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Everything posted by tinkrbel

  1. I'm enjoying the 80's resurgence but some of these are super adorable. And the emotional support nuggets Who DOESN'T need a pack?
  2. Oh nice, I thought Discord was app based only and deleted it years ago. Let's see if I can access.
  3. I like the ornaments idea, I had a coworker who did that for the team one year with a general theme but also each one personalized and different for each of us and we all saved them and displayed them for years. If the budget allows maybe do a smaller weekly thing that maybe incorporates all the gifts so the excitement builds. Something like: Stationary/coloring book, cute pens, mug and sachets of hot cocoa or tea. How much freedom/control do you have? Maybe something like an extra work from home day or a leave/arrive a few hours late would be beneficial for things like holiday shopping/events etc?
  4. So many good ideas, keep them coming. Aside from candy corn, and maybe a weird flavor Andes mint package I don't think any of these were included last package. I think I did Twinkies instead of Little Debbie. Hadn't even considered the lipglosses/balms. I've NEVER been to Trader Joe's and my list of things to look at keeps growing. I did see the mini carrot cakes maybe and some fun tortillas on a website recently. Haven't seen the Peppermint Oreos but maybe I can find single serve packets of the Coke release I keep seeing online, I know I sent a FULL package of Halloween ones last time. She went wild over the flavoured KoolAids verified the sugar amount was correct AND let me know she needed to go shopping for more as she didn't have enough.
  5. Do kids still look through them and circle EVERYTHING? that was the best part as a kid
  6. Our Sam's literally has Halloween on the main entrance aisle and then Christmas on the backside of same display with no division at all
  7. Whatever you do stay AWAY from ThriftyPig Such a painful experience, they send a gazillion emails a day. Nothing is saved to your profile so the email will say "You qualified" then IF the link successfully opens the qualifying questions can take 5 minutes or more of the same repetitive questions, age, sex, race before deciding if you qualify, IF you qualify, you get to start all over again with the same questions before moving on to whatever. I don't think I ever received full credits for any survey. I made it to $15 and unsubscribed to emails because it was too much.
  8. One of our 2 Big Lots is closing before October. I was last in mid August maybe and they'd just started to reduce things at 5%-20% with Halloween being the highest. It makes no sense to me because that store was bigger and had more selection but I'm rarely in there so not too bothered. I ONLY realized a couple of weeks ago that we lost one of our Kohl's in January
  9. Bring on the ads/speculation and good luck all on shirts!
  10. Same as above, if anything it will get worse instead of better but......I'm open to being proved wrong Aside from a job, my mom's iPad and a new expandable travel backpack for me, we don't need much. Roblox giftcard deal will probably work for nieces and nephews so a deal would be nice and maybe a couple fun game deals for the PS5 crew. I've all but given up on a carry on luggage I like. Hoping for more online sales vs having to deal with folks, it's only getting worse with time. If we're going with pipe dreams, a new car would be PERFECTION but I think mine can still hold out another year or two.
  11. Our zoo has a family membership which could be an idea for them. Not sure I've seen a BF deal but we do get mailers every so often with discount options and I there's a (summer?) program that includes entry over so many weeks, again may not be available locally to you.
  12. Looking for ideas on yummy holiday flavored/ themed things to send my UK friend in a care package. What's a shelf stable snack seasonal or otherwise that's delicious/ and should be considered? Trinkets accepted too. I know I added one of the foldable battery lanterns from Dollar Tree. Obviously I gotta try and downsize being unemployed but......she's had a hell of a year and I'm not good at picking and choosing. I feel like we forgot to include Combos but did include a box or two or Cracker Jack. Bonus points if they sell individual sized or smaller packages as the shipping is $$$ too. A couple of years ago I did a Christmas one and sent a bunch of Halloween clearance candy from Target, plus the Halloween cereals and fun flavoured candy canes, cotton candy, nerds and pop rocks from Dollar Tree and then filled with non holiday stuff they don't get over there (or is ridiculously over priced) like Funyuns, spicy cheetos, fritos, special flavored m&ms and lucky charms and marshmallows only- Lucky Charms is her favorite. I know I threw in a few different reese's cup options but not sure if there's a list saved somewhere so newer flavors will work.
  13. It's been a minute since I've bought new activewear but Old Navy stuff has always held up well for me. A couple of pieces I ordered yesterday. High-Waisted PowerSoft Crop Leggings $14.97 60% Off Light Support CloudComfy Longline Sports Bra $6.47 74% Off
  14. I'm partial to vanilla, pine or cinnamon scents. We had to stop using them last year as they were affecting my older pup but no issues this year. I did NOT know they did special scented dish stuff, my mom might enjoy that.
  15. I would love a couple extra trees (90% off after holiday sales) to set up different themed ones vs having to pick a theme for the year. I could even do a Halloween one and leave it up all year. I continue to acquire too many new ornaments every year. Next ornament drop is October 12th 7am ET IF my calculations are right. I feel like it used to be midnight
  16. Great prizes! My mom has been needing to get her hand me down replaced and my brother keeps stalling because he can get a better deal. Meanwhile, I'm the one that has to deal with the day to day issues because hers is so old it won't update and lots of websites etc are not working. I should've just bought it when I looked instead of listening to him
  17. Happy September, Closer to Halloween and BF! Bring on Friday the 13th
  18. First time trying for these Tuesday deals and a COMPLETE bust LOL Went from not up on time, to loads of 404 errors and refreshing to eventually no longer available.
  19. Happy Augtober!
  20. Please make sure if you see something that you Google whatever model and your service provider NOT just general product reviews. Might just be a Comcast issue but it's aggravating to find that suggested items are basically a waste of money due to their own failure to make necessary updates or maintain needed speeds etc
  21. Thanks. Never been a fan of refurbished though
  22. Going through the files on this old laptop and finding spreadsheets from the BF charts years ago, 2011 maybe along with my shopping excel sheets Fun times. Hopefully I'll have a new laptop before black friday otherwise that'll be on my to do list. This brick weighs double as much as my soon to disappear work laptops, runs Windows 7 awfully and is super slow. I'd say its probably double the size too. Crazy how technology keep improving. Thankful my phone does most things, a laptop would just be a convenience mostly
  23. Sending love and good juju. I think for me it just all flew under the radar for years because Doctor's have been blaming everything on my RA or just sweeping things under the rug because I was functioning. If we're honest I hadn't been to primary care doctor in years but I expected Rheumatologist to catch things like constantly high blood pressure and question my ALT/AST numbers if they were continually getting worse.
  24. July......unemployment begins in 10 days, have a liver biopsy in 9. Needless to say brain is all discombobulated trying to figure out what I need to print and what I can make do without, trying to consolidate as much info as I can and just generally trying to get my act together and just generally in shock. EVERYTHING really does fall apart after 40. I'm taking being laid off as a blessing but also FULLY aware this isn't like the last time I was laid off over 13 years ago and got unemployment extended. Looking up a new printer and laptop as my last laptop was bought with tax return after LAST being laid off as kinda struggles to even start up.
  25. June......The beginning of scorchy and hurricane season in Florida.
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