holiday treats,and the person who left the kisses for me. I was also able to get the reynolds plastic wrap 90% off. Rang at 3.09 grat cashier adjusted to .31.
  5. I'm hearing ice too. What state are you in?
  6. Simalar items to Global Bazzar or Pier One. Priced high until they go on clearance.
  7. Still 75% in N.E. Ohio Cleark put out Glad bowls, Cascade, Electrasol, Dawn, Swifter & cookies! I am so happy I had coupons with me I used 22 coupons on top of the the 75%. I didn't take all of them since they weren't 90%, but when I went back to look a little while later everything was gone!
  8. Target does not price adjust clearance. You would have to return the one you have to rebuy it & you risk not getting it at all. It's best if they have one left at 90% to buy it, then return with the 75% reciept. Be Happy to get one at 75% that you wanted. :)
  9. Kristen, :g_hello:was that you I was scanning nuts & cheese with when Streetsboro went 75% last week? Please update if any stores here go 90%. It's a 20 mi. drive & poor DH I've been spending my vacation time at Target!
  10. 38 people viewing this thread! Isn't anyone out there checking for 90%? In past years it has been 1/4 & 1/5. Hoping it is earlier this year.
  11. How much off were the KItchenaid??
  12. I can't believe that Niles would only be 50%! Most others went 75% today & some by Cleveland went 75% yesterday! Did DH try scanning anything? Maybe the signs just were not up. I didn't find too much there on Sat. Good luck. Hopefully they have more stock in the back room and if they follow a day late you'll know in advance when it will be 90%.
  13. Don't forget your coupons!!! Pillsbury, electrasol, candy etc. Lots of free or near free things to be had! I hope there are still some things left at 90%. I was supprised they weren't bringing out more items like last year. FYI tried the Harry & David soup. It's terrable! I'm going to call them. We through it out. DH said it tasted like sticks & twigs.
  14. Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday!! Don't forget to use all your coupons expiring 12/31! Sooo.. sad to see them go. It's been a great year! Many will work with the clearance food, paper & cleaning products & the Target $3party supply coupon.
  15. I found 4mm today, didn't know about the rebate!! I bought 2 Disney movies, with coupons but bought 2 not listed. Still happy I got the DVD's the kids wanted. I think this is the 1st. time I've gone to Target not looking for clearance!
  16. Check your reciepts!! Pink Leapster learning system rang up at my store for $49 not $30. They gave me cash back, but the man at the exit said they were having problems on some items! He would not tell me which ones.
  17. I went to Walmart this AM. They substitued the RCA L42FHD37 for the Polaroid. Does anyone have this RCA?? For $598 I thought it may be a good deal for an LCD 1080p 42". Not sure if I should return or keep it.
  18. At least you waited until the storm was over!! I'm east of Cleveland. Do you work for food? I'll trade you a Hot Thanksgiving dinner for some of your BF deals!
  19. 90% off here also. The girl told me at the end I saved $400:eek: Candy large 5lb. mix bag also Hanna montanna, bugs & buggers gummies. Elmo baskets(can be used for Easter baskets) Disney and various costumes for dressup. 5 ft skeleton lightup sign $2.50 pants, sox Fall glass platters, bronze with leaf edge. $1.50:) Bounty napkins .35:yup: Cupcake mix, brownie mix & sprinkles, cupcake liners. Wearever 11 piece anodized Pan set asnis sticker $14 Does anyone know the regular price on this ? Glade with giftcard. Tried to get the full size Halloween Barbie, they said no rang up $9:mad:
  20. Thanks for the FYI. I was hoping to use the leggo one on a different castel. Are they coded for each specific toy?
  21. They have to put it out. Childen can't circle pictures of things they want on a computer!!
  22. I totally agree!! I know there is a person on another thread that does this same thing, and people are upset wth them. They buy everything saying it's for charity & leaves no deals for anyone else. They call these people smash & grabbers!! Some sell on ebay. FYI charity is a tax write off!! They are still making money. To be point blank greedy in the name of charity is just wrong. Shame on them. I'm just hoping for 75% - 90% too bad so many coupons expire.
  23. It's all YMMV. I have seen items at one store go 75% & 4 miles away stay at full price!!! Usually markdowns are done once a week in each dept. except for Holiday markdowns. Also one store may markdown a dept. on Wed & the other store on Thurs. This has also happened at stores in my area. It is all hit & miss. Just keep trying.
  24. What brand? My sister has one we have been using for parties for years to slice ham. I looked for one last year & the stores said they only had them during the holidays!
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