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My son wrote home from camp that his glasses broke : ( Of COURSE I just paid $150 for new lenses a month ago...and paid a lot for his frame last year...I'm wondering how to save on new frames if they can't be fixed (had just decided that was an awful lot for lenses, would go somewhere else next time he needed something). He wrote that the side/ear piece fell off and he didn't notice it until later, so can't find the piece....?? not sure how you wouldn't notice that...but he IS 13...lol.
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A few months or so ago, we had a similar thread discussing cheaper glasses. At that time, someone shared some great websites.


Here is a great blog that has reviews of ONLINE glasses from various online retailers. There are also discount codes listed and, in many instances, others that will go to bat for you to help you out.




I have ordered from zenni optical and was happy with the prescriptions on both occasions. I did go a bit wild in my ordering tho and am not as happy with the frames in one instance and the tinting in another. Both instances are my fault. I also ordered a pair of glasses for my son. The prescription is good and we have no complaints about that pair at all.


Just this week I ordered from 39dollars and used the link at glassyeyes to get a $20 discount. Am currently waiting on those glasses.


The blog listed above gives a lot of tips and tricks to understanding your own prescription. I have worn glasses for many years and this is the first time I have truly understood what is up with my eyes.


Otherwise, from what I understand, Walmart often does have the cheapest and best deals for B&M stores.

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Thank you for the feedback. I will look for the walmart sale. I called the place we got the glasses; his frame is discontinued (of course, right?); can't find it online, they couldn't possibly give me a spare earpiece and screw to take to the camp (?) just said to bring them in and they'll sell me a different frame that will fit the lenses I bought one month ago.


I say bring back the thick plastic frames of the 70s that I had to suffer with as a child! You really had to try to break those things.

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costco is a little pricier than some other discounters, but they are really good about repairing and/or replacing frames. you might also want to consider just going into the store to see if they can give you a temporary fix on the broken frames.
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