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Everything posted by twilightcalm

  1. It's so hard with the violence and maturity level of all the games. That's why we waited to try the Xbox system. My guys love the racing, Madden, and martial arts games. We always have them adjust the gore level so it doesn't look like a big bloodbath. We are going to try Halo and the Call of duty series. My brother can play these with them. I guess it all depends on your kids maturity level. My soon to be 13 yr old(10/19) is very mature but the soon to be 12yr(1/13) old isn't. He likes anything Marvel comics. I have picked up the world tour band kit and a Dj hero set. I also have been browsing Amazon and Gamestop for used titles. The newer titles are so high. I'm thinking a gift card so they can pick 1 new title themselves and whatever else we have gathered by then. Hopefully there will be some good game buys on BF.
  2. How do you think the release of the new slim 250 gb w/wifi XBOX will help out on BF? I read that they stopped making the Arcade and Elite versions so there should be some stock left to get rid of. Do you think maybe we could be seeing "Super Bundles" like the one last year at Best Buy w/6 games for $299? My 2 Boys are old enough for one this year 11,13 ( I always felt that system was for older children) Any gamers out there with some inside knowledge?
  3. Cvs is going to have a netbook for $99 either this month or October. I saw it on an ad preview on another site.( I h e a r t c v s . c o m) I don't even know the brand or the specs. kep an eye out. You may get the cheap netbook before BF.
  4. Our chemicals and other pool acces. are at 50%. I'm in upstate NY so that might be why. people around here will be closing up the pools soon.
  5. I saw this World Tour band game for Xbox yesterday at $59.xx (I know it's old, but it's good for company) There were 2 on an endcap near the electronics clearance. They didn't have red stickers but one of them had sticker glue smudge and a fingernail dent. I knew they were on sale. i scanned them and came up with the $59 price. (Monday electronic clearance) I made it there early this morning and walked around while the young man did his scanning. I asked him about scanning it. He said it may go to salvage and then he can't let me get one. I put it in my cart and told him I would take my chances. I walked around for an hr. and then it went down to $29.98. It will make a good Christmas present for one of the Nephews. I'm getting them the new Xbox so this will be an extra surprise. Check your stores YMMV.http://www.kodakgallery.com/imaging-site/services/doc/5424:644628640311/jpeg/SM/async http://www.kodakgallery.com/imaging-site/services/doc/5283:574167640311/jpeg/SM/async The pictures are tiny but the tag says: ### 207-22-0245 Guitar Hero World Tour Complete band game Xbox $29.98
  6. I found the sticker and it's the same # and yes it says $279.99 down to $35.04 with 85 in the top corner. I feel even better knowing it's 87.5% off I'm going to punch those #'s into the scanner at the store near me and see if there's one there for that price!
  7. I just had to share this deal I found on Saturday! While running errands i decided to stop at the Henrietta, NY store. I live in Irondequoit which is on the other side of the city. I was so happy I did. I was going to check on the toy markdowns when my youngestnephew wandered down one of the automotive aisles. While tracking him down we spied a large bike box on the floor. I saw the red sticker from far back. i told my 11 year old nephew to bend down and tell me the price.(I promised to buy him a bike this summer). Anyway it was a Schwinn men's 26 inch. He stood up and said "$35.04" My natural reaction was " Boy, quit playing and tell me what the sticker really says." He said the same thing and I was pissed because I knew it wasn't true. Well after checking my self and expecting $135 or more the darn thing said $35.04 marked down from $279.99 in the top corner was 85. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. I guess you know Davion got his new bike! My brother put it together and I put the red tag and receipt in my purse. I wanted to scan it because I knew no one would believe it. I will find those #'s and post it. The kid that helped put it in my car said he had passed that box a few times that day. I still can't believe it was there all day!! Talk about perfect timing! This is the exact bike!!! http://www.target.com/mdp/B00160JSLA/ref=sr_qi_1_8?sr=1-8&qid=1279163046&asin=B00160JSLA
  8. Thanks so much Rockiesgirl for the pics! I went to the Target around the corner from my house and searched EVERY battery stand. I bought 10 packs and showed the rest to a few shoppers. I couldn't justify all the AAA's but i got every AA pack I saw. I bought 5 AAA's yesterday A.M. when I came on last night I saw your pics. Those let me know exactly what to look for. 2 AA's were right where I was yesterday:D
  9. We saw 2 handbags my daughter bought from Marshalls they were $10 cheaper at Target. We are wondering if they will be marked down for Global bazzar or something like that. We might have to "hide" one in the store.:) That brand is popular with the teen, twenty something set.
