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Everything posted by o_arlene

  1. I received an email that my order was shipped today
  2. yes that's what I did using hawaii zip code I don't get the extra pages...using virginia zip code I did saw the extra pages...but anyway there was nothing for me ther
  3. Wii We Cheer 2 Was $39.99 Now: $19.99 Thanks tn20 my dd6 has the first we cheer and loves it! she ask santa for this one so another gift off my list! http://www.amazon.com/We-Cheer-2-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B0028A6VDU/ref=vg_bf_tik_409566_2_17_img?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=videogames&pf_rd_p=501567951&pf_rd_s=center-6&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=409566&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0M3C9DWSZH0YJRDBYW1Qhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B0028A6VDU/ref=dp_image_z_0?ie=UTF8&n=468642&s=videogames http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xIeUNqZRL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  4. the HP laptop for 197 is the same they are going to have at walmart? for 198?
  5. no extra pages on my ad in Hawaii I guess no extra sale for us
  6. thanks for the idea. I find an icarly skin on ebay.
  7. you convince me! thanks for the info.
  8. now I don't know what to do! my dd6 wants a ds but in pink! I don't know if I should get her the DS lite ($98 walmart) or this DSi suggestions?
  9. Please Note: This item will be available in stores and online at this special low price on Friday, Nov. 27. Limited quantities available. So I guess they would be available online? on friday? I hope so because I don't want to go to walmart on friday!
  10. I think it would be available next week when they officially post their ad.
  11. I have the same question how early you guys think I should go to get one of this? I am also interested in the digital frames and ipod dock. Thanks. I have never shopped walmart on black friday.
  12. I think that they are the same concept but maybe The Mickey Mouse is oriented to smaller children (hyper dash 7-12 years) (Mickey Mouse 3-10 years) I Google the mickey mouse dash game and could only find 1 review but it was a good one. Funny I had the Wild planet hyper dash on my shopping list on amazon.com and now I don't know which one should I buy! I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old. good luck sorry I couldn't be more help.
  13. I just saw the story on yahoo front page! congrats! u r doing a great job!
  14. I know when I saw the commercial I was thinking that it would cost around $40 dollars but regular price is $80 cheaper I have seen is $70 still to high for my taste!
  15. any idea on how good the zippity is? I saw mix reviews in amazon.com I have a 3 year old that wants to play the wii game but still to small for that would this be something that she enjoy? I am having a hard time thinking on what to get her. She pretty much likes to play outside or play with things that aren't toys! lol thanks
  16. OK thank God my DD 6 haven't seen this yet!! it looks cool but that price? I wouldn't spend that amount of money. My dd wants the Barbie camper is $70 dollars and I am thinking about it because she doesn't play with barbies that much. She has a barbie castle and lots of barbies but rarely plays with them. But I don't know how to tell her santa said no?
  17. me too. only 1 order in more than 4 months
  18. this is my first time doing a 24hr walmart. Well I go if there is something good. this year I am in Hawaii so don't have to worry about the cold. My only question is: regularly we have different weekly ads (stuff is higher) so do you guys think is going to be the same with black friday? diffrente prices or flyer? I don't want to get to excited and then find the correct price lol
  19. A pink DS Wii Games clothes
  20. Went to my target today backpacks 75% school supplies 50% found some Bounty Paper Towels 50% some girls clothing were 75% that's it
  21. they are 5.48 here in Hawaii ( and I tought it was a great deal) lol
  22. I bought my daughter's at visionworks. I spend like $150 for 2 pairs (I think it was more than a year ago) she broke one pair and to repair them I paid like 10 dollars they gave me new frames (the same style) so it was good. I think that walmart also has decent prices. well good luck!
  23. looks like they really want to get rid of this game! good reviews though
  24. you would lose it. I think it got claimed really quick
  25. We cheer for 19.98 much better than the last deal.
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