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Price of Wii dropping to $199 at the beginning of Oct.


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A leaked Toys R Us ad obtained by Kotaku shows Nintendo is taking $50 off the current Wii console price point, bringing the system down to $199.


The ad is expected to hit at the end of September.


Nintendo wouldn't confirm the validity of this ad to IGN, saying the company doesn't comment on rumor or speculation. Calls made to Toys R Us have yet to be returned. If this ad is legit, this would go against Nintendo's recent comments from president Satoru Iwata made last month, saying "at present we're not thinking of doing anything with the price."


Of course, Iwata's comments were made before Microsoft and Sony made price cuts to their own respective consoles.

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That would be awesome, we want to purchase as our family gift this Christmas. Does that mean that Walmart and Target would price match it?




A leaked Toys R Us ad obtained by Kotaku shows Nintendo is taking $50 off the current Wii console price point, bringing the system down to $199.


The ad is expected to hit at the end of September.


Nintendo wouldn't confirm the validity of this ad to IGN, saying the company doesn't comment on rumor or speculation. Calls made to Toys R Us have yet to be returned. If this ad is legit, this would go against Nintendo's recent comments from president Satoru Iwata made last month, saying "at present we're not thinking of doing anything with the price."


Of course, Iwata's comments were made before Microsoft and Sony made price cuts to their own respective consoles.

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We got ours the first day it came out a few years ago; we love it. This would be a great deal if it comes to pass. Don't be surprised if they do the same trick that they have done in the past and only include one controller:eyepoppin. Look at Nintendo's track record and you will see that that is how they operate:yup:. By the time you buy the second controller, the price really only drops about $20 to $30 dollars:shock:.
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We got ours the first day it came out a few years ago; we love it. This would be a great deal if it comes to pass. Don't be surprised if they do the same trick that they have done in the past and only include one controller:eyepoppin. Look at Nintendo's track record and you will see that that is how they operate:yup:. By the time you buy the second controller, the price really only drops about $20 to $30 dollars:shock:.

Ummmmm.....it does only come with one wii-mote & one nunchuck.....since the very first day it came out.

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Ummmmm.....it does only come with one wii-mote & one nunchuck.....since the very first day it came out.

Sorry about that. I don't get to play it much with my family since I'm deployed a lot. But we do have four controllers, so I couldn't remember exactly what came with it. Well if the price reduction is true, then it will be a great deal;).


'Don't be surprised if they do the same trick that they have done in the past and only include one controller.' See they got us when they first released it, lol.

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Don't all the video game consoles come with only one controller?


Yes. that is not a nintendo thing; they all do that. At least Nintendo bundles wiimotes with certain games; we got the Wii Play the same time we purchased our Wii. And we recently got Wii Sports Resort and that came with one of the motion sensors.

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