  10. Went in this morning with a tip from another board that today is 90%. The new young manager is suck a jerk that he stated nastily when asked was today the day " It will be this afternoon when I can get to it. I have other things to do to get the store running." He said this while walking around drinking juice and looking out the door. I politely said "Doesn't it take only a few minutes for the system to update." I learned from a cvs manager that it is a simple computer update not going into the aisle to scan everything. I don't think he was pleased that I knew this. Such a jerk!! Hopefully someone will get something good. I got the 2 rolls of paper I wanted. This is the same guy that never wants you to roll your ECB's He tried to make his own rule that you can't use them on things that will give ecb's Whatever!!!!
  11. Give her a snowglobe each year or real gold charms that she can have on a braclet to wear as an adult. (or give it to her complete on her 16th b-day):)
  12. I got the Beer tender today for 75% off. I wouldn't have even given it a 2nd look if it hadn't been talked about on here. This will make an awesome gift for my brother. I even got a beer themed poster print 75% to go with it. 1 more gift down:holiday16
  13. I too have an only child. I am glad she is an adult now! My brother has "5" kids(3 biological and 2 siblings of the biological kids). I found myself spending way to much on them at Christmas. 3 years ago I started something a little different. I give them each 3 gifts. Something they can use but don't want(fancy underwear and socks, sheets,pj's, books etc.) Something they can use and do want(coats, clothes) and 1 gift card to somewhere they like. There is a new baby girl this year and she is getting a case of diapers in stead of underwear. Sis should realize that having more kids was her choice. You should be free to love and spoil them within "your" budget. Grandma should pick an amount per child and stick with it. She would be giving giftsx4 even if you had 2 other siblings. The presents are per child.
  14. My CVS across the street from me just got a scanner!! I got my first coupon today. Can you scan everyday? I will make a trip each day before going in for the night.
  15. 90% here today:) All the great things I "misplaced" were still there. I found someones stash of 6 organic pound cake mixes. I don't think this may have been a real stash because it was behind those big boxes of fillable eggs. At $.39 these were a great find.
  16. I got a Cool Water men's cologne set at 75% yesterday. There hasn't been much going on at CVS lately. The Right Guard deal w/$2 ECB back is limit 3 not 1.:)
  17. I have lucked out for about 2 years now at my local Target. I teach, so I am always running into former students working here. I also go to the store 4 or more times a week to peruse:)I always run across an item that doesn't scan a price. The kid always asks" How much was this Ms.?" I always give them the 75% price. I once had a cashier whom I have known since he was in 3rd grade. It was after Christmas 2007 and there were these Winnie the pooh blankets everyone here mentioned. He gave me all 6 for $1 each They were around $16. He named that price. I would never abuse this or try to get everything 90%.
  18. I found 2 of the Costco playpens for $11.xx. I wasn't at my usual Target. I was glad as I have quite a few baby showers this Spring.:) These are good to leave at Grandma's or the babysitter's house.
  19. Watch your mailboxes for a catalog of new baby items. On the back there is a fantastic coupon for a free $20 GC if you create a new baby registry. I am not or will not be pregnant anytime soon.(How I got it ? I'll never know.) I did the registry online, printed out the list in store and got the GC no problem. I used it for some clearance diapers and wipes from the bulk sale. 4 showers coming up for May/June.
  20. "This year, my son is able to give the Hot Wheels cars (individually wrapped w/ 'To: and From:' on them) that I bought at 75% clearance THREE YEARS AGO!!! I bought 4 packs to make a total of 24 cars!" That made me wonder why they haven't put out the rest of the V-day merchandise. I seem to remember lots of goodies from last year. I'm already looking forward to the clearance! I love those packs. DN(6) has a March B-Day I always do the bags for all of their parties. They always have the best bags:D. I can't wait to do the easter hunt bags with the stuff from last year. I have a rubbermaid bin filled with this stuff. Best part is each bag costs under $2 but looks like much more.
  21. This will be one of those times when being a SAHM or being retired will pay off. I love the holiday clearance this is my only time of the year to get an even chance at the better sales.(I teach). By the time I get home from work everything is gone. Thank goodness I have some awesome hiding spots for my items:D I usually use a "sick" day when the 75% toy sale hits. By then I am really "sick" of the students and their winter blahs.. (9th grade special ed. very long, draining days) I have my eye on a few Airhogs.They are to big for any of my hiding spots. I am hoping these make it to the big sale. My DN love these. I got 2 on BF and the were a hit at the christmas gathering I have for the nephews, godchildren and cousins every year. This is where my 75% toys go. Last year I think it was the 3rd week in January. Does anyone remember around when?
  22. Anyone call their store yet? My store lies on the phone or bounces the call and doesn't answer them.
  23. It was the same at my store . That was the only reason I got up so early. I did get 2 packs of the bounty towels. I was also able to "stash" a few things for 75% or 90%. Maybe they returned them to the dealers. There were quite a bit there earlier this week.
  24. My Nephew saw the picture of your door and saw our card right away. He wanted everyone to see our door and his "Chocolatey" Santa. We have enjoyed all the different cards coming in from all over. I wait until he comes to open them. Then I have him stick them on the door. We will join this again next year! Thanks everyone!
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