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Everything posted by Briasmom

  1. it was half price on black friday but that was the only sale that I have seen on it.
  2. I thought it was an instant in store rebate. That's what my store said at least
  3. Target also has them for 14.99 I think
  4. me too! lol
  5. Last year I got happy feet for $5. The little mermaid was $8 at circuit city in 2006. I am hoping that sleeping beauty and tinkerbell will be cheap. I actually got ratatouille around easter at target for $10
  6. I saw Norbit, Days of THunder, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, DreamGirls, Paycheck, Blades of Glory, The Fighting Temptations, The Tuxedo, and some older ones. That's pretty much what I can remember.
  7. If you're referring to the 2 day sale for the 16th and 17th. There are no Wii's on sale or high school musical dolls. I just had a baby and someone had TRU send me gifts off my registry and in the box they included the flyer for this weekends 2 day sale.Sorry no scanner:(
  8. Toys R Us inc just listed their 2007 Hot Toy list. Just Google toysrusinc, then go to newsroom (or it might say pressroom) and then a list of press release will come up. I believe it is dated Sept 27.
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