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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. Call Amazon.com customer service at 1-800-201-7575?
  2. You're welcome, even with the $5.57 it's a GREAT deal. Congratulations :)
  3. By default the Standard: 3 to 5 business days $5.57 is selected. You have to manually select Budget which will reduce your shipping to $0, saving you $5.57. You're welcome :)
  4. Westinghouse 32", Sceptre 32" (CostCo) or Syntax 32" is probably your best bet for under $799.
  5. Same here but the OP (who started this thread) intends to use an antenna
  6. This is a good idea for BF and something we're considering. During the other 10 slow months of the year just post the city/state or region in the thread title :)
  7. That ViewSonic for $499 was very hot, I wish it was still that price and in stock http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=338590
  8. In the future please provide a link, thanks :)
  9. able - Which thread were you trying to reply to? Please provide a link.
  10. FireWire would be nice but I guess it isn't critical.
  11. Fanboi'ism is welcome here but you'll have to get along with the "Canon" fanbois.
  12. That was 1.5 months ago, hopefully it will repeat itself in the near future. Actually I was $10 off it was $39 AR not $29. Here's a review of that DVD Burner: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/buyer/reviews/78894/lg-gsa2164d.html
  13. Are these usually mailed or in the local newspaper?
  14. In this price range you really don't have a choice
  15. It's funny you recommend Asus because were at Fry's today and the sales person recommended the same brand. :)
  16. Cheryll, Are you serious about buying a laptop this time? http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=21131 http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=22115 If you are serious, what's your budget? Unless you don't mind dealing with rebates I hope it's $699 or more. Laptop deals: http://www.gottadeal.com/Deals/Category/laptops
  17. Moved to Deal Finder Service forum.
  18. Please note this thread is 3 months old.
  19. What's the current best Dual Layer DVD±RW Writer w/ LightScribe for under $50?
  20. I'm sure it's still available but most stores have probably been picked clean and selection will be very slim. As always YMMV.
  21. Here's a copy of the entire product description:
  22. Hmmn might be time to buy a lightscribe DVD burner.
  23. $56.99 SanDisk MP3 $29.99 VTech cordless phone -$20 off $75 coupon code 18757715 expires 7/29/2006 -$20 SanDisk rebate -$7 SanDisk rebate -$25 VTech rebate =========================== $14.98 + sales tax
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