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Posts posted by Brad

  1. I think all the new video-type things including the Juice Box from Mattel will be popular. Also that new V-tech "educational" video game system might be hot as well.
  2. At this rate, BB's rumured stuff has nothing I want. So I might be sleeping in. Unless CompUSA or BB has videocards or computer stuff, I wont be going out

    There are bound to be a lot more BB deals. We don't even know if the listed items are the real sale items. CompUSA should also have some nice deals as they do pretty much every year on BF.

  3. It wasn't so much that the ads were posted on other sites, but pretty much none of them gave us credit for them - they acted like they originally posted them. But we're used to that around here, our deals from the main site are stolen every day by other sites. Like they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :2pimp:
  4. We thought about having prices as a separate column on the site, but a lot of deals will be things like "buy 2 get 1 free", 50% off all XYZ, etc... so not everything will have a concrete price. We'll work on the saved lists though... there is another BF site with a shopping list feature but they require a long registration process. We wanted to make things as easy as possible without anyone having to give us their personal info.
  5. I'm new to this site also and I love it! You all are doing such a wonderful job. I know it's a lot of hard work and I appreciate it. I was wondering if there's a way I can save the list somehow so I can add to it daily or whenever new ads come out. Thanks!



    We'll work on that and see what we can do. :2pimp:

  6. Yeah, if you just need it for the car OR home, it would be $110 ($60 + $50). If you want to use it at BOTH home and in the car, you'll need the other kit ($50 more) or one of the 2 boombox models instead of the home kit.


    Also, now that I have my SKYFi 2, I have my old SKYFi (same one as in this deal) available if anyone is interested. It's about 2 years old, so it's got some scratches, and the scroll wheel tends to pop off every so often, but if someone is interested in it, PM me and maybe we can work something out.

  7. There is a rumor that CircuitCity will have an HP Pentium-M laptop for $599. This is the only CC item mentioned, so I am not going to add it to the main site until it is confirmed or we get the entire ad, but I thought I'd post here as well.


    Also, if anyone is an active member of any other forums, please spread the word about this site. There are lots of other BF sites popping up, but we all know who had the first site, and we are the only one with such an active and friendly message board dedicated to BF, so let's keep it that way :) You can save time by linking to BF04.com instead of the full address. Your help is greatly appreciated.

  8. I would like to get a 42" plasma for $999 :) :wub:

    I think we're another year from seeing that, but you never know...


    The cheapest I've seen has been the SVA 42" model at Target.com for $1799 shipped.

  9. 11/17 Update: Thread stickied by popular request :)


    I just coded a new feature for the site. Just go here:




    and you will see a list of all items we have in the database. Select which ones you are interested in, hit a button and a printable list will be displayed. Obviously this won't be as useful now as it will be when all the ads are our, but it's available to play with now anyway.


    There is also a link to it on the main BF site home page. If anyone has any suggestions for any other features you'd like to see, just let us know :)

  10. Keebelf,


    Here are some surround sound options at Amazon in order of price:


    http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00009WC2J - $99 Shipped w/ DVD player

    http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002472IM - $224 Shipped

    http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00021ZVIS - $409 Shipped w/ DVD player


    Also, a good idea is to check Target.com - using that 10% coupon and the fact that many models have free shipping means you can get some nice deals like these two:






    The second one comes with DVD player. The first one doesn't and since you don't need one, is a nice deal at $179 shipped after coupon.


    Again, if you can give us a better price range, that would help a lot.

  11. Although we have a dedicated board for these kinds of requests, I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread in the BF forum for our new visitors. We have a large number of elite deal seekers on this board who are willing to help you find great deals.


    Basically, for those newcomers who may not be aware, there are a lot of similar deals that you can get right now online instead of waiting for BF to come around. Things like $30 DVD players, $99 home theater systems, $599 laptops, etc... can be ordered right now at various retailers.


    So for those who are interested, reply to this thread with what you want AND what you want to spend. If we can find any matching deals online, we'll reply to your post. Simple as that :) Hopefully we can help some of you out and get a few things checked off your lists so you'll have less stores to hit on BF itself.

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