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Posts posted by katkat777

  1. Ugghh this sounds like my sister in law. One year I went out and found the ugliest stuff I could find. A makeup case that would make a stripper blush all blinged out and glitterized, a candle that smelled like poo.. Guess what..she loved it!! I thought figures..her taste matches her personality. Love the gas card idea..How about going to the thrift store and picking up one of those ugly christmas sweaters! I would just howl with laughter..tell them it's a gag gift....
  2. Not a fan of the early start times. I really do feel bad for the employees who cannot spend a proper holiday because they have to work. I will be spending less time in the stores this year. I usually leave my Aunt's house around 9pm. Then I will have to go home and drop off my DD. Then I will head over to pick up my Bff. So I will miss the 8pm and 10pm start times. I am shooting for midnight and sneak some online shopping. I just feel that nothing is sacred anymore...family, holidays, traditions all out the window in exchange for corporate greed.
  3. Hello! I have a few things in layaway and I noticed that some of the items I have in layaway are going to be doorbusters on FB. What do I have to do to get the price adjustment? Can it be done? I am sure this has been discussed in the past but, when I conducted a search I just couldn't find anything.


    Thanks for your help!!!:D

  4. My Aunts are soooo anti-BF...Every Thanksgiving it's the same thing. After dinner I gather up the ads to make my final plans. They sit there and tell me how crazy I am....They can't believe I would wait out in the cold in the wee hours of the morning. Then I show them some of the prices and then they say "Oh wow..that's a pretty good deal." Then the continue on how crazy I am..lolol..gotta love them!
  5. Did anybody receive the tote that was listed in the ad? At my store they were giving out a different tote with less product. I wasn't thrilled. I asked an associate and they said BBW was trying to see if giving out a bigger tote with less product would entice more people. I thought it would be the other way around.
  6. Funniest and worst experience ever was my first Black Friday experience. There were about 100 people in line at ShopKo...I was in the first 10. About 15 minutes before opening, a man in a wheelchair rolled up and asked if we minded if he went first so he could get in and out of the way. We agreed, and he parked right in front of the doors. When they opened, he jumped up and ran - and left his wheelchair blocking the doors! It was hysterically funny and horrible all at the same time - I thought he was going to get pummeled!

    Wow!! That's pretty sneaky!!

  7. Kmart! I don't understand why they only had 3 registers open!! The busiest day of the year and they can't have a couple of extra cashiers? Having 3 open is like a normal day. The lines were enormous..wayyyyy past the ladies clothing dept. Ugh..I may have to rethink my game plan this year and not include Kmart in my stop.
  8. lol...mine does! They blast me after Thanksgiving day dinner! We are all sitting around the table and I am finalizing my details. Normally they say "Your crazy for going out!" but then they will turn around and say..."Well since your out can you pick up this for me?" I tell them no!! If they want something they must join the "craziness"
  9. I hate carrying around those ads! I feel clumsy awkward with those darn things! I have devised a plan that works well for me. I buy spiral bound index cards. I buy them for each store. When I get my ads, I cut out what I am after and paste it to my cards. Then I add any info to the back like location of the item. This way I just flip thru cards and not fumble around with ads!
  10. I have told this story in the past but, I will re-post it here. For the most part, I am a happy go lucky, c'est la vie kinda person. The exception is on BF. I am a Drill Sargeant.

    One year, my friend who was a BF newbie wanted to meet me at Target. My friend was notoriously late to everything. I told her: "I will be at Target at this time. If you are late, I will not wait for you I will move on to the next store." Of course BF came and I was at Target and my friend wasn't. I shopped and moved on. She called me an hour after our agreed meeting time. She told me she was at Target where was I. I told her she was late, I had shopped and moved on. Drill Sargeant!!


    I really think you should tell them to read these forums. It will give them a good idea of what is going on. Oh and if you guys are in NE Ohio and she a brunette woman shouting orders like a Drill Sargeant on BF..well that's me :yup:!

  11. I went slightly over...my friend is going thru a really rough time financially. She called me crying because she barely had grocery money for her family. I offered her money and she is soooo stubborn she wouldn't take it..so I went to plan "b' I sent her a gift card for the grocery store. I wasn't planning on spending that money..but isn't that the meaning of Christmas? The girl I mentor thru Big Brothers and Big Sisters, I went a little overboard on. I also bought a small gift for her two sisters and brother. I didn't use my credit card and I got some really great deals. So I don't feel too bad!
  12. It depends when I see the person. I start with the gifts I give out before Christmas and go in order.


    I normally work on Christmas Eve, I am usually sooo slow and bored I tell the other employees to bring in their unwrapped presents and I will wrap their gifts for them. My gift to the staff!


    I used to worked for a candy factory (ala Lucy!) and I had to wrap candy boxes all Christmas long. So I am an expert wrapper and make my own bows.


    Sorry for going off topic!!

  13. I would take a black friday ad from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts right about now.

    LOL!! Right with ya!! I am getting pretty ansy myself..All of my friends have started asking me "What's going on with BF?" (since they know I am the BF queen) I tell them I haven't seen any ads yet and I am getting anxious!!

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