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Posts posted by tinkrbel

  1. Thanks again @Brad! Long recap below if anyone cares to read. 


    To begin with, my bff thought I was entering the contest. Then went through all the things: shock, scam, disbelief, etc.  The tracking got iffy after it was received by carrier and I was questioning if it had been disappeared until it reappeared locally day before delivery-- a day earlier than expected. I was able to get the controller charger on sale at Target but the controllers were harder. I stalked the BJs website for days until first a failed instore pickup order and then a couple orders for delivery ONLY to find out it takes a max of 4 so scrambled to find another. Bff started today with their smaller gifts until I arrived just before 9am. Then she reminded them they'd missed stockings. They got ps5 games but don't own a ps ANYTHING so were between Moms an idiot (younger) or we're getting one in the New Year (Older). I let them settle down and come back together and told them to open their gift. Older boy kinda drags box. This is heavy,  I can't pick it up. Younger one starts ripping paper and isn't reading at all just making stuff up. Older one sees box but swears it's a hoax so I hand them the other bag with the accessories. And the ball drops, and they allow themselves to get excited as they open the controllers and charger and stand and THEN I get extra hugs before they..... have to call their friends to boast 🤣Apparently they were just discussing last night how they'd never get a PS5. At some point bff's mom calls and they tell her and so now I'm the "best godmother" so there's that too.

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  2. 15 hours ago, lucyismycat said:

    Happy December!!

    I managed to get Covid over Thanksgiving, but didn't realize I was positive until Saturday night.  It's been kicking my butt, but I think I've finally found a combination of things that might help me knock some of the symptoms down a notch.  Miraculously, none of my family members seem to have caught it from me.  This is by far the nastiest virus I have ever dealt with. 


    Most of my shopping is done, but I'm still waiting on two people to tell me what they want for Christmas. grrrrrrrrr


    Same here, hopefully your version isn't awful. Sister in Law spread it to everyone and I was the last to truly feel it, didn't really succumb till Monday night. I DID learn today that the post office started the free tests again in September I think (ordered eight ) AND they'd extended expiration dates for older tests (not sure how that works) so most of ours are still good. I guess it pays not to keep up with exp dates or we'd have trashed them all 


    It's my third go around and possibly my least favorite, I learned about Covid tongue yesterday after originally blaming the pain on stress/ auto immune issues. Fun times not being able to exist, eat or drink without feeling like portions of my tongue are on fire. Pharmacist bff said Covid attacks nerves and B Complex should help, we'll see. I feel like yesterday's may have dulled/ lessened the pain/ annoyance some but I could also just be tired of it and ignoring it. 


    Otherwise my nasal rinse bottle keep me breathing/ semi comfortable until someone dumps my pot of water and forces me to boil more and have to wait for it to cool. A friend did suggest Simply Saline as an over the counter quick solution so I've got some on order too

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  3. Good question, I half expect the answer to be stock gets dumped to warehouse and sold at regular price (if unable to return to manufacturer) since I think stores are ordering less every year. I too have cut back drastically due to a mix of don't need much but also not willing to pay higher prices for worse quality. At this rate I'll probably NEED (i.e. current 10+ yo bag will cease to function/get a hole) a new carry on suitcase before I find one I like enough to spend the cash on.


    Picked up a few pieces at Kohl's (mostly blankets for gifts) and Walmart (vinyl, sneakers and a mattress cover) and my mom will pop over to Home Depot BF while I stay home monitoring the pup. Checking out ads again today to see if I missed anything but not expecting to be ordering anything else except for Disney ornaments and even then I'm cautious, the last order I placed during a great sale was more than half cancelled due to items being out of stock about 2 weeks later.

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  4. I took the Kohls throw koolaid last year and.......they're so much bigger, softer and warmer than any of my previous ones. It's kinda a double whammy but love the Disney designs. SO this year I got some more and a few as gifts. Usually do the "free" batteries at office shop, poinsettia's at Home Depot or Lowe's and a gel mattress topper and sheets but toppers seem $$$ this year and sheet sets seem to be harder to come by for thick mattresses. 😞 Music vinyls got added to the recurring list last year but I WAY overbought


  5. I remember as far back as KBToys and scoring Batman toys for my cousins, Circuit City and the free Cd/DVDs for burning, to some other electronic shop with free/ next to free massive cd binders but my favorite was some 11+years ago preBF weekend event at Walmart where I managed to snag a 46 inch plasma for cheap the following Monday on my way to work and had to get driven back to work since we couldn't unlodge the TV from between back seats where Walmart rep shoved it 🤣 Fun times were had overnight at Best Buy too though I honestly can't remember what we were in line for.


    My TV is still going strong🎉

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