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Posts posted by outnumbered

  1. The fly wheels aren't r/c toys. At least, not the ones my kids have. They are basically little handles with a wheel and a flexible plastic stick...you put the stick through the handle, put the wheel on top, then pull the stick out really fast and the wheel goes flying off. It's a ridiculous toy and semi-dangerous if your kids don't aim well (to avoid hitting people)...I have made mine outside toys only so they don't mark up the walls and hit the furniture...but man, the kids LOVE them. I think they make ramps for the wheels to "fly" up as well but that's a bit complicated for my kids at their ages.
  2. i was thinking like 2 or 3 crafts and couple game so we could have like staions .. group of kids travel from one to other so they are not all doing the same thing at once.. to keep it a little more under control.. and yes everything has to be store bought nothing home made.. they have changed rules so much from when i was a kid my mother used to make things for school but we can not do that anymore

    I would keep the crafts simple. Coloring at one table...maybe decorating pre-cut snowflakes with glitter (many little kids are not that adept with scissors) at another table, etc.
  3. Hi,

    IS this only for people who are in millitary?? Or for general people also??


    We are not in millitary. So wanted to ask that.




    The military discounts are only for those with a military ID.
  4. The schools here don't allow any sort of homemade treats--everything has to be storebought, so they can verify on the label that there are no nut products in them, for allergy purposes. I'd go with mini cupcakes rather than full size ones, if you can find them. The kids can do holiday-themed art; you could print off some free coloring pages from online for them. I'm really not sure what to have them do that will keep them occupied that long LOL--I will have to think and get back to you on that. Hmm.
  5. Anyone living at/near a military base with a nearby TRU...you should ask if they do the military appreciation events and if they do, ask to be put on their email list so that you can be notified of when they have their discounts. I missed out on hearing about our last one by one day--they still let me have the discount when I went in, and they asked if I wanted to be on their email list because I hadn't gotten an email from my FRG like I was supposed to. So I signed up and hopefully will be hearing from them in late Nov. for their sale weekend in Dec. I really don't think my local one is going to do another one so soon--they just had one 2 weeks ago and said they were only going to do one more before Christmas, and it'd be in Dec, probably the first weekend. Each individual TRU seems to do their own thing when it comes to these discount events. So--call your local one and ask! And sign up for their email notification, if you can. :)
  6. It will be more for us this year. I have those 2 XBOX 360's to sell on ebay on launch day and a month before they release pre orders on ebay are going for close to $800 they cost $399. I ordered them to sell just for BF money so looking like it will be a good year lol



    $800 for a game system...OMG! People are crazy enough to spend $400, LOL. They are INSANE to double that! But it works nicely for you. :D
  7. In the past it's been about half an hour as all the "good" stores are across town. But a new Wal-Mart just opened *today* across the street from the base so it won't even take 5 min to get there...if I'm able to get out of the house. I may do all my shopping online, I don't know.


    And of course the PX is practically across the street from where I live, so if I went there I could walk--but they haven't had what I've been wanting to get on BF in the past.

  8. Alright...is it just me, or is this one friggin' expensive toy with very little purpose to it? It can calculate a math problem as you write it--does it take that much longer to punch the numbers into a $5 calculator? It can play a drum that you draw on paper--can't you drum a pencil on a desk for free? I don't know, it's cool that it can do these things, but there's no way on earth I'd pay $130 just to be able to do a few fun things. The novelty would wear off awfully soon, wouldn't it?
  9. I am still working out what things are going to be tradition around here. This is going to be our fourth Christmas out here, so our fourth Christmas with no family around to visit. Back home when dh and I were still dating, Christmas got spread out over several days. On Christmas Eve morning, we'd drive up to Santa Barbara to have Christmas Eve dinner with his grandparents (and extended family that all went up there to visit). Christmas morning we'd open gifts there, then drive to his aunt's house (nearby) for a big breakfast. Sometime around noon we'd leave and drive back down to our area and see my family at my parents' house, then drive over to my aunt's place for Christmas dinner. It was very busy, kinda stressful, but great to be around everyone. Out here it's nice to just stay put and do Christmas morning exactly how I want to...but it's lonely. I will cook either a turkey or a ham...whichever I feel like doing...and then we eat leftovers for a week straight because, well, it takes that long for 4 people to eat a big holiday meal.


    Back home I grew up having my mom, grandma, aunt and I all make Christmas cookies together. I really miss doing that. The cookies we made took like 10 lbs of flour so it was really a 2-person job stirring all that in. I can't make those out here myself. I've made spritz and sour cream cookies with the boys before, which are also cookies my mom and I used to make...but it's just not the same.


    "Tradition" says I put my tree up after Thanksgiving or by Dec 1, but with the kids attacking the tree and knocking the ornaments off, the last 2 years I waited till much closer to Christmas. I like to have the house decorated but I don't have many decorations LOL, and can't afford them...hopefully this year after Christmas I can stock up for next year.


    We definitely do the cookies & milk for Santa and the kids have a great Christmas morning with stockings, presents, and candy for breakfast LOL in spite of my efforts to make them wait. I like to make a special breakfast; last year I did an egg casserole and I think some kind of coffee cake. This year I think it's going to be too hectic to do anything. I can't both watch the kids and cook all morning. So...we'll see.

  10. Ohh I bought the buzz lightghtyear bike for my 2 year old for xmas. It's still boxed up in the garage right now. Is it a good bike?

    My 4-year-old LOVES it. It doesn't go very fast at all, but for a little kid, that's kind of what you want. ;) Dh put it together and he didn't seem to have any trouble with it. It's kinda heavy to carry from the shed (in back) out to the sidewalk (out front) but I really can't complain. It goes better on sidewalk than grass. If you are going to use it on grass, the grass needs to be very short...if it's in need of mowing, the bike gets stuck. But it was by far my 4-year-old's favorite birthday present. If you do a search on "buzz lightyear" you might be able to pull up the pics of him on it, if they're still there. :)
  11. Is it only a one-seater? I did see the ad pic and couldn't tell how many seats it had...I thought it was still a 2-seater. It does look smaller though. I'm not getting it after all...my oldest is going to be 6 a week after Christmas so he and the 4 y/o wouldn't really be able to ride it together, which makes it pointless for me. But that's ok...we already have a Buzz Lightyear motorized bike so we really don't NEED a Power Wheels too. Still looks like a great deal for smaller kids.
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