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Everything posted by gingersunshine

  1. we always celebrate it either a few days before or a few days after, i have no family that lives close so it's just me and my two girls, so it really doesn't matter what day we decide to celebrate. i always have to work on either the day before or on thanksgiving. so it just depends on when i get 2 days off in a row so i can cook. ahhh, the midnight shift at the hopsital, gotta love it!
  2. may have to take a trip before work to check out the dollar spot, last time i got some great deals!
  3. got this for $23.98. regular $99.99. Skechers Casual Altitude Suitcase - Black (30"). it seems pretty sturdy and will be good when the kids go to camp. http://img3.targetimg3.com/wcsstore/TargetSAS//img/p/13/98/13989780.jpg
  4. wow! i didn't mean for this to blow up the way that it has. i just simply mentioned the deal was over so no one would waste their time or gas to drive over there. i totally agree that BB should not have made this a PDF to prevent abuse, but hey everyone is human. yes they should have made it to where you had to enter an email address, but hey, what's done is done. good for everyone that got in on the deal, bad karma for those that abused it.
  5. as soon as i found the link, i did a little more research as my closest BB is 45 minutes away. i told the kids to pack up and we we gonna go, then i went to another site and saw the retraction that BB had made. i went to the BB website and sure enough, they said it was an error and said they were not accepting any of the q's and it was a one day thing. as i did more research later i saw that people were just racking up on gift cards. some lady bought $2600 worth of amazon and itunes cards for $1300. yes, that's correct she had spent over a thousand dollars.
  6. deal is dead. the coupon is no longer valid, darn!!
  7. just got back from kohls. they still had a lot of clearance stuff. most of 70-90% off is mixed in together so you just have to filter through the clothes to find some of the deals. my youngest DD got skinny jeans for $8.10, oldest DD shorts for $2.20 and some cute tank/halter tops for $1.20. found a multi colage (sp?) picture frame it holds about 12 pictures reg $55 marked down to $8.xx. i was able to use the 15% off on the site in addition to the clearance. got some really good deals. if i didn't have to work tonight i would have stayed and spent lots more....it's a good thing for work, lol!
  8. i may go in the morning after work depending on what time they open. have to work tonight and tomorrow night, ugh!
  9. wow! this was a great deal! i got a get $5 wys $40. but i don't think i need anything else from there. i just got the 10000 bonus this week to spend 12/26-12/29
  10. racerfan knows all about them! i would listen to her. i just purchased the samsung galaxy tab for my DD, the 7 inch one, hopefully she will enjoy it on christmas!
  11. one of my local wm had lots of BF specials, too. kind of weird.
  12. went to the store today and the employees at first said it was an extra 70% off of the clearance price, then they changed their minds to say it was just 70% off the clearance, but all the signs were down. we ended up getting some great deals for the angel tree, and we used the $10 off $50 purchase. to say the least, the employees were not too happy with me.
  13. i posted this earlier, too. i am glad it is still on here!
  14. radio shack has a gc deal to receive $10 for every $50 spent. so throw in something small to receive gc for the full $200 amt. but i believe that the radio shack gc is only for that store.
  15. gift cards lottery tickets
  16. my girls went and each got a code for $5 off a $5 purchase. they were thrilled!
  17. ugh, mine opens at 10 am. don't know if i can go:no:
  18. i will be going after i get off work in the morning. hopefully they will be opening before 9am. does anyone know if we can call to see if they open early? thanks!
  19. i work nights and my bedroom is right next to the front room. we have carpet, but you can still hear the banging/dancing. luckily i can sleep through most of it. but the pad thing has helped.
  20. i am looking into one of the dance games for them. what does everyone do for all of the bouncing/banging that the kids do? i went out and purchased a spongy thing to put on the ground to absorb some of the shock, i hope this will work to decrease some of the noise.
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