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Target has 50th Anniversary Barbi $3.00


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I am on a mission to try to find these today. I seen them in the ad, but didn;t think much of it since my daughter isn't really into Barbies. After reading some fo your posts here it gave me an idea.

My mom is turning 50 this year. My brother and I are planning a big surprise party for her. There will be kids at the party as well and I have been looking for little favors for the kids. I think this barbie would be wonderful for all of the little girls at the party since it is a 50th birthday.

Hopefully I can find about 20 of them. Luckily there is a Walmart, Target, and Toys R us close to me.


If not 20 maybe one for your mom to go with the theme of fifty.

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my target didn't have any left. i did see the spot for them though. i went to walmart and asked someone working in the toy isle if she had any. she went to the barbie isle, scanned the spot for them since it was empty and said i'll go get them, give me minute. she came back with a whole box full. said it was the last one and i'd better get all i wanted because they would be gone quick. i grabbed two!@!
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