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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Test webcast is about to start: https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal signup for a Livestream account so you can chat and get notified when we go "live"
  2. We've put together a quick survey about Black Friday that we'll use when making our predictions this year, as well as for questions we get during media interviews. If you complete the survey, you'll be entered to win one of several Black Friday t-shirts. And even if you don't want a t-shirt, please consider completing the survey anyway to help us out! Thanks Update: Survey is now closed and winners have been notified via e-mail. Thanks for your help!
  3. Article about it: http://www.joystiq.com/2012/09/14/wii-u-not-available-at-amazon/ Strange considering the other Amazon sites (UK, etc...) are all taking preorders. Maybe Amazon isn't getting the price from Nintendo they want to make enough $ on them. I preordered from BB yesterday just to have an order placed in case I decide to get one.
  4. GameStop has them up: http://www.gottadeal.com/Deal/74302 But they have tax and shipping. If anyone is worried about not getting one, you can always order from GS and then cancel if you get to order one from Amazon or somewhere else "better".
  5. I've seen them up already this morning on some of Amazon's European country sites, so Amazon.com is probably coming very soon.
  6. Preorder 2, hope you can make a little profit on the other one by selling it on eBay, use that as a "discount" on yours
  7. Nintendo Wii U launch details: http://www.bgr.com/2012/09/13/nintendo-wii-u-release-date-november-18th/
  8. Still early. Most of the "BF regulars" haven't come back yet
  9. I'm waiting to hear back from the printer about sizes above 3X. I'll let you know. Also, I know some of you won shirts at the end of last BF season. I'll contact you all in the coming months as well.
  10. Some examples of the free swag you might find in your box: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/gdprizepack.jpg http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/backpack.jpg http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/bfshirt.gif (I found a storage container of old 2010 BF t-shirts (mostly size XL I think) that weren't given away for some unknown reason) http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/shirt.gif
  11. Don't go by the picture - those are mockups only. They are the same shirts we've done the past few years, so maybe others who've worn them can chime in on fitting. They'll most likely be Hanes 6.1oz tagless t-shirts.
  12. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?267138-Pre-Order-2012-Black-Friday-T-Shirts-Now! Continue discussion there. Closing this thread.
  13. Update 10/1: We are no longer taking preorders for shirts. But don't worry as we'll be giving many more shirts away during the next 2 months here on the site. Shirts will be shipped in early November in plenty of time for Black Friday.
  14. I posted this yesterday: "I'll post details on how you can order in the next day or two, so check back soon."
  15. I have to confirm with the printer what sizes they have. I'll offer all possible sizes for people who pre-order, but sizes larger than XL will likely cost $1-3 more depending on what I am charged. For the free shirts that I giveaway, most will be in the M/L/XL range, so if you need different sizes than that, this will be your chance to guarantee one. Also, for the pre-ordering, you can order as many as you need. No limit. They'll all ship together.
  16. So barring a flood of votes for one of the other choices, design #8 will likely be the one we go with, possibly with a minor tweak or two. Here is what I am going to do with the ordering: I have a lot of old GD merchandise that I want to get rid of (including some older t-shirts). If you pre-order a BF t-shirt, it's going to come to you in a box that is also full of other GD swag that you will get for free. I'll ship these in flat rate boxes, so I'll load as much as I can into the box. Consider it a bonus for being here early. The extra stuff could be anything, and no two boxes will be the same. I'm not taking requests for these items - what you get is what you get. There will be t-shirts (regular GD and BF from past years) pens, notepads, mouse pads, keychains, magnetic clips, calculators, coin pouches, magnets and more. If you don't want to buy a shirt, don't worry as we will give away a bunch of the new shirts like we always do. And those shirts will come also with some free GD items that I've recently ordered (details soon...) I'll post details on how you can order in the next day or two, so check back soon.
  17. Also, a minor detail, but remember that the size of the caution sign (and any other design) will appear to be larger or smaller depending on what size shirt you get. On a small shirt for example, the caution shirt will take up a pretty big part of the back, where on a 2X or 3X shirt, it will appear smaller compared to the overall size of the shirt. Once we have a design finalized, I'll start taking orders for anyone who wants to buy one or more shirts and guarantee their needed size(s). I'll try to wait as long as possible before placing the order with the printer so as many people as possible can get their orders in. I'll then order a bunch more to give away like we always do, but most of those will be in the more common (and cheaper) sizes.
  18. Yeah if either of those designs was the overwhelming favorite, I'd probably alter the design a little to mention GD somewhere. I still might play around with the final design. I might add white ink accents, especially if I decide to throw a QR code on the sleeve or somewhere else.
  19. OK, here are 8 possible options based on your responses from the last thread. The first 4 are orange shirts/blue ink, the second 4 are the same designs but with a blue shirt/orange ink. The poll will let you vote for more than one design, so if you'd be happy with more than one, vote for more than one. Feel free to continue using this thread for comments as I'll close the old thread now. Here are the options: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/1.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/2.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/3.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/4.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/5.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/6.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/7.gif http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/8.gif
  20. OK, so it sounds like a lot of people either: like #2 as it is or with the colors reversed or would like the front to be in the style of #2 and have the caution sign on the back (possibly as a diamond shape) #3 doesn't seem to be as popular so I'm going to eliminate that one for now. The "word cloud" on the back of #2 was something I thought could be clever, but a lot of you disagree. The words were automatically generated by looking at the site/forum and getting the most often used non-common words. I'm thinking I might save that idea for a non-BF "GottaDeal 10th Anniversary" shirt that we could do next year - have a bunch of words/phrases related to the site that those who've been around for a long time will "get". I'm going to post a poll thread with some choices...
  21. Here are 3 quick ideas I put together. Each has a front & back design, but that doesn't mean we can't combine a front from one idea with the back of another. Or we can not use any of these. I just wanted to get the process going. When commenting, refer to the ideas as #1, #2 and #3 to keep things clear. You can click on each shirt to get a closer look at the design. Idea #1 "Caution Sign" (could be done with a blue or orange shirt) Front: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt2.gifhttp://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt1.gif Back: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt2b.gif Idea #2 "Simple & Distressed" Front: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt3.gif Back: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt3b.gif Idea #3 "Athletic Style" Front: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt4.gif Back: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/merch/ideas/shirt4b.gif So please post your suggestions, ideas for changing these or any new ideas you come up with. I've closed the old thread so we don't have 2 going at the same time. Like I said, I did these pretty quickly, so they can be changed in many ways (fonts, etc...).
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