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Everything posted by o_arlene

  1. kind of silly question but is the 3 limit for each category for example 3 girls jeans, 3 women jeans or just overall 3 pair per purchase? thanks!
  2. Went to the store today and they had a lot! Got a Dora, Scobby Doo, Letterpillar and Word Factory. Thanks for the info!
  3. where in Maryland? I live in Harford County my fivebelow store is like 5 minutes from my house. I would check tomorrow.
  4. sometimes employees think they own the store or whatever. What happen to me once at another store is that I got a music cd (christian music) and it was broken so I took it back and the lady told me that I broke it!! I was like well I'm not going to come back here and lie to you. they call a manager and problem solve new cd!
  5. waoo I was there today and didn't check. My dd drinks a lot of capri sun
  6. toys are 50% in my store lots of girls clothing 75% (shorts, shirts)
  7. when you put it in your shopping cart it shows the price with the discount
  8. toys 50% 4th of july 75% baby shorts 75% patio 50% this is in maryland
  9. kids onesis, shirts and shorts I didn't check adults
  10. mine too. that was kind of weird 4th of july was still full price
  11. to me it showed like it took away the 50% but when I did the math it didn't. You are going to have to do the math in a paper or something, it took me a while to get it to work. When I order for example it says one price the difference is in the totals, now I received my order reciept with all the discounts added. Good luck! I hope it works for you. PS: you would have to delete cookies to try again
  12. Charlotte Russe is having a 4th of July Sale with 50% off many items. Shipping is Free sitewide. Use code cosmo25off (after you have added everything to your cart) for an addtional 25% off. Note: Look for the items marked "50% off" as not all items have that discount, but the 25% off code may be used on all items. 50% off is just clearance items, 25% all items. The trick is to wait until you have everything you want in your shopping cart and then use the cosmo25off code. If you put the code and then make any changes to your shopping cart the 50% off would not applied.http://www.charlotterusse.com
  13. ok so mario galaxy would be a good gift for DH 28 and Smash brothers for a 5 year old? or is too dificult for her? thanks!
  14. Mario Super Smash or Mario Galaxy which one you think is better?
  15. have anyone seen graduation 08 go 75%? I was there last week and was just 50% thanks
  16. I have to say that flower sprinkler is really cool..it starts moving like crazy my dd5 enjoy it a lot!!! and for $1.50 even better!!!
  17. cynthia rowe summer clearance 90% but not much left. Got a flower sprinkler for $1.50 (from 12.99) they had a lot of glasses, cups and forks and spoons
  18. I keep the wiialerts page open and they sound an alarm when was in stock I got it from circuitcity paid $5 dollars for 3 day shipping it got here today and I like it a lot! good luck
  19. yeah I was wishing for a wii or psp game
  20. thanks for the answer..something to keep her busy couple days during summer :)
  21. is this game good for a 5 year old?
  22. not much today a lot of PC Games 75%off got a Jumpstart 1st grade for $4.98 and bratz game $4.98 too..that's all
  23. that set is beautiful! I love Ross I think their prices are better than Marshalls. I went to the store last week to get a dress and got a lot of stuff they had skechers clogs for girls at $10 those are $30 at sears.
  24. found the tinker bell mix mp3 for 12.48 that's 75% kids books 75%
